
god bless you, Newcastle


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
today is july 4th, and that's supposed to be a big party day. well you know what i did with my day? it's 10 now, and i've spent just about every waking moment doing homework. i'm taking summer classes, and i had to read about 200 pages and write a big paper for a class. and they're really boring pages. and it's a really convoluted paper.
so needless to say, as i hear the fireworks from my window, it's been a fairly miserable day. thank god i have a few Newcastles in the fridge. i just finished my first and it was, hands down, the tastiest Newcastle I've ever drank. i'm gonna go get another. so Newcastle, thank you. you just made my day.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
hey, that sucks, if it makes you feel better, no 4tho' july celebrations for me. too crowded and no ride. ill guess ill do some summer reading....