
goin to b-ham

my friend(s) and i are going to b-ham to check out WWU on monday. we're going to bring bikes, should we hit up galby (never ridden there) or go up to the shore (ridden it lots). I'm very familliar with vancouver, and the shore, but i havent been to b-ham except for the mall. anybody interested in riding monday afternoon?



Jul 18, 2004
North American For Life
You should see if you can get someone to take you up chuckanut.You can shuttle it few time..I can't really discribe it. But it is an fun ride.You can do a couple of shuttle runs if you can find a local to be a guide. Galby is worth the trip alone.Start up at the towers and work your way down....You should have a good day of riding at either place....


BS is not a bitch.
Feb 14, 2003
finally transplanted
I'd be up for a quick shuttle at chuckanut after work.. but unfortunately I don't get off untill 6:30... but we can at least do one run out there. Or if you ride galbi, then I'd say come by Kulshan Cycles around 6:30 or so after you get done and I'll do a quick shuttle of chuckanut with you guys...

If you don't get ahold of me before you get here... then just ask for Arcus at the shop.. I'll bring my bike with to work just incase.


BS is not a bitch.
Feb 14, 2003
finally transplanted
Skookum said:
so what's chuckanut like? sounds like it could be painful.

So Punk how ya likin the PNW?
It's about as painful as umm........ breaking a leg? HAHA.. sorry to hear about your being down for a bit.

Chuckanut is a fun trail to ride, not to steep, not flat.. just a good descend down the hill, and one or two steeper sections. That's just the first part. It's rootier towards the top, then you have to head up a little fireroad to the next section, which brings you to the next section and it's just long smoother single track that you can just fly down! I have scared myself a few times in sections, to fast and not knowing it. There's a little hiking in sections if you have a big DH rig... but it's well worth it.

The drive up the gravel road is about 10 minutes, and it's an awsome view out on the bay with a little island in it.

But make sure if you shuttle with only two vehicles you don't leave the keys for the one at the bottom in the vehicle at the top! :thumb: (learned that from experience ;) )


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
Galbraith is only worth the trip if you're an XC/Aggro-XC biker. Not worth it at all for freeriding or DH. If you're into the latter, then you would probably prefer the Snake or the North Fork. As far as I know, that's about it around here for FR/DH unless you go to Canada.
I know this is a little late for your benefit, but it may help others, or you on your next visit :)


Feb 10, 2004
Logging sort of toasted the upper part of North Fork, so Snake is your best bet. There's a new section built with some doubles and stuff on there - I'd recommend you check out the WWU Team board and hook up with some dudes to ride with. Those boners (Dave, Drew) never ride anything BUT snake, so I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find a guide.
