
Going to Europe...Bike bringing question

May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
I've had a fortunute turn of events that will put me in Europe for most of the month of May. I'll be spending most of my time in Italy with some time in France. I am going to bring my road bike as a lot of the point is to re-hab my ankle/fitness while enjoying europe. My question is this.

I fly into MILAN and I fly out of ROME. I am NOT going to be able to lug around a bike carrier the whole time SO do you think throwing it in a cardboard box is a bad idea? Think I'll have problems finding a cardboard box when I get to Rome? Any tips to doing this? Do they allow bikes on the trains? I'm a little worried about theft too...

Any help is appreciated, and rides/places to go etc. I've been to Northern Italy/Tuscany once before and loved it, but I didn't ride everyday like I plan on here...
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
I thought the drivers were sooo cool. They'd do stuff that is unheard of in the states...they love their road riders! Maybe catch a stage of the Giro...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
neversummersnow said:
I thought the drivers were sooo cool. They'd do stuff that is unheard of in the states...they love their road riders! Maybe catch a stage of the Giro...
Dude - the Italians drive like friggin' crazy people. I rented a car on our honeymoon - on the Autostrada everyone drove according to plan. Once off the AS, they drove like people gone mad.



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I know they *LIKE* roadies. But have you every seen how fast they drive around blind curves in a curve-ridden land like Tuscany?

Oh, and there are no shoulders in the countryside that I ever saw.

It'd be great to ride Tuscany, but I think I'd stick to dirt. :p

May 24, 2002
Boulder CO

I already rode in Tuscany, never once was I even concerned. I rode from Florence to Vinci to San Gigminano, to some little city i forget to Lucca to pisa and back...never got scared, its a far better place to ride than here.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
neversummersnow said:

I already rode in Tuscany, never once was I even concerned. I rode from Florence to Vinci to San Gigminano, to some little city i forget to Lucca to pisa and back...never got scared, its a far better place to ride than here.
Yeah - you're right about better than riding here..... I'd still feel safer riding the dirt. Take your mt bike :monkey: :p
