
Good Cause Spam: Ironic, sad, uplifting, bike related


May 18, 2003
Portland, OR
This is kind of spammy, but for a really good cause. Help out a broken rider. Please, if you are a member of other boards, consider reposting this information, or at least a link to this thread. It would be HUGELY appreciated!

Dan Morgan, an Oregon rider that also makes custom cruiser bicycles, was recently hurt quite badly. He broke his neck, fractured his skull, and is having some titanium put in his vertebrae. He is in bad shape, but still has a sweet haircut:

Here is the story: Dan makes amazing cruisers with his business partner, Richard Greenup. Dan and Richard donated one of their cruisers, which sell for over $2000 and are hand done from tip to tail, including the pinstriping, etc., to our local downhill/freeride association for a fundraiser we had in February. Well, shortly thereafter Dan broke himself, and being self employed he is low on insurance. He is basically breaking the bank to try to get fixed.

Here is the bike:

Here is where you come in. The bike Dan and Richard originally donated for the fundraiser is being auctioned off instead. And, instead of the money going to the trails like originally intended, the money is going right back to Dan for surgery, etc. Our local trail orgainization is auctioning off the bike on EBay.

So, I know this is spam, but help a brother out...



May 18, 2003
Portland, OR
Heidi said:
I heard about his injuries. I'm in.
Thanks, Heidi. I saw in the PNW forum that your headed to Ashland. I'm sure many of the Oregonians are. Some friends and I are headed down tomorrow to do a few days of riding around the area. Mostly downhill, but anything 36-tooth-friendly is fair game. Any ideas on must-see trails in the area?