
Good, current e-newsletters regarding the computer industry?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I used to subscribe to ZDNet's newsletter, which has, in the past couple months, become a useless pile of steaming dog doo. I get repetitive news announcements (each week's newsletter contains half of the previous week's), links to blogs, and long commentary articles about the "state of linux as it relates to the healthcare industry" or what-have-you.

I'm not interested. I can form my own opinions, or look up editorials if I want to read about it.

I just want good, reported facts. Intel announces plans for new dual core server chip. nVidia launches new line of video cards. New software, new industry news. Some editorials are fine, but I don't want rambling blogs about whatever thought wanders through the writer's head at any given time.

Any suggestions?