
Good Desert Tyre

Back Woods

May 15, 2002
England... For now!
Ok i just moved to Tucson, AZ and need new Tyres, i ride XC and i was just curious what is a good tire for the rocky desert type trails that hold up pretty good, thanks for any info


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
When I lived in 29 Palms, CA, I shredded nearly every tire I tried...ended up using Kujo DHs for about everything, and they worked well in the sand and on the hard rocks. That and street riding were the only good uses I found for them; they suck everywhere else, and you have to be ready to deal with the weight. They had a lot of float and volume in the 2.35 size, though.

I've heard of people in dry areas having success with 2.4 Mutanoraptors, too...big volume, light tires. Might be worth a look.

Whatever you do, don't try michelin XC tires with their paper-thin sidewalls.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
How could I have forgotten...Conti Survival Pros!!!! Awesome desert tire without the Kujo weight. The protection sidewalls are nice against the scary rocks and prickly things, but you'll need a tire no-flat insert to protect against punctures thru the tread.

Vert pro isn't bad, either, and is more versatile. Some people use it in a combo with the Survival.