
~~~Good Friday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Finally got all my Christmas decorations put away last night. WHat a pain that can be.

What's everybody got on tap for the weekend? I may be working framing a house tomorrow but nothing is set in stone. Other than that probably just playing video games in this crappy weather.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Mornin'! Did nothing last night...again. All the rain we've been having is supposed to clear up this weekend and it's gonna get cold again, so hopefully I'll be able to get a ride in on Monday. Oh, and I'll be working all weekend.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
McGRP01 said:
Mornin'! Did nothing last night...again. All the rain we've been having is supposed to clear up this weekend and it's gonna get cold again, so hopefully I'll be able to get a ride in on Monday. Oh, and I'll be working all weekend.
Working on what?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - skated with my son Liam and his team last night, slept over at Laura's, got up early walked the dogs in the rain, then got on the trainer for a half hour, showered, shaved and here I am at work again.

Oh yeah and my boxxer from Sprungshoulders arrived yesterday - it's older, but it looks great! Gonna put it on the Cheeta.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Mornin Stosh. Same old, same old routine here last night. Play with dog, eat, wash dishes, pay bills, ride trainer, shower, go to sleep. Must go outside this weekend to keep sane.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MMcG said:
Morning - skated with my son Liam and his team last night, slept over at Laura's, got up early walked the dogs in the rain, then got on the trainer for a half hour, showered, shaved and here I am at work again.

Oh yeah and my boxxer from Sprungshoulders arrived yesterday - it's older, but it looks great! Gonna put it on the Cheeta.
How man bikes do you have?


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
my friend * I went to our 1st OC ski club meeting, it happened to be council night, they had a bunch of goofy games to win raffle tics (including darts, I got 4 ballons with 3 darts!!)

I won a lift tic to Jay peak, and my friend won a lift tic to Mount Snow


but crap, Jay peak, is a 4 hour drive :(


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Mornin Stosh. Same old, same old routine here last night. Play with dog, eat, wash dishes, pay bills, ride trainer, shower, go to sleep. Must go outside this weekend to keep sane.
FYI we may be heading to Peaks Island this summer.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
douglas said:
my friend * I went to our 1st OC ski club meeting, it happened to be council night, they had a bunch of goofy games to win raffle tics (including darts, I got 4 ballons with 3 darts!!)

I won a lift tic to Jay peak, and my friend won a lift tic to Mount Snow


but crap, Jay peak, is a 4 hour drive :(
thats cool though! Free tix are good!!!!!!!!!!!

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
The trails got a good soaking over the last 16 hours or so around here. Hoping to get in a good long ride by the end of the weekend. Visiting some friends in B-More to celebrate my recent engagement.

Mostly I'll be working in SolidWorks designing a hydraulic multiplier for HS-33 brakes as well as a beefy seat stay yolk with integrated hydro rim brakes to be built into a prototype trials bike I'm working on.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Buck Fever said:
The trails got a good soaking over the last 16 hours or so around here. Hoping to get in a good long ride by the end of the weekend. Visiting some friends in B-More to celebrate my recent engagement.

Mostly I'll be working in SolidWorks designing a hydraulic multiplier for HS-33 brakes as well as a beefy seat stay yolk with integrated hydro rim brakes to be built into a prototype trials bike I'm working on.
so are you some type of a drafter/designer/engineer?

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I am busy as a hell at work. I'll be working late tonight and working this weekend. YAY ME! Monday is a company holiday (MLK Day) and with any luck I'll actually get to take the day off. I have to blow off Splat's ride tonight. :(


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Sweet. If you have a bike we could take you on a ride just outside of Portland, then hit the Old Port for beerssss.
Yummie @ Gritties beers!!!!

I will have my bike!!! I tried to find someone to ride with in Portland when I was up a couple years ago but I couldn't.

You wouldn't happen to know anybody renting a house on Peaks would ya? We've been looking online but haven't found anything perfect.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Morning all. :dancing:

This weekend will involve something in the snow. I'm thinking it will be xc skiing or maybe, just maybe boarding! :thumb:

I think I'll probaby do a more extensive knee test and ride for an hour each day as well.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Sorry, don't know anyone who lives on the island. I'll watch the newspaper listings.

I did a little riding on the island but nothing much. Any place good around Portland?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
McGRP01 said:
Portland is a haul from Rockland! ;)
It is. 1.5 hr, unless it's rt1 on a friday afternoon. I come down durring the summer like once a week, for beerss and hit the river trail (sometimes stuff out by Pride's corner).

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
stosh said:
so are you some type of a drafter/designer/engineer?
Not professionally. I have an mech eng class somewhere way in the background of my life. Mostly I'm just an obsessed minimalist trials rider who is dissatisfied with a lot of the offerings in the marketplace. In my eyes, there are much more efficient ways of accomplishing some very mundane but important tasks (relative to trials).

Wherever I can, I try to make some of the details on the bike more efficient. But only when it also serves an advantage, like to make the bike a little lighter, remove a possible point of failure, make more powerful braking or a stiffer structure. Sometimes I just kluge things together, but whenever possible, I'll have something fabricated to do the job as simply and cleanly as possible.

I'd love to make a living at it, but trials, my main biking interest, is too small a market to draw a reasonable income. So I'll stick with my current day job (Network Engineer/Financial Analyst) until I move to Portland later this year.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Buck Fever said:
Not professionally. I have an mech eng class somewhere way in the background of my life. Mostly I'm just an obsessed minimalist trials rider who is dissatisfied with a lot of the offerings in the marketplace. In my eyes, there are much more efficient ways of accomplishing some very mundane but important tasks (relative to trials).

Wherever I can, I try to make some of the details on the bike more efficient. But only when it also serves an advantage, like to make the bike a little lighter, remove a possible point of failure, make more powerful braking or a stiffer structure. Sometimes I just kluge things together, but whenever possible, I'll have something fabricated to do the job as simply and cleanly as possible.

I'd love to make a living at it, but trials, my main biking interest, is too small a market to draw a reasonable income. So I'll stick with my current day job (Network Engineer/Financial Analyst) until I move to Portland later this year.
Portland what ME or OR?

I have a degree in Mech Drafting/Design.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MudGrrl said:
My dog gave me a fat lip last night, so today I kinda look like I stole Angelina Jolie's upper lip...............and it's purple.

*dreaming about Anjolina's lips*


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
It is. 1.5 hr, unless it's rt1 on a friday afternoon. I come down durring the summer like once a week, for beerss and hit the river trail (sometimes stuff out by Pride's corner).
Nice. I grew up in Brunswick and used to go into Portland to skateboard all the time. One City Center and the Old Port were my homes away from home!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
McGRP01 said:
Nice. I grew up in Brunswick and used to go into Portland to skateboard all the time. One City Center and the Old Port were my homes away from home!
Brunswick, eh? Interesting. I know people from there. I grew up in Lyman (it's a little town wedged inbetween Kennebunk and Biddeford).

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
stosh said:
Portland what ME or OR?

I have a degree in Mech Drafting/Design.
Portland, OR. My fiancee and I have been researching places to live and visiting them for about a year. Portland came up as #1 on our favorites for everything but the job market (which is in rough shape compared to the DC/VA market we'll be leaving). We spent ten days out there this past September and absolutely loved it so we're moving.

Our main purpose is to improve our quality of life, which as of late, has been lacking a bit. I spend over 3 hours a day commuting to/from work and we can't afford to move anywhere closer to work that still offers some nearby fun.

I gather you're in the PNW. Do you have any recommendations as far as rapid learning insitutions out there? I've taken some AutoCad classes for personal enjoyment, but found that for the most part, they were a waste of time. I completed the entire semester course in two weeks, turned in my drawings and then was left to tinker with SolidWorks for the rest of the semester.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
f'n yo everyone. Well uhhhhhh played poker last night as usual. i dont think i will be playing the thursday night game anymore with those guys. we do texas hold-em tourney style, unfortunately we had 14 people show up we were running 2 tables doubling the blind every 30 minutes.

the worst thing though were the 8 or 9 people that were there and not even playing they were just distracting players and making the game slow. kinda sucked.

tonight-get apartment ready for new roomate
tomorrow-ride, adjust to having a person in my personal space
sunday-fishing?riding?digging some new jumps?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
McGRP01 said:
Nice. I grew up in Brunswick and used to go into Portland to skateboard all the time. One City Center and the Old Port were my homes away from home!
did they have the out door skate park up by the highway when you lived there?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Buck Fever said:
Portland, OR. My fiancee and I have been researching places to live and visiting them for about a year. Portland came up as #1 on our favorites for everything but the job market (which is in rough shape compared to the DC/VA market we'll be leaving). We spent ten days out there this past September and absolutely loved it so we're moving.

Our main purpose is to improve our quality of life, which as of late, has been lacking a bit. I spend over 3 hours a day commuting to/from work and we can't afford to move anywhere closer to work that still offers some nearby fun.

I gather you're in the PNW. Do you have any recommendations as far as rapid learning insitutions out there? I've taken some AutoCad classes for personal enjoyment, but found that for the most part, they were a waste of time. I completed the entire semester course in two weeks, turned in my drawings and then was left to tinker with SolidWorks for the rest of the semester.
Check out my location just under my picture.

My GF and I are looking for somewhere to move as well.