
@@@Good Friday Morning!!!@@@

dh girlie

stosh said:
I was thinking she would probably get along well with the velociraptors from Jurassic Park.
Oh I can do that sound and that of a pteradactyle too...but thats a different sound...the sound I was making last night would more suitably be compared to that of Jim Carrey in the all time classic Dumb and Dumber when he asks that guy if he wants to hear the most annoying sound in the world! :D :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
Oh I can do that sound and that of a pteradactyle too...but thats a different sound...the sound I was making last night would more suitably be compared to that of Jim Carrey in the all time classic Dumb and Dumber when he asks that guy if he wants to hear the most annoying sound in the world! :D :thumb:
man thats so hot! Good thing I wasn't there or your fellow employees would have seen some indescent behavior!


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I Are Baboon said:
colon thumb colon

Still, 50 miles for an unseasoned rider will be tough. I'm not saying she can not do it, but you need to get her keester to log some miles early this season to build the stamina.
yep. true dat - not sure what do to about the mileage thing. I do know that she keeps up with me if not exceeds my pace as spin class so I think she can do it.

dh girlie

stosh said:
man thats so hot! Good thing I wasn't there or your fellow employees would have seen some indescent behavior!
Oh there was PPPLLLLENNNTYYY of inappropriate behavior going on...she has the hickey to prove it...good thing it's rainy and cold today so she could wear a turtle neck. And the guy is NOT hot at all...total homeboy lookin dude...he's like 22 and has like 3 kids...gross!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Mornin all. I CAN SEE!!!!!!!! Woke up this morning, looked over at the alarm clock and I could SEE it! Its so damn cool.

The lasik operation was the weirdest experience I've ever had. Having someone manually f with vision is bizarre. My vision isn't perfect yet. There's a very faint haze over everything which is strongest when looking at lights (or a computer), but when I look out the window the mountains are just as clear as if I was wearing my glasses. The haze is normal and will fade in a day or two. It is much less noticable than yesterday. Hopefully by tomorrow or Sunday it should be gone all together. The worst part is I have to wear these ugly-azz protective eye shields at night to protect my eyes from being rubbed or bumped. I have to wear them for a whole week.

dh girlie

pixelninja said:
Mornin all. I CAN SEE!!!!!!!! Woke up this morning, looked over at the alarm clock and I could SEE it! Its so damn cool.

The lasik operation was the weirdest experience I've ever had. Having someone manually f with vision is bizarre. My vision isn't perfect yet. There's a very faint haze over everything which is strongest when looking at lights (or a computer), but when I look out the window the mountains are just as clear as if I was wearing my glasses. The haze is normal and will fade in a day or two. It is much less noticable than yesterday. Hopefully by tomorrow or Sunday it should be gone all together. The worst part is I have to wear these ugly-azz protective eye shields at night to protect my eyes from being rubbed or bumped. I have to wear them for a whole week.
When did you have the procedure...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
dh girlie said:
wow...and you're awake during the procedure, right? What was that like? did you feel anything? Did they do both eyes at once? I'm thinking of having it done too...
Yes I was awake and it was the most bizarre experience.

First you sit in this chair that lays back a little past horizontal. Then they patch one eye and put numbing drops in the other. Then they pry open your eyelid, just like in Clockwork Orange, so you don't blink. More numbing drops. They they take this instrument that suction cups to your eye and it makes a circular incision of your cornia. I felt quite a bit of pressure on my eye, but it wasn't really painful. They remove the instrument and fold back the flap. More numbing drops. Then a cold lazer vaporizes a minute amount of the cornia, based on information that was gathered at a previous visit (last tuesday). The lazer treatment only lasted 29 seconds per eye. They then fold back the flap and smooth it out with a sponge-like brush. Then they do the same thing to the other eye. The most uncomfortable part of the procedure was the pressure I felt from the cutting instrument and the fact that I couldn't blink with these intense bright lights shining in my eye.

The weirdest part was that my vision would change based on what they were doing and all the while bright lights were shining in my eye. When they did the cutting, at first my eyesight completely went away! After they cut the cornia and removed the instrument, everything was fuzzy. Then, when they folded back the flap, it appeared as if I was under water and everything was really swimmy looking.

After they were done with both eyes, I could tell right away that everything was clearer, but was covered with a white haze. They made me put on those ugly eye shields and sent me on my way with a bunch of antibiotic drops. After I was home for a short while, the numbing drops wore off and my eyes became pretty uncomfortable. It felt like there was grit in my eyes, but you can't rub them or you might f-up the flap (very very bad). I took a dose of Percoset and I felt better, but not completely. When I woke up this morning, the haze was almost gone (but not totally) and the pain was much much less. I didn't take any pain meds. My eyes still feel like there is something in them, but its just a mild discomfort.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Wow...I could never do it. The thought of even putting contacts in my eyes make me uncomfortable. Guess I'm glass-laden for the rest of my days.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
McGRP01 said:
Wow...I could never do it. The thought of even putting contacts in my eyes make me uncomfortable. Guess I'm glass-laden for the rest of my days.
Dude, even if this "haze" were to never clear up (which it will) it was SO worth it. Just the fact that I could roll over in bed and see the alarm clock was amazing. I haven't been able to do that ever. And I can't wait for this summer. Swimming without the fear of losing glasses or contacts...woo-hoo! Blasting through a rock garden without the fear of my glasses bouncing off my head...woo-hoo! Being able to wear any type of sunglasses...woo-hoo! Not having my daughter grab for my glasses every time I hold her...woo-hoo! Being able to see out of the corner of my eye without turning my head...woo-hoo!

I haven't been able to wear contacts for years, so I was regulated to glasses and I gotta tell you...its a whole new world now. Manimal with tell you. He had it done recently.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
The reason you lose sight momentarily when they are cutting the flap is because of the suction thing, you can cause your eye to black out by changing the pressure of the fluid inside your eyeball.

The trippy thing I remember was, there was this red spot of light and the doc told me to keep looking at it. Whenever the laser was on, it got all freaky distorted like something you would see in the windows media player visualizations. And I could smell the burning from the laser, it smelled like burning hair.

Best 900 bucks I ever spent though, no doubt :thumb:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
pixelninja, will your eyes crust up a la homer simpson if you don't take eye drops? :D

as for myself i hit up Tiger with Snacks, evilbob, Vno, and a classmate (who was on a department store bike yet lived and enjoyed the ride :eek: ), then had a not-so-good homemade Appletini and an Irish Car Bomb while on the town. the car bomb was ok. didn't blow my mind.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Echo said:
The trippy thing I remember was, there was this red spot of light and the doc told me to keep looking at it. Whenever the laser was on, it got all freaky distorted like something you would see in the windows media player visualizations. And I could smell the burning from the laser, it smelled like burning hair.
That was trippy, wasn't it! It was also weird having my vision change without me doing anything. I don't remember smelling anything, but I was so focused on trying to see the light. It seemed to fade in and out when the lazer was on and I was afraid I'd lose it, so all I could think about was "look at the light. Look at the light. Look at the light..."

Whoops. Needs some drops now...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Rip said:
I'm so glad I don't need glasses.
Yeah, they suck. My younger brother used to be such a bookworm that he'd read by flashlight under his covers after he went to bed. My parents always told him that he'd need glasses. He's 30 now and his eyesight is still perfect. Jerk.

dh girlie

pixelninja said:
Yeah, they suck. My younger brother used to be such a bookworm that he'd read by flashlight under his covers after he went to bed. My parents always told him that he'd need glasses. He's 30 now and his eyesight is still perfect. Jerk.

My brother used to tell me that my eyesight was bad because I read in poor lighting conditions...he's such a tool.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Echo said:
The reason you lose sight momentarily when they are cutting the flap is because of the suction thing, you can cause your eye to black out by changing the pressure of the fluid inside your eyeball.

The trippy thing I remember was, there was this red spot of light and the doc told me to keep looking at it. Whenever the laser was on, it got all freaky distorted like something you would see in the windows media player visualizations. And I could smell the burning from the laser, it smelled like burning hair.

Best 900 bucks I ever spent though, no doubt :thumb:
wow thats cheap!


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
pixelninja said:
Does that say "Dike" on your fork in the background?
It kind of looks that way....that fork has changed names so many times I have trouble keeping up with it. (Lesson: don't let bored people with stickers near you fork) :p


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Westy said:
I almost would want to pay more for someone to cut and shoot lasers into my eyball.
Nice thing about living an hour or so away from Niagara Falls Canada - the doctor who did my surgery was one of the first people ever to do it, has written multiple books on the subject, has done the surgery more times than all the doctors in the northeast COMBINED, and has never had a problem.

dh girlie

Echo said:
Nice thing about living an hour or so away from Niagara Falls Canada - the doctor who did my surgery was one of the first people ever to do it, has written multiple books on the subject, has done the surgery more times than all the doctors in the northeast COMBINED, and has never had a problem.
Did he do it in an alley or in the back of a car? :D

Oh...and was it US or Canadian dollars? hahaha!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
N8 said:
I like them all... but Parmesan is especially :drool:
here i am, bumping an old thread in the middle of the night (after a symphony concert, playing pool + a beer) since i have been inducted into the parmesan goldfish cult myself. yum :blah: