
~~Good Friday Morning!!~~


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
G'morning everyone! I 2nd Stosh's TGIF motion. I can't wait to sleep in and nurse my coffee tomorrow mornin.

RM is my 2nd thing to check, then I usually disappear till lunchtime. I have classes to start teaching at 6:30am, so by 6:20 I'm prepping for that...

And MMcG - when I was still in the "dating" mode, before I met my bf, I never gave hugs or kisses the first night...but then I was always the nervous type and definitely reticent to move too quickly. I dunno how my sweetie managed to put up with me the first few dates ...but the awkwardness faded quickly after we figured each other out. :thumb:

I'm sure she's probably just takin things slow if you got the impression she had fun!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Jr_Bullit said:
G'morning everyone! I 2nd Stosh's TGIF motion. I can't wait to sleep in and nurse my coffee tomorrow mornin.

RM is my 2nd thing to check, then I usually disappear till lunchtime. I have classes to start teaching at 6:30am, so by 6:20 I'm prepping for that...

And MMcG - when I was still in the "dating" mode, before I met my bf, I never gave hugs or kisses the first night...but then I was always the nervous type and definitely reticent to move too quickly. I dunno how my sweetie managed to put up with me the first few dates ...but the awkwardness faded quickly after we figured each other out. :thumb:

I'm sure she's probably just takin things slow if you got the impression she had fun!
Oy. :rolleyes:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Andyman_1970 said:
Good morning everyone.

RM is the second thing I check after my work email, and it's a close second. It used to be about 4th or 5th on my list of sites I hit first thing in the morning, but now RM is the first site I check.

Ditto here as well....


stosh said:
How is everybody today?

TGIF, to bad my weekend will be wasted driving up to NH though... oh well I guess you have to take one for the team sometimes.
What's everybody up to this weekend?

Hey is it just me or is RM the first thing you check when you get into work?

Good morning yo. I have to work most of the day, and I feel like Cooter because of it. I am missing my monkey time.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Mornin Stosh

Friday! FINALLY! I have the next 4 days off and I have tons of riding planned. And we're having a birthday party tomorrow night. (Yeah, it's mine). Should be a blast.

I check RM 2nd... I have to check my problem tickets first. Then I can blow em off and surf all day.