
^%$^&Good Humpday Morning.^%$^&


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
I went out with some of MY co-workers last night. I am not feeling so good today. Somehow I drank a number of beers but neglected to eat anything. Ishould have taken a sick day but I have a video conference at 10am. MY co-workers have not shown up but THEY don't have anything to do except the video conference. I think I may skidaddle after MY video conference. Eat, take a nap and then go for a ride.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
it WAS so freaking nice in the woods yesterday!

I lead a group of 6 on a damn fun ride...well except for ripping my RM jersey, oh and experiencing my most painful fall in years.
One of mudhunnies is a beginner/kinda slow so kept a pretty easy pace and even had a dude from out of town join us for the entire ride.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
yep it is nice here now... but who knows about how nice it will be tonight come riding time!!!

worked at the LBS for a bit last night... and tried to get some info on picking up Yeti as another line... we just picked up Ventana about a month ago... Manhattanprjkt and I are trying to help influence the owners of the shop to pick up a few more lines. I contacted Turner earlier in the week, but we will have to see what the minimum orders are on Yeti's and Turners... If they are lenient I may be riding one of them soon...

long day of punching in grades for the kiddies today, the grading period is over this week...:dead:

have a good Humpin day... you all!


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning. Quiet night last night. Tonight I'm helping my neighbor tape and mud his basement. Loosely translated that means drink beer and drink beer. Getting a group ride together for Friday. Supposed to be near 70...can't wait!!! :)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
tired again...the ray davies show was good, but the bastard was ~80 minutes late getting on stage, so i could have done both the spin class and gotten something to eat before the show actually started.

it was a good show, though, but he's still got way too many 70s arena rock memories for my liking, in terms of cheezy gimmicks to get crowd involvement.

grabbed a sandwich @ the Parish Cafe afterwards, which was great. but it's hard to find a non-fast food place serving in boston after 11PM.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Good morning,

Went to the doc and got the knee checked out, apparently just the joys of arthritis. Sure sucks getting old.

On a positive note, nothing has blown up yet at work this morning.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
OK, I'll finally join in! Good morning all. Planned out all my races/2nd job days the LBS last night (yeah, it's kinda wacky but I have to plan it out to make it fit/work for the season), moved my crap back into our garage now that the new slab is poured (we'll eventually put a bar in our lovely old 2 car garage in smAlbany, NY with the liquor shelved right next to the Tri Flow and Phil Wood grease) and went to band practice...home in time to drink my last chocolate stout and fall asleep.

Toady I get out early to hit the trails in Pittstown, NY...leafy but nice and dry! Been marking a new route...The week's weather here in the northeast looks killer!


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Hmmm......not really sure what happened yesterday. I mean, I got home from work, and really the next thing I know, I've eaten dinner and all of a sudden it was time for bed. Strange and uneventful. That can't be good.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Jim Mac said:
OK, I'll finally join in! Good morning all. Planned out all my races/2nd job days the LBS last night (yeah, it's kinda wacky but I have to plan it out to make it fit/work for the season), moved my crap back into our garage now that the new slab is poured (we'll eventually put a bar in our lovely old 2 car garage in smAlbany, NY with the liquor shelved right next to the Tri Flow and Phil Wood grease) and went to band practice...home in time to drink my last chocolate stout and fall asleep.

Toady I get out early to hit the trails in Pittstown, NY...leafy but nice and dry! Been marking a new route...The week's weather here in the northeast looks killer!
What's up stranger! :wave:

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Nada mucho Tigg! Hey I plan to join SMBA and get my ass up the Northway to ride with you all this year! I get so stuck in Renss co and W. Mass for my riding!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I went to the gym last night then did a bunch of crap around the house. It was a productive evening. "Stir Crazy" was on digital cable. Damn that's a great flick. :D

I'm thinking of bugging out of work at 3:00 to get a road ride in. Sundown at 6:15.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Jim Mac said:
Nada mucho Tigg! Hey I plan to join SMBA and get my ass up the Northway to ride with you all this year! I get so stuck in Renss co and W. Mass for my riding!
Sweet! Looking forward to riding with you again! :thumb:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Trainwreck said:
Like the Lola sing-a-long?
if he limited it to just that one song, i'd have been fine...but his near-constant exhortations of call and response got pretty tiring...i guess those showbiz/arena show mannerisms die slowly.

that said, he was in pretty good form, vocals-wise, and really only played one stinker ("low budget"). some highlights:

i'm not like everybody else (opener!)
the acoustic village green songs (VGPS, animal farm, picture book, johnny thunders)
set me free
where have all the good times gone
things are gonna change (from the new one)
20th century man (but he didn't play the bridge (the part w 'civil servants, dressed in grey...got no privacy, got no liberty'...best part of the song for me!)

i would have LOVED to hear 'waterloo sunset', but alas...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Morning ladies and gents. So I've been at the Phoenix Film Festival (the AZ version of Sundance) all weekend and saw some pretty good films, also saw some pretty bad ones. I'm not a big film/movie guy, I just got the passes for free. Two movies I wanted to mention:

Lucky Number Sleven
This, I suppose, is a big time hollywood production that's going to be released sometime soon. GO SEE IT. One of the best movies I've seen in a long while! Not only does it have a stellar cast (Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, etc. etc.) but the storyline is AMAZING. I rank it up there with The Usual Suspects.

Go Further
This documentary was actually released a couple of years ago. It features Woody Harrelson and some other really groovy, funny people who ride bikes all the way from Seattle to San Diego. They're supported by a bus that fueled on biodiesel and they're purpose was to promote environmental thinking. If you're into that sort of thing (like I am) I would definitely check it out.

Okay, that my Ebert moment for the month.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Jim Mac said:
OK, I'll finally join in! Good morning all. Planned out all my races/2nd job days the LBS last night (yeah, it's kinda wacky but I have to plan it out to make it fit/work for the season), moved my crap back into our garage now that the new slab is poured (we'll eventually put a bar in our lovely old 2 car garage in smAlbany, NY with the liquor shelved right next to the Tri Flow and Phil Wood grease) and went to band practice...home in time to drink my last chocolate stout and fall asleep.

Toady I get out early to hit the trails in Pittstown, NY...leafy but nice and dry! Been marking a new route...The week's weather here in the northeast looks killer!

I work 15 min's from Pittstown, but my bike is 30 minutes in the other direction!! :wonky2:

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Doug, I can wait until 5 if that helps! Gotta fix my bike and change once I get there. The standard loop is about 1:15, enough time to do it before the coyotes come out!

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
it is so nice out and i have to go to work today. :( well at least friday is supposed to be even nicer and i dont have to work, so i can ride then.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Morning...er afternoon all. I rode monday and yesterday but too much stuff to do today. I already hit a new jump I never tried last season and didn't clear it but I was exhausted when I tried it so that didn't help much. Perhaps after a couple days of hitting it I'll be able to clear it and maybe throw some style over it.