
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Ughhh I had a long weekend that felt like I got nothing done. Saturday I was framing a house all day in 30 degree weather then met some of my college teachers out for drinks.
Sunday went to a computer show and took care of my sick GF.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
my best friend is in town. we shuttle a couple of trails yesterday, it then snow/iced and i wrecked my car and im off work today. well at least the ride was f'n perfect yo.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
biggins said:
my best friend is in town. we shuttle a couple of trails yesterday, it then snow/iced and i wrecked my car and im off work today. well at least the ride was f'n perfect yo.
How did you wreck your car?


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Friday I cut out of school a little early and went for a nice ride.

Saturday, Squirrel & I walked around downtown Saratoga for a little while and had a few beers.

Sunday, I went for a nice long ride in the freezing cold and came home to finish my christmas cards up.

Today it's REALLY cold here (I think it's -1) so I will be hitting the trainer instead of braving the elements.

It's my first week back to teaching without a student teacher, so that should make the week go by fast and then it's holiday break :dancing:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
biggins said:
my best friend is in town. we shuttle a couple of trails yesterday, it then snow/iced and i wrecked my car and im off work today. well at least the ride was f'n perfect yo.

How bad dju wreck your car?

I bought myself a Gemini this weekend, I have no need for this bike but it was an offer I couldn't refuse.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
My weekend started Friday afternoon with a holiday party at a German restaurant. Holy cow, Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest beer is soooo good. :drool: I was drinking it, thinking "god damn this is good beer." Then I chased it down with some brautwurst, knockwurst, sauerkraut, and spatzel (I am sure I killed the spelling there).

This weekend was pretty much holiday preparation. Not a lot of exciting stuff, but it was fun. I made meatballs yesterday.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Westy said:
How bad dju wreck your car?

I bought myself a Gemini this weekend, I have no need for this bike but it was an offer I couldn't refuse.
You should keep that Gemini and
give me your Yeti the Gemini will serve you much better Westy and I know you are in the giving spirit right!? ;) :D

Oh yeah - had a nice weekend - spent lots of time with Laura on Friday and SAturday nights and I had a blast with my sons yesterday.

REally cold and snowy here in CT this a.m. but I hear rain is in the forecast for Thursday. Crazy!


good morning - not much happening here. About to post a thread about seatposts.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
went to my mom's for xmas yesterday. the kids got to see my stepdad's model train set. they were excited. fun afternoon all around. my fantasy team moved into the superbowl. i spent more time ripping music, and encoded some vinyl too.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
It was f'ing (yes, I know it's only Monday) COLD this morning. The wind was nasty - every brush stroke full of snow that I took off my car got blown right back in my face.

Weekend was nice.. Went to my girlfriend's family Christmas party, where they had a Yankee swap and my girlfriend scored a basket with a bottle of Jose Cuervo, margarita mix, blue corn chips and salsa. Great bunch of people - very loose, happy, good sense of humor...

I have a little bit of shopping left to do and I'm dreading it - it's madness the week before Christmas :dead:

Was reading Kyle's (aka ssaddict's) thread again this morning and was reminded that his family won't have him for Christmas this year... Enjoy your family time, folks, no matter how much of a pain they might be.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
hit the dirt jumps until i was starving and dizzy on saturday, a miserable hour of shopping on sunday, then braved the icy roads to hit the late session at vans skatepark. trying to be there every sunday and tuesday until they close. then i begin sulking :mad:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
splat said:
O and I forgot to Mention , on Saturday Morning , I crewed for a Hot Ballon. crew 2 or 3 time then you can go up!
I've always wanted to ride in one of them.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
narlus said:
what's wrong w/ yr current one? usually they are set and forget, although i did break a cheapie once.
I need a longer seatpost for my Rocky Mountain Spice. I'll be using that bike for racing in '05, and with the current setup I can not get full leg extension on the downstroke. That bike is a tad too small for me, but I was a newbie, uninformed shopper when I bought it in 2001.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
TreeSaw said:
Excellent...I will be baking breads (zucchini, banana and cranberry), tons of cookies (5-6 different kinds) and cheesecakes!!!! :sneaky:
Nice! I love zucchini bread with peanut butter. It's usually a summer food for me though.


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Morning :stosh:

Feel like I've been kicked several times over in the nuts and the stomach right now. Had a ride on Saturday where I was supposed to meet up with a another person, got there late because some dumb ass decided to park their car right behind mine, got there and managed to catch up with the person. Went out for Indian that nite, had Potato Tikas and Chicken Vindaloo.

Sunday tried to ride just felt like nothing was left in the tank for that and have been feeling sick since then.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
oh man slid across the road jumped it up over a curb landed and slammed into a big bush that was strong enough to stop my car dead. Broke the whole front wraparound bumper skin/ground effects and the fog lights. didnt call the cops just backed out and continued down the road. I have full coverage but it would have been 6 or 8 hours of standing in below zero windchill and snow to get a police report. Oh well guess i'll be driving around in a banged up car for a while.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Opeth said:
Morning :stosh:

Feel like I've been kicked several times over in the nuts and the stomach right now. Had a ride on Saturday where I was supposed to meet up with a another person, got there late because some dumb ass decided to park their car right behind mine, got there and managed to catch up with the person. Went out for Indian that nite, had Potato Tikas and Chicken Vindaloo.

Sunday tried to ride just felt like nothing was left in the tank for that and have been feeling sick since then.
Aubrey ate something and she was sick all day yesterday and today. Glad I only had a little taste of her shrimp bisque.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
biggins said:
oh man slid across the road jumped it up over a curb landed and slammed into a big bush that was strong enough to stop my car dead. Broke the whole front wraparound bumper skin/ground effects and the fog lights. didnt call the cops just backed out and continued down the road. I have full coverage but it would have been 6 or 8 hours of standing in below zero windchill and snow to get a police report. Oh well guess i'll be driving around in a banged up car for a while.
What kind of car ya got?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
stosh said:
Aubrey ate something and she was sick all day yesterday and today. Glad I only had a little taste of her shrimp bisque.
wow im to annoyed to even touch this one today.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
biggins said:
i dont think im the one you wanna be messin with today stosh
That's the beauty of the intarweb, biggins. The ability to ignore people because they're not physically near you.


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
friday was cool for me, except i found out that i have d's in two classes. it's fixable, but still, not a good thing. well, being that i'm still in high school, i had three parties, ate way too much sugar, rode home, and fell asleep. this weekend, we couldn't have created better weather ourselves. sunny, 65*, no clouds, slight breeze. i rode both days, got super psyched for 2day, and it's f***in windy out. so windy that trucks are getting turned over on the highway. well, i'm pissed, but maybe it'll calm down this afternoon. we'll see, eh. :)


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i know, and it was a funny comment. I'm just bummed really about the whole situation. i was gonna post some pics but i left my camera at my buddies house last night. Oh one good thing was winning poker last night so that is an extra 40 bucks in my pocket.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
good morning.

Party Friday night, out until 3:00. Saw a fresh, single car, roll-over accident on the way home and stopped to ask "is everyone alright?" to which a man replied "hey, no, we're ok, no need to call the cops right?" Right. :rolleyes: (how do you flip an SUV by yourself anyway?)

Rode Saturday am at 9, hit the trails/jumps/stunts for a couple of hours, I had SO much fun I can't even tell you. Tried some bigger stuff that i've been really scared of (14' gap x 6' set-down stunt) and nailed it. Then home to host another party. Ate about 40 pounds of ham, pasta, bakery ... all washed down with about 2 glasses of wine too many.

Sunday am: brunch party (ugh) followed immediately by a St. Nicholas party an hour away from 3 till 8 ... lots of food (yeaaa!) and wine (hic'yeaaa!!!)

That is 4 parties in 48 hours. I'm broken.

Now I'm fixin' to go finish my xmas shopping (hard this year being out of work) and go to the gym later to begin undoing the damage.

Have a great day everybody!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Nick said:
good morning.

Party Friday night, out until 3:00. Saw a fresh, single car, roll-over accident on the way home and stopped to ask "is everyone alright?" to which a man replied "hey, no, we're ok, no need to call the cops right?" Right. :rolleyes: (how do you flip an SUV by yourself anyway?)

Rode Saturday am at 9, hit the trails/jumps/stunts for a couple of hours, I had SO much fun I can't even tell you. Tried some bigger stuff that i've been really scared of (14' gap x 6' set-down stunt) and nailed it. Then home to host another party. Ate about 40 pounds of ham, pasta, bakery ... all washed down with about 2 glasses of wine too many.

Sunday am: brunch party (ugh) followed immediately by a St. Nicholas party an hour away from 3 till 8 ... lots of food (yeaaa!) and wine (hic'yeaaa!!!)

That is 4 parties in 48 hours. I'm broken.

Now I'm fixin' to go finish my xmas shopping (hard this year being out of work) and go to the gym later to begin undoing the damage.

Have a great day everybody!
Where do ya live?


xblue attacked piggy won
May 15, 2004
went to breckenridge brewery fri and sat nites, got sloshed drank way too much blacked out and had an amazing time, rode keystone vail and copper this weekend. laughed at coppers "freeride team" and then had to work on sunday.

Today its windy as F* and hopefully my wife will be driving around a wrx later


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
stosh said:
Where do ya live?
I live in a western 'burb of Chicago.
weather : :stosh: :mad:
job scene : :dead: :help:
trails: secret! :sneaky: ;)
high-calorie holiday parties : constant :oink:

wow, this post has more smilies than I've ever used in my life.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Nick said:
I live in a western 'burb of Chicago.
weather : :stosh: :mad:
job scene : :dead: :help:
trails: secret! :sneaky: ;)
high-calorie holiday parties : constant :oink:

wow, this post has more smilies than I've ever used in my life.
WOw, sounds like upstate NY minus the secret trails.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
stosh said:
WOw, sounds like upstate NY minus the secret trails.
Where upstate? My Mom used to live in Ogdensburg, right on the St. Lawrence river. It doesn't get much more 'upstate' then that! Such a beautiful place. Now she is in the White Mtns. in NH ... goes from cold to colder each time she has moved, but always somewhere with good trails!