
~~~Good Monday Morning!!~~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Spent all day Saturday putting up roof rafters and sheathing a roof... in 20degree weather. It wasn't to bad.....

Sunday I just took it easy.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
YO! A very uneventful weekend for me. I worked a full day yesterday (BLAH). I have today off thanks to MLK, and I am heading out in a minute to get my flat tire (on my car) repaired. Stupid flats.

MMcG and I had a dek-hockey game last night. We POUNDED the other team, although the score was close. We won 4-3. I had a pair of goals.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
It amazes me that the national government can get you a rebate in 10 days yet it takes Staples easy rebate center over 2 months to get me $20.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
YO! A very uneventful weekend for me. I worked a full day yesterday (BLAH). I have today off thanks to MLK, and I am heading out in a minute to get my flat tire (on my car) repaired. Stupid flats.

MMcG and I had a dek-hockey game last night. We POUNDED the other team, although the score was close. We won 4-3. I had a pair of goals.
Congrats on the goals!!
Must be nice being able to play with MMCG.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
'morning all.

Went to a hockey game Sat. night that my girlfriend's brother played in. They absolutely trashed the other team - 11 to 4 I believe was the final score - and I got some decent action pictures of her brother. Plus got treated to beer and chili afterwards :D

Beer & football last night...

Good weekend :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
binary visions said:
'morning all.

Went to a hockey game Sat. night that my girlfriend's brother played in. They absolutely trashed the other team - 11 to 4 I believe was the final score - and I got some decent action pictures of her brother. Plus got treated to beer and chili afterwards :D

Beer & football last night...

Good weekend :thumb:
Excuse my stupidity but what's going on with NHL?


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
ACK! work lost power from 11:45a to 4:20p friday, somehow this cuased (even thou they were on UPS's and were properly shut down) screwed up 2 of 5 drives on one clustered Raid 5 machine, and our website....so my Saturday was spent fixing that crap, you'd think one of my 2 bosses would have threw me a thanks or good job....but I got nada (and ofcourse I'm salary so no OT/extra pay)


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
binary visions said:
'morning all.

Went to a hockey game Sat. night that my girlfriend's brother played in. They absolutely trashed the other team - 11 to 4 I believe was the final score - and I got some decent action pictures of her brother. Plus got treated to beer and chili afterwards :D

Beer & football last night...

Good weekend :thumb:
Binary - I'd love to see your hockey photos sometime.

And Good Morning Monkeys - had a good weekend. Went to watch Laura's daughter play basketball Friday night and then came back and had dinner at Laura's -watched Stepford Wives - lame movie IMO.

Saturday drove down to Northford, CT where Liam's team kicked major butt over the Greater New Haven Mite Bs! Then up to Bolton to help Connor out on the ice for his instructional hockey session. Dinner with Laura on Saturday night.

Sunday - more hockey - this time a home game for Liam - they tied 2-2 but it felt more like a loss for some reason - they just didn't play up to their capabilities on Sunday. Then Dek Hockey with IAB - he kicked ass again out on the floor with a couple of goals. Then IAB and MBC invited me over for dinner - good eatins too!

waiting for my ex to call so I can go pick up my sons from her office. Me and the boys are off work today.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
stosh said:
Excuse my stupidity but what's going on with NHL?
I don't watch the NHL :blah:

Hockey is one of those sports that totally eludes me. I watch some of these guys, and it's like they may as well be wearing street shoes considering how balanced and easy it is for them to skate, and then, while on these precarious skates, they reach out and slap a three inch puck out of midair with their equally skinny stick.


I have an immense appreciation for the skill involved but I can't really relate to it, so I only watch games that I know someone personally in. I'm sure I'd watch it more if I knew the rules and such.

Mark, I'll post some downsized pictures tomorrow if you want. The lighting is particularly bad in the arena but they came out fairly well all things considered!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY

Just got into work - I had the option of taking today off due to MLK day. Was going to, but saw on the weater that the windchill was -20 for today, so I figured any riding was out of the question. If I can't ride, what's the point in taking a day off? So, here I am.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Good Morning.

Friday night watched Kill Bill vol. 2
Saturday I just did things around the house. Went to Best Buy to try and spend my Gift Certificate I got for Xmas. I couldn't find anything I really wanted so I bought my son a movie.
Sunday my son and I went to the fish store, and picked up 3 Mexican Turbo Snails, and two Clown fish. Looked at PC lighting, and honestly wondered if they sell any, because internet prices are tremendously better. Oh and watched most of the Colts game. What a sad way to go out.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
jacksonpt said:

Just got into work - I had the option of taking today off due to MLK day. Was going to, but saw on the weater that the windchill was -20 for today, so I figured any riding was out of the question. If I can't ride, what's the point in taking a day off? So, here I am.

GOOD GOD!!! That sounds cold!
I was complaining this morning because it was 25.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jacksonpt said:

Just got into work - I had the option of taking today off due to MLK day. Was going to, but saw on the weater that the windchill was -20 for today, so I figured any riding was out of the question. If I can't ride, what's the point in taking a day off? So, here I am.
you sell the frame yet?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
good weekend. didn't do all that much saturday day, aside from my spin class in the morning, but went out to see The Soundtrack of our Lives that night. excellent show, really tight band, good tunes, fun times. had a tasty steak frites for dinner beforehand, and also walked over to check out my brother's new house in cambridge, before the gig.

yesterday had some friends and their daughter over, and then watched the pats shackle the colts. also caught the premiere of iron chef usa, which was better than i'd expected.

work today. cold, too.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
stosh said:
yeah it's only supposed to be -15 here.
BRRR!! I get the shivers just thinking about that.

I literally was sitting in the car, waiting for it to warm up going thinking it way too dang cold to be out here. I'd freak out if it was -anything.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Something else that was kind of funny this morning was my laptop would not boot up when I got to work. It sat out in the cold with my car all weekend. I guess the hard drive for frozen or something.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
JSB said:
Something else that was kind of funny this morning was my laptop would not boot up when I got to work. It sat out in the cold with my car all weekend. I guess the hard drive for frozen or something.
thats always good for laptops.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
JSB said:
:D I know, I just got in the habit of leaving it in there. Maybe I should bring it in...You think?
Booting up computer hardware when it's cold is bad for it... Wait until it warms up completely before trying to turn it up.

Oh, and Manning blew chunks yesterday. Even if I was rooting for the Pats, it's a shame to see a really great quarterback suck so hard in such a critical game.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO

my weekend...well, it wasnt much of one because I had to work. 20 degrees you say? F that. it was 16 here last night. I thought i was going to die. :dead:

I will have weekends off soon, or at least one weekend day off, hopefully I will get to race a lot more this season too.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jacksonpt said:
nope. had a few scammers contact me, and a couple of people interested in trading it for free-ride/dh type frames.
so why didn't ya trade?


Aug 10, 2001
C-Me Valley, CA
douglas said:
...work... salary so no OT/extra pay)
I hear that... Same thing happens to me once-in-a-while.
We have a Jr. hocky league in our valley & their games are free to watch, even tho I'm not a hocky fan, when those guys hit those boards... :eek: Man ...
Finished my chores early Sunday & went for a short ride! :D


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
stosh said:
Have you ever ridden DH?
nope. But I also know there's no local DHing to be had. That means, any DHing I might do would require a day trip. Day trips are going to be verrrry limited for the next 5 years or so. Plus, I have no parts for an DH frame, so it would be a while before I'd have it built to ride.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
binary visions said:
Why are you on the computer, then? Go ride!
i have stuff stuff to do in preparation for being unemployed. i also got my new roomate but she moved out the next day so now i will be paying everything.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Good morning, I'm at work too beehotches!!!

The NHL is screwed as I see it. Let's see, it's the least popular of the big 4 sports here in the US, but the players are treating it like it's the biggest. Of the big 4, hockey is the last sport that can afford a lockout, fan loyalty might never return to levels it's been at for the past several years. It took something as big as the homerun race between McGwuire(sp?) and Sosa to bring the popularity of baseball back to its peak after its lockout, I doubt the average American will get as excited about a hockey record. I say, replacement players and start over.

It's very windy today, maybe in the 60's. Sorry bout the snow guys.