
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?
I'm running late today because apparently there was a huge pot hole that eat a couple cars this morning causing a 10mile back up. Nice!!!

How was everybody's easter? Mine was... um....ok... spent the weekend making sure my controling grandma was happy. There was about a million other things I would have rather done.

However I did get to tour the Yuengling Brewery and I'll be posting pics soon.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 19, 2005
North Carolina
well, my weekend was pretty good. I got to ride on both days, all day. And I stuffed my face with candy in between. Found out how fast my sister's Trans AM is, and how much I hate rain. Good Morning!!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England

Easter? Well I'm glad that's behind us. I'm still nursing a damn sore throat and stuffy head four days later. :mad:

Lots of rain out there today and it's supposed to keep raining through tomorrow, which is a GOOD thing. There won't be any snow left by this weekend. :) Road ride, here I come.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
hey stosh, how's it goin?
My Easter was nice, I went snowboarding at Beaver Creek, absolutely NO lift lines what so ever, not sure if it's due to Easter of if its because of it being so damn expensive. :p The snow was pretty good, weather was almost 50*, the morning snow was nice and FAST! Not sure why, but it was. Then at lunch they had some local rock band playing Greatful Dead songs, so that was cool. Rode bumps for the majority of the day and was exhausted at the end. :)
Since I went snowboarding with my dad I ended up missing most of the Easter festivities with the family. :( Oh well...

Off to school.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh.

Weekend was pretty uneventful for the most part. Friday I officially launched a website for cycling in central NY (www.cycle-cny.com). That seems to be going well so far, which I'm very happy about. Saturday I got to wash my truck in the driveway for the first time every. Not really a huge deal, but a good sign of spring. Spent most of sunday trying to keep various family members happy. Everyone feels the need to see us every holiday... if they don't they feel cheated or something, and they are sure to let us know it.

On the bright side... it's supposed to rain all day today, and hit near 60 towards the end of the week. There ain't going to be NO snow left come the weekend, and Chenango Valley State Park might be dry enough to ride. WOOHOO!!!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
'morning stosh.

Had a great weekend. My girlfriend ended up with a very large tax return due to some stocks that she cashed out earlier in the year, so she bought me a new propane grill :D :heart: :love:

See attached pictures! 40,000 BTU, 400sq. in. nonstick ceramic cooking surface, 10,000 BTU side burner... Build quality is suprisingly nice for the relatively budget price of it. Most cheap-y made in Taiwan come as six hundred small pieces with a hundred and fifty thousand small bolts. This came in some nice big solid pieces, and bolted together in a half hour or so.

Very nice! I had just eaten a big Easter dinner so we made good use of the grill and toasted marshmallows :D - excuse the blurriness of the marshmallow shot, it was off-the-hip and rushed before the marshmallow was made inedible.



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
oh and I slept crappy last night, I kept having these dumb ass dreams about all sorts of past girlfriends/chicks I dated/etc......pretty weird


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Oh I sold my Hollowpoint on Thursday and had a very nice dinner with Mark AKA MMcG


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Mornin'! I worked. All weekend. :mumble: My wife did make a killer ham yesterday day though so that was cool. It's raining cat & dogs here today as well, so hopefully the snow will GO! On a bike related note, I ordered grips for my HT. They are the last piece of the puzzle, so I should be able to get it out for a ride on Thurs.. Can't wait!! :)


Good morning. Cool on the new bike, stosh. It should look nice hanging around. :thumb:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
friday night watched _the incredibles_ w/ the kids, then _school of rock_ after they were in bed. SoR wasn't as funny as i was hoping, but not bad. 3 of 5 stars.

saturday didn't do all that much. hung up some prints we got framed (last Guided By Voices show poster, a pretty cool Six Organs of Admittance show poster, and a neat print i picked up in berlin), picked up around the house, ran some errands and bumped into a guy i went to high school w/ , and then had my friend over for dinner. watched the NCAAs too - sick games.

yesterday played w/ the kids outside and cleared the rest of the snow from my driveway and deck. drove to NH and picked up my mom for easter dinner. the roast lamb came out great and she made an awesome apple pie. should have gone for a run but let the wife sleep in so i didn't get out.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
loco said:
Good morning. Cool on the new bike, stosh. It should look nice hanging around. :thumb:

Easter was fun on this end, i went to a freinds and played easter bunny for his kids. Took the little ones nearly 45 minutes to find all of the eggs i hid. What fun to torture them so.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Good morning...

I spent the weekend doing manual labor and remembering why the doc said I'm not supposed to do high impact anything on my knee...really sucks that the girls (Mom & Me) in my family & my 56 year old dad were the ones doing the moving of my parents home.

I really wish I took today off work and went home and slept off all the aches and pains...


Skookum said:
Easter was fun on this end, i went to a freinds and played easter bunny for his kids. Took the little ones nearly 45 minutes to find all of the eggs i hid. What fun to torture them so.
I saw some kids in their front yard hunting eggs. It was 40, so they were bundled up. Poor little girl tried to bend over to pick up an egg and went down like the michelin man. Poor kid just didn't bend in the middle. :o:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning. Had a good weekend. Friday got a bunch of work done around the house, Saturday I wrapped my sister's birthday gifts and went to church. Sunday, we celebrated my sister's 21st birthday (not too crazy) with the family. Raining hard today which means no more snow :D and I plan on riding outside this week on road and trails! :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Here is a pic of the underground cave where they would store the beer.

The brick wall was erected during prohabition by the government so they couldn't store beer.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
narlus said:

that is no way to treat beer.
hey it was a free taste test.

Hey who cares if it's plastic or not she's double fisting!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Mornin all. I had a good weekend. Wife and daughter have been in St. Louis since Thurs, so I've been home alone. Friday night I went out for drinks with some friends up in Boulder. Didn't rip it up too bad since Sat was spent moving a bunch of stuff into storage (we're getting ready to sell the house). Afterwards I had enough daylight left to then finally get the gate hung on the fence I've been working on since last fall. Its finally done. Sunday I tried hanging a ceiling fan but quickly found that the way the old wiring is done in our house made hanging this particular fan impossible (mounting bracket too small). Gave up on that and went up to Loveland and visited my Grandma for the afternoon. That was about it. Tonight I need to clean the house since Steph's coming home tomorrow afternoon.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - had a really nice weekend with Laura - but I did miss my kids quite a bit.

On Saturday night we went to dinner at Max a Mia's - and we used the Christmas Gift Certificate that IAB and MBC gave to me this year. Thanks MBC and IAB - dinner was delicious!!

Did about a 4.5 mile brisk walk with Laura yesterday after Easter dinner - my knee is sore and it probably wasn't a wise thing to do yesterday. My left knee hurts and now my right hip feels sore because I'm still limping a bit and compensating with my right leg for the pain in my left knee. Not good. :(

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MMcG said:
Did about a 4.5 mile brisk walk with Laura yesterday after Easter dinner - my knee is sore and it probably wasn't a wise thing to do yesterday. My left knee hurts and now my right hip feels sore because I'm still limping a bit and compensating with my right leg for the pain in my left knee. Not good. :(
Damn dude, I hope that knee heals quickly. Sounds like you might be a no-go for our game Wednesday??


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Stosh! :D

My Friday trip up to Santa Monica got canceled due to rain, so I did a solo XC ride locally instead. Saturday was spent relaxing, enoying the flower fields and driving along the coast.

Yesterday a group of us spent the whole day riding.....

I was having a rough riding day...so I switched over to taking pictures instead :D

Have a good day! :)


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I Are Baboon said:
Damn dude, I hope that knee heals quickly. Sounds like you might be a no-go for our game Wednesday??
I might have to sit out Wednesday's contest Babs. :(

Heidi - what did you knee feel like when you injured it?


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
MMcG said:
I might have to sit out Wednesday's contest Babs. :(

Heidi - what did you knee feel like when you injured it?
Like it would break if I stood on it. Then when I rode...like the kneecap was going to pop off and godzilla was going to come out of it. Then like some voodoo witchcraft bully was rubbing the edge of a saw along the sides of my knee cap. Then it hot flashes and felt like it had the flu.