
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Seems like I got nothing done this weekend... I spent the whole weekend running around and I have nothing to show for it....
Had a nice mothers day with my mom yesterday so that was good.
Gotta run out of the office for a few minutes so I'll catch up with you all shortly.

Have a great day!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
This weekend went by too fast and there was no riding involved. This week is looking to be awesome though.

Saturday was pretty much running around doing errands. MBC got new tires for her Explorer. MMcG and his chickie came over Saturday night for martinis and a movie.

Sunday was all mom's day stuff.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Hey! I went to the largest non-sanctioned, illegal downhill race and jump jam ever on Saturday! Thrown down by Road34 (www.road34.com) a bike shop in Fort Collins.
Here's my long write up. Enjoy.

Left about 8:30 yesterday morning with my dad. We got some McDonalds on the way up and I was pretty stoked for the whole day. We got up to the store around 10:30ish and being that my dad went to CSU we drove around and he showed me just about everything he could remember there... then we picked up a CSU jacket for my mom for Mother's Day, lol. Anyways, hooked up with Todd and Shawn for some gnarcore Sonics for lunch. Went back to the shop to find probably 30-40 people there by now and kinda scrambling to figure out what was going on. Then we kinda trickled out of the parking lot a bit after 12.

Arrived at the parking lot at Horsetooth Park at probably 12:30ish. Then we had to deal with the ranger lady there. At this point there was a TON of us and so she had to talk to Will and there seemed to be some elevated conversation about it being a group ride and how much the shop helps out the park. Spencer and I decided to just kinda start going up and a lot of other people did too, not sure how the thing resolved but we ended up being able to head off. WOW, there was almost an hour long hike to get to the starting point. Some beautiful scenery of the lake and forest area but man the trail getting there was STEEP!!! I probably should have taken my AC so that I could have ridden up instead of walked.

Once we got there it was sort of a ridge area that had some trees and what not. A million people were there with bikes ranging from high end downhill bikes to 15 year old singlespeed hardtails. They timed it by giving everybody a number as they went off and released somebody once a minute then recorded name/number and the time at the bottom. The course was a lot of fun but also tedious at the same time. For the most part it was really flowy singletrack with loose gravel. Some really fast sections and then a 75ft climb that was too steep to climb on a dh bike, lol, so most people go off and walked it. After that was a fast swooping section that was as wide as a fireroad with a few lines available in it. This is where my rear end slid out and I got the small battlescar on my arm. After that it had a few tight switchbacks and small sprinting sections and it was finished.

THEN there was the hike BACK to the parking lot! I didnt' really wanna do it at this point, being that I just sprinted my way through the course and my arm was covered in blood. It was probably a mile or two of some up and down stuff, mostly singletrack with large granite rocks on it and then some fun wooden railroad-tye steps that were a blast to do. After we finally made it back to the parking lot I learned that there was a total of almost 70 riders there! That has to be one of the biggest non-sanctioned non-permitted-illegal races ever!

After being able to cool down a bit at the car we drove over to Road34 house. That place is fricken insane!!! A million jumps everywhere, some awesome people throwin' it down. Anything from pimp gold bmx bikes to the new SC Jackal. It was all there. I caught sight of Lee McCormick on an EnduroSX I think as well as some other awesome riders. There was of course free redbull for those that wanted and a lot of kegs for those that wanted. Then 12 Cents for Marvin started playing and I have to say I was thoroughly impressed by them. Awesome band. Sadly I did have to leave at about 6, but I heard it was quite some night afterwards.

And me getting owned like no other! :p



Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh. Had a pretty good weekend. Did a 2.5 hour solo ride Saturday, sunday did the Mom's Day thing... had friends over with their 2 kids... did clams, lobster tails, shrimp, steak, potatos, and a couple of bottles of wine - it was a good meal.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
jacksonpt said:
Mornin Stosh. Had a pretty good weekend. Did a 2.5 hour solo ride Saturday, sunday did the Mom's Day thing... had friends over with their 2 kids... did clams, lobster tails, shrimp, steak, potatos, and a couple of bottles of wine - it was a good meal.
Sounds delicious. :drool:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
OH and another one of my good friends moved South this weekend. It's another good friend who I've lost within the past year or so to the Southern migration. It was sad to see him and his girlfriend go. My GF and I have become close to them in the past few years. It's funny how friends come and go so often.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jacksonpt said:
Mornin Stosh. Had a pretty good weekend. Did a 2.5 hour solo ride Saturday, sunday did the Mom's Day thing... had friends over with their 2 kids... did clams, lobster tails, shrimp, steak, potatos, and a couple of bottles of wine - it was a good meal.
Got you check BTW. My landlord opened it because he didn't know who Mr MBW was. I get my mail to the same box as my landlords :)
Anyway thanks for sending it out so quickly.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
stosh said:
OH and another one of my good friends moved South this weekend. It's another good friend who I've lost within the past year or so to the Southern migration. It was sad to see him and his girlfriend go. My GF and I have become close to them in the past few years. It's funny how friends come and go so often.
You should only have eFriends like me.

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
Goodmorning all,

About the extent of biking for me this past w/e was sorting through a box of stuff... I did find some stuff I was looking for, though. :D

Otherwise, I spent the w/e wrenching on cars, doing yard work and at my mother's.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
stosh said:
Got you check BTW. My landlord opened it because he didn't know who Mr MBW was. I get my mail to the same box as my landlords :)
Anyway thanks for sending it out so quickly.
No problem. Glad there wasn't any confusion - didn't occur to me that you might share the box with your landlord.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - Well Baseball opening day in Bolton got rained out on Saturday, so I went to watch Laura's daughter play soccer instead. Then later in the day we visited Haight Vineyards - a CT Winery (crappy wine) and did a little tasting and bought a couple of bottles (sorta felt like we had to). Then we went to dinner at a Japanese restaurant and sat in one of those little enclosed booths - kinda cool. Then over to IABs and MBCs for some killer martini's made by Babs and a movie.

Sunday - Liam had a hockey game at 12:30 and I helped coach - they won and are in the finals of their Sunday Spring League. Then it was off to Rocky Hill for another soccer game for Laura's daughter Kim. They played hard but lost.

Then it was Pizza and ice cream sundaes for dinner.

I just got in a half hour ago from Physical Therapy and my legs (especially my left - the injured one) feel like two lead pipes!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
f'n yo!!! i am at work. i'll be taking some clients out at 10:00 so that will be fun. didnt get any riding in this weekend because of work though. I can however say that i like my job.


Good morning. I thought the same thing as Echo when I saw the pic. Rode with Wumpus Saturday, and watched it storm all day yesterday.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
biggins said:
f'n yo!!! i am at work. i'll be taking some clients out at 10:00 so that will be fun. didnt get any riding in this weekend because of work though. I can however say that i like my job.
You need a new avatar...I miss it.


May 2, 2005
morning riders. I rode from 8am-6pm yesterday on the trails. I am beat and loving it.

i am also in the "mothers day doghouse"

:nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts:

was it worth the pain??.........>>>>>>in a rocky voice ......"absolutely"


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Morning everyone. It was crappy here weather wise. I was pretty productive inside: Installed new garbage disposal, reasembled dh bike, and built a new wheel.

I missed all the excitement here this morn. Some asshat w/ a small dump truck left it running, e-brake on, and went into the gas station (this is on a hill right above where I work). The brake gave way!! It tumbled down the hillside and almost landed in our dumpster.



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride

customer comment left on my company's website (Ashley & myself dont get along so well)

I don't know where you people dug up Assley Perez but he needs to be fired in order to persue a career that better suits his personality. i.e. trash collector. Rude, obnoxious, arrogant, shifty-would not trust him with my own mother-in-law.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
the crappy weather continues...3rd weekend in a row. i hope it's not a trend for the summer.

sat i drove up to see my mom, then drove back down to get my car window fixed, and did some cd shopping while i waited (newbury comics is right next door). watched the celts get killed sat night. couldn't bear to see the entirety, so i popped in Storefront Hitchcock and after that watched a couple _Strangers w/ Candy_ episodes.

sunday didn't do much either, played w/ the kids around the house, took 'em shopping for a mother's day dinner, went for a solo mtb ride, and re-bled my front brake on my DH bike. i need to reset the pistons a bit though, not enough lever throw for my liking, despite trying a couple of different things.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Hi there!!

Weekend started out a little on the bummer side. A good friend of mine had his grandmother pass away, so myself and another friend who was also close drove up to the mountains for the evening visitation. Good to see him and his family, though. Saturday I woke up to find I had apparently ran over something the day before that left me with a flat tire. Bummer. Found it out to be a nail, so I pushed it through and used the drill to put in a drywall screw, sealed it with fix-a-flat, and aired it up perfecto. Good enough to get to the tire store!!!

Spent all of Sunday with my fiance's mom and then later with my mom. Was able to get in a ride around 4:00 which was a nice decompression to the whole day. Came home and enjoyed a few glasses of wine on the front porch as the sun was hitting the bricks for the day. Great weekend full of beautifully sunny skies and warm temps.


Mar 14, 2005
Good morning.. hope everyone had a great weekend/ mothersday....

weekend was good.. some street riding on sunday morning.. thats always fun...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I spent Saturday with a bunch of monkeys picking up road side trash in Fredrick MD. When I pulled into the trail head parking lot where we were supposed to meet I ran over something and got a flat. My spare was also flat so I was screwed. There was nothing I could do at the moment so I just joined up with everybody and went and gathered trash. How fun. The people in Fredrick really know how to trash up the place. (see pics in the Va forum). There ended up being about 10 of us doing trash duty.

When we were done I still had the figure out how to get my truck up and running. Fortunately one of the guys lived close and we got one of the tires aired up and I hauled ass into town to get it patched before the air leaked out again. Thanks Mike for the air (I sorry I don't recall your RM name)

After that was taken care of I drove back up the mountain. I just happened to run into Damianc, Willpowa, Stiff and a few other monkeys who were getting ready to do a some riding so I hooked up with them. And so we rode!

It was really cool of you guys to show me some of the trails. The first trail was a bit out of my league but the second trail was spot on. I've been riding for years but those were some of my first 'real' DH runs. I wish I could have stayed longer but I had left the dog at home all day in her pen and had to hurry home to let her out. She was really glad to see me when I got back. Thanks again and kudos to Hillary for organizing the clean up.



Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Morning :stosh:

Rode with Splat and his son on Friday.
Took Saturday as a rest day.
2 hour ride yesterday, replaced the oil in the fork.

Going to do some shuttling later today, the weather is looking good.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Rip said:
Morning :stosh:

Rode with Splat and his son on Friday.
Took Saturday as a rest day.
2 hour ride yesterday, replaced the oil in the fork.

Going to do some shuttling later today, the weather is looking good.
Way to go Rip - have fun shuttling later today and throw up some pics of your trails that you'll be riding down on. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Mornin all. No riding this weekend, but got a lot done around the yard. Bought a new lawnmower. Mowed the lawn. Pulled lots of weeds. Planted a couple shrubs.

Sunday was spent doing whatever the wife wanted to do: Go to breakfast, go to park, watch daughter play, go home, go to mall to get daughter's pictures taken, go home, watch Simpsons and Desperate Housewifes, upload daughter's photos to the web so grandmas can see, go to bed. Pretty exciting stuff.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Stosh! :D

Had a pretty busy weekend. Saturday wandered around downtown, then met up with some friends and took pictures of them DH'ing. Sunday went to the swap meet, then Cabrillo to enjoy the view and then a short XC ride last night. Today is going to be busy at work.

The view from Cabrillo....

Have a good day! :)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
Good Morning Stosh! :D

Had a pretty busy weekend. Saturday wandered around downtown, then met up with some friends and took pictures of them DH'ing. Sunday went to the swap meet, then Cabrillo to enjoy the view and then a short XC ride last night. Today is going to be busy at work.

The view from Cabrillo....

Have a good day! :)
You suck! Have I mentioned that before?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i shot photos for a benefit run on saturday for one of my classmates who has leukemia. it turned out well -- apparently something like $10k was raised for his medical bills, and everyone looked like they were having a good time.

more pics here: greg's gallop.

rest of the weekend was spent with music (TreeSaw: the verdi turned out well :thumb: ), random socializing, and starting the painful process of moving my stuff from this old, cramped apartment to a new one across town.