
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
bluebug32 said:
You could try the Jayhawks (the lead singer Jay Farrar (sp?) also has some stuff out). Originally, he and Jeff Tweedy (lead singer of Wilco) formed Uncle Tupelo and then broke off into their seperate bands. You could also try Iron and Wine and Counting Crows' first album, "August and Everything After" if you like that kind of sound. Also check out Whiskeytown (pref. anything off of "Pneumonia").
Hey how are you feeling?

EDIT- I just went back and read thru your posts. I'm glad you're feeling better.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
pixelninja said:
Mornin all.

I had a good ride on some new trails with some guys I've never ridden with before. It ended up being a pretty leasurely ride that lasted about 2.5 hours. Fun rolling trails that had a good mix of fast hardpack and rocky semi-technical stuff.
Where didja ride?

We rode at Vail yesterday. Started at Shrine Pass & did the Bowman Shortcut to Two Elks Pass. Then down Two Elks trail to the jeep road climbing the Back Bowls. Grand Traverse around to the gondola, then down Matterhorn. :drool:

Hung out briefly in Vail Village, then headed up the jeep road on the front side to just short of the gondola again. Descended Magic Forest then cobbled some double & singletrack back to Vail Village.

Mex in the bus station. :thumb:

36 miles, and probably 5k+ of climbing. I was :dead: last night.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
bluebug32 said:
You could try the Jayhawks (the lead singer Jay Farrar (sp?) also has some stuff out). Originally, he and Jeff Tweedy (lead singer of Wilco) formed Uncle Tupelo and then broke off into their seperate bands. You could also try Iron and Wine and Counting Crows' first album, "August and Everything After" if you like that kind of sound. Also check out Whiskeytown (pref. anything off of "Pneumonia").
Jar Farrar wasn't in the Jayhawks, the only names I can come up with from that band are Gary Louris and Mark Olson. You might like Calexico too (Feast of Wire is a great album). Wilco just added a show here next month. It is part of a big celebration for a local club's 25th anniversary. Rumor had it that it was going to be THE REUNION, but it is only Wilco.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
DNA said:
Jar Farrar wasn't in the Jayhawks, the only names I can come up with from that band are Gary Louris and Mark Olson. You might like Calexico too (Feast of Wire is a great album). Wilco just added a show here next month. It is part of a big celebration for a local club's 25th anniversary. Rumor had it that it was going to be THE REUNION, but it is only Wilco.
Right...Jay Farrar was in Son Volt and Uncle Tupelo. Sorry for the mixup :)

Have you been to a Wilco show? Kind of strange...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
sugarbushrider1 said:
I downloaded some of that music and reallly enjoyed it. Do you know of anything else along those lines? thanks, Grant.
the "americana" genre (aka No Depression, after the Uncle Tupelo song, and resulting mag) is a burgeoning one. and, there are a lot of good to great bands under this banner. here are some of my faves:

uncle tupelo (all 4 cds are essential)
wilco / son volt (i prefer wilco, but the 1st SV cd is great)
golden smog ("supergroup" of jayhawks, soul asylum and wilco guys. very good)
calexico/giant sand (calexico is more straight ahead but w/ mariachi overtones, giant sand a bit more all over the map. also, see the band of blacky ranchette, howe gelb's (giant sand main man) alter-ego)
the national (a bit like a US-based Tindersticks)
the walkabouts (long-standing seattle band; get _setting the woods on fire_)
silver jews (laconic, lyrical stuff. steve malkmus of pavement sits in on occasion)
smog (bill callahan started out lo-fi, broadened his approach. sober stuff.)
songs ohia (neil young/crazy horse for the 00s)
american music club (kinda like scud mountain boys/pernice brothers, only they got there first)

if you want more of an acid folk/acoustic gtr slant, check out:

six organs of admittance
joanna newsum
devendra banhart
jack rose
joshua burkett

good stuff!


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
SkaredShtles said:
Where didja ride?

We rode at Vail yesterday. Started at Shrine Pass & did the Bowman Shortcut to Two Elks Pass. Then down Two Elks trail to the jeep road climbing the Back Bowls. Grand Traverse around to the gondola, then down Matterhorn. :drool:

Hung out briefly in Vail Village, then headed up the jeep road on the front side to just short of the gondola again. Descended Magic Forest then cobbled some double & singletrack back to Vail Village.

Mex in the bus station. :thumb:

36 miles, and probably 5k+ of climbing. I was :dead: last night.
That sounds like a great ride!

SS we'll have to hook up and go riding one of these days.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
COmtbiker12 said:
btw Shrymp nice looking photos. The botanical garden pics are beautiful. What ended up happening to your foot when you landed on the beehive?
I got stung several times on the ankle and the back of my legs, but they also decided to attack Orven in the face and neck. It was definately an interesting experience.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
bluebug32 said:
Have you been to a Wilco show? Kind of strange...
I saw Wilco for the first time last year. I really enjoyed the show. I saw Son Volt on their first two tours and they were dissapointing both times. Jay Farrar's vocals were flat and boring. He seemed depressed (as he has on most of the SV and solo albums).

You should also check out the Wilco movie I am trying to break your heart.

narlus said:
wilco / son volt (i prefer wilco, but the 1st SV cd is great)
I will second that, although it took me a while to get into Wilco. A.M. and Being There were ok, Summerteeth was dissapointing, but Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and A Ghost is Born were top notch.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
DNA said:
I saw Wilco for the first time last year. I really enjoyed the show. I saw Son Volt on their first two tours and they were dissapointing both times. Jay Farrar's vocals were flat and boring. He seemed depressed (as he has on most of the SV and solo albums).

You should also check out the Wilco movie I am trying to break your heart.

I will second that, although it took me a while to get into Wilco. A.M. and Being There were ok, Summerteeth was dissapointing, but Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and A Ghost is Born were top notch.
I really like Yankee Hotel and it took me a while to warm up to Ghost. I really like Wilco's earlier stuff. My main gripe about the concert was that their entire set (minus a few songs) was all off of Ghost. The acoustics weren't the best (not wilco's fault), and there was a lot of wailing direction-less guitar, which I don't equate with Wilco.

I Am Trying to Break Your Heart was GREAT. One of the better music docs. out there.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
SkaredShtles said:
Any map/trail references I can check out?
The guys I rode with had the latest Sky Terrain map of Boulder/Ned and all the trails were marked on it.

When I heard we were riding this, I tried finding some info online and didn't find squat. The trailhead that we started from is about 2 miles south of Ned along the Peak to Peak at the intersection of P2P and Magnolia. There is a parking lot on the W side of P2P. Heading W, its basically a bunch of intersecting singletrack, doubletrack and fireroads that all intersect with each other. It was pretty confusing, and we ended up stopping a lot to figure out where we were, but it was still fun. Some really really nice singletrack. You'd be swooping along some great hardpack and all of a sudden *BAM* there'd be some nice rocky technical stuff. Only thing that dissapointed me was the lack of views. The trails are all within heavily wooded areas.

There's more to the trail system on the E side of P2P, but we didn't venture over there.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
bluebug32 said:
and there was a lot of wailing direction-less guitar, which I don't equate with Wilco.
nels cline is a different cat than jay bennett. welcome to the new wilco.

i've only seen wilco once, on the YHF tour. excellent show. i missed 'em a couple weeks ago when i was in CA.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
bluebug32 said:
My main gripe about the concert was that their entire set (minus a few songs) was all off of Ghost..
It's funny, I didn't really get into Ghost until I heard it live. I don't remember much in the way of aimless guitar stuff. Maybe they were being "experimental" or something that night. They played most of Ghost, a lot of YHF and only a couple from the first three (and New Madrid from Anodyne).


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
I just thought of another one...
The Bottle Rockets. Their first 3 albums are great, but the last 2 have stunk. Brian Henneman played on March 16 and was a roadie for UT.

Have you heard Mike Ireland and Holler? His previous band, The Starkweathers, were phenomenal, but they broke up when Ireland's wife slept with the guitarist. That is kinda ironic since one of their better songs was about a guy shooting his wife and best friend for sleeping together.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
DNA said:
I just thought of another one...
The Bottle Rockets. Their first 3 albums are great, but the last 2 have stunk. Brian Henneman played on March 16 and was a roadie for UT.

Have you heard Mike Ireland and Holler? His previous band, The Starkweathers, were phenomenal, but they broke up when Ireland's wife slept with the guitarist. That is kinda ironic since one of their better songs was about a guy shooting his wife and best friend for sleeping together.
hadn't heard them. another one i forgot about is willard grant conspiracy.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
SkaredShtles said:
It was! I don't get to ride very much, but I'd like to hook up some time and hit up some singletrack. :thumb:
Where in Denver do you live? Maybe we could ride Dakota Ridge or something like that. I've never hit any xc type stuff in the Denver area so it'd all be new to me.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Good mornin' all!

I spent most of the day unpacking and doing the nastyest load of laundry because Whistler decided to rain the whole time we were there.

Me and a friend built a kicker in my alley, and I sware, we must have gotten like 8 feet of pink bike air.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
COmtbiker12 said:
Where in Denver do you live? Maybe we could ride Dakota Ridge or something like that. I've never hit any xc type stuff in the Denver area so it'd all be new to me.
You got a bike that climbs? We could do Deer Creek or such.......

Dakota would probably be a good choice for a big bike. Although it *really* short.

Hmmmm....... maybe a Dakota-Red Rocks-Matthews Winters-Green Mountain festival. :D


Feb 5, 2005
Wow, thanks alot for everyone with the music suggestions, I've never heard most of that stuff, and Im really liking it. Good stuff!