
~~~Good Monday Morning~~~


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Well, since it's late, I figured I'd get it started.

Got to ride Saturday. It was damn HOT!!!!

Hung out at the poool to chill yesterday so, other then that, nada.


Mar 14, 2005
ahhh I am finally working the day shift again and I am sooooo happy!!!!!!!
the only thing good about working nights is coming off of nights.. it gives me a 3 day weekend!!!
Friday I went to Nj to ride Hawsthorne woods. I wound up doing 2 laps giving me a full 4hrs out int he woods.. damn it was hot!!!! But it gave me a perfectly good reason to go to Lee's pizza in Staten Island and get a pie with sausage and a pitcher of brooklyn!!!!! well worth it!!
last night i went to see Wedding Crashers... Vince Vaughn is awesome.. i laughed so much through the movie my cheeks hurt!!!!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Saturday, did a 3 hour plus ride w/Crazy Sweeper, Sq-Earl, a non monkey and Treesaw (she left after 2 to go get a keg)...then it was treesaw's deck party (boo-hiss to all you Rochester monkeys that didnt show up!)

Sunday, was a 3 hour ride at Yukon ridge w/berkshire_rider

and it was damn humid all w/e !!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
yeah, I think the mean temperature for the entire3 country must have been 300 degrees Fahrenheit! :eek:

So all who rode, lost about 10 to 15 lbs.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
We had an awesome weekend. Rode Friday evening with Mark and MBC. Ride four hours in upper-90 degree heat Saturday with Splat, Mark and MBC (see pic thread). Yesterday morning we took our greyhound running with her friends. We decided not to ride yesterday and rest our legs after three days in a row of hard rides. Food eaten this weekend: Two burgers, chinese food, ice cream, several beers, pancakes.

Every weekend should be that good. :)

I have a 9:00 hockey game tonight that I am stoked about. :dancing: Man, taking seven years off from playing has really reignited my passion for playing.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Hey everybody... had a hot weekend in Central PA.
I did however drive right past Woodward Skate Camp or at least thats what it used to be called.

Saw a bunch of Amish people... and ate some great food.

Getting ready for some riding this week!!!

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
morning! had a great time this weekend. got Treesaw's husband drunk on Fri night so I could slow him down for Saturday's ride. Had a good, but really hard ride sat. Then spent all sat night with food in one hand and drink in the other at treesaw's deck party. Great time, loved the deep fried turkey. Spent Sunday hanging out with Sq-Earl. Rode the stunts in his yard for a couple hours. Accidentally pulled to hard on a wheelie drop and landed on a pallet square on my back. Oh yeah busted my balls real hard coming off his seesaw stunt. Hope Rob and Beth have some pics for me


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Crazy Sweeper said:
morning! had a great time this weekend. got Treesaw's husband drunk on Fri night so I could slow him down for Saturday's ride. Had a good, but really hard ride sat. Then spent all sat night with food in one hand and drink in the other at treesaw's deck party. Great time, loved the deep fried turkey. Spent Sunday hanging out with Sq-Earl. Rode the stunts in his yard for a couple hours. Accidentally pulled to hard on a wheelie drop and landed on a pallet square on my back. Oh yeah busted my balls real hard coming off his seesaw stunt. Hope Rob and Beth have some pics for me

we need a deck party ride(s) pic thread


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
G'morning. The AC died Saturday evening. According to property management, it's not an emergency and they'll "try to get someone there on Monday." Try? I went off. :angry: Last I heard, someone would "be over on Sunday." Guess who didn't show. :mumble: It was 92* in the house on Sunday and my wife is 7 months pregnant! :dead:


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
Morning everyone!

Had a great time at the Mt Snow DH race on Saturday. It had rained a lot on Friday, so the trail was slick during practice, but dried out pretty well for the race runs. I posted my best race time of the season ... by one second.

Also managed to walk away with the grand prize in the post-race raffle :eek: a brand new Woodman DS frame! Thank you Mt Snow and thank you Woodman! :thumb:
tonyhawk said:
Morning everyone!

Had a great time at the Mt Snow DH race on Saturday. It had rained a lot on Friday, so the trail was slick during practice, but dried out pretty well for the race runs. I posted my best race time of the season ... by one second.

Also managed to walk away with the grand prize in the post-race raffle :eek: a brand new Woodman DS frame! Thank you Mt Snow and thank you Woodman! :thumb:

WOW - way to go TH!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
tonyhawk said:
Morning everyone!

Had a great time at the Mt Snow DH race on Saturday. It had rained a lot on Friday, so the trail was slick during practice, but dried out pretty well for the race runs. I posted my best race time of the season ... by one second.

Also managed to walk away with the grand prize in the post-race raffle :eek: a brand new Woodman DS frame! Thank you Mt Snow and thank you Woodman! :thumb:
Wow that is great man!!!

Congrats! You gonna post pics of it?

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
tonyhawk said:
Morning everyone!

Had a great time at the Mt Snow DH race on Saturday. It had rained a lot on Friday, so the trail was slick during practice, but dried out pretty well for the race runs. I posted my best race time of the season ... by one second.

Also managed to walk away with the grand prize in the post-race raffle :eek: a brand new Woodman DS frame! Thank you Mt Snow and thank you Woodman! :thumb:
Sweet, man! Excellent work on the race! Cool prize you won too. Ten bucks says MMcG makes you an offer on it. :p


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
stosh said:
Wow that is great man!!!

Congrats! You gonna post pics of it?
Still waiting to get the picture of me with the new frame. I posted a few pics and videos I took during the race here.


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
Sweet, man! Excellent work on the race! Cool prize you won too. Ten bucks says MMcG makes you an offer on it. :p
Hahaha! Sorry, its not for sale. My Steelhead will be very soon though ... :sneaky:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all! The house is amazingly clean after Deck Party and I am back to teaching some lessons today. Sq-Earl and I are hoping to get out for a ride tonight and are working on selling my DH bike so I can buy a SS. I am sad to see the tank go, but I can't ride it the way it should be (no, I have finally decided riding it out to the mailbox and back and up and down the porch stairs aren't enough) and it's collecting dust in the garage. I am hoping to replace it for next season with something lighter and hopefully in the way of a SC VP Free...we'll see though...babies are expensive!

I will look for the pics from this weekend and get some posted up so all of the people who couldn't make it can be jealous :devil: Last night we were talking about doing a repeat this fall for those who couldn't make it (if we can get some more stunts and jumps together it would be awesome).

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
TreeSaw said:
Morning all! The house is amazingly clean after Deck Party and I am back to teaching some lessons today. Sq-Earl and I are hoping to get out for a ride tonight and are working on selling my DH bike so I can buy a SS. I am sad to see the tank go, but I can't ride it the way it should be (no, I have finally decided riding it out to the mailbox and back and up and down the porch stairs aren't enough) and it's collecting dust in the garage. I am hoping to replace it for next season with something lighter and hopefully in the way of a SC VP Free...we'll see though...babies are expensive!

I will look for the pics from this weekend and get some posted up so all of the people who couldn't make it can be jealous :devil: Last night we were talking about doing a repeat this fall for those who couldn't make it (if we can get some more stunts and jumps together it would be awesome).
I'll come early to help build stuff!


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning. Had a good ride Friday evening with some friends. Tried to get a little gnarly and jump this rocky creekbed and ended up on my face. Road rash the whole length of my left forearm. Oh well, no pain, no gain right? Went out for a bite and a few beers after and met up with Treesaw, Sq-earl and Crazy Sweeper. After that I went to see a Reggae band play. Friday was good.

Sat. it all caught up with me though. I woke up sick as a dog. Sore throat, congested sinuses, the whole nine yards. I still feel like crap. And ta boot, we couldn't find a babysitter for Sat. so I missed the deck party. :( So, overall, I give my weekend a 4.5.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
McGRP01 said:
Morning. Had a good ride Friday evening with some friends. Tried to get a little gnarly and jump this rocky creekbed and ended up on my face. Road rash the whole length of my left forearm. Oh well, no pain, no gain right? Went out for a bite and a few beers after and met up with Treesaw, Sq-earl and Crazy Sweeper. After that I went to see a Reggae band play. Friday was good.

Sat. it all caught up with me though. I woke up sick as a dog. Sore throat, congested sinuses, the whole nine yards. I still feel like crap. And ta boot, we couldn't find a babysitter for Sat. so I missed the deck party. :( So, overall, I give my weekend a 4.5.
:( I assumed the babysitter didn't happen and that's why we missed you. Heal up soon. You going to tonight's SMBA meeting?


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
Well, the puncture wound in my foot didn't stop me from enjoying the weekend. We kicked off White Russian Movie Week last on Friday night. Every night until next friday we get together at my place, drink white russians, and watch a movie.
The event is sponsored by the Block Buster Video Class Action lawsuit (and the load of coupons I got for always returning movies late in the past).
Last night's movie was Kung Fu Shuffle, and it ruled! Before that we had Team America on friday and an early screening of the Family Guy movie on saturday.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Morning. I'm a bit bummed because the first day of school is tomorrow. :( I guess I'll actually have to start working hard and what not. :p The weather sucked around here this weekend so lots of sitting around but yesterday I went on an excellent ride with some friends that was about 14miles of DH that is right on the edge of Colorado Springs. Excellent trails but I wish I had been on a DH bike, the geometry of my AC just wasn't cuttin it with that Psylo up front. Then of course the derailleur hanger snapped so we had to kinda singlespeed it which was interesting trying to get the slack in the gearing enough to where it became taut under a little bit of compression. Then I got to ride in a WRX which I'm now convinced will be my next car and probably made me speed a bit more than I should've in my car on the drive down from the shuttle (dirt road, lots of corners) since well...I was sliding all over the place and almost lost it once by having too much speed and almost hitting the wall of rock thta was on the outside of the corner. :p But I didnt. :D

have a good day. :)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Had a great weekend. Friend from DC came down Friday night for a few beers then we hiked Old Rag Saturday morning. It was hot and humid just like everywhere else.

Sunday morning I did the XXC race at the Massanutten HooHa, a 40 mile "adventure" loop. I started the day with sore legs and back from hiking the day before but it didn't really bother me after I got warmed up. This race was tough, rocks, rocks and more rocks. I spent as much time carrying my bike as I did riding it. Managed to pull off a 3rd place, a small personal victory because although I've oame close I've never been able to get a podium in this race series.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Westy said:
Had a great weekend. Friend from DC came down Friday night for a few beers then we hiked Old Rag Saturday morning. It was hot and humid just like everywhere else.

Sunday morning I did the XXC race at the Massanutten HooHa, a 40 mile "adventure" loop. I started the day with sore legs and back from hiking the day before but it didn't really bother me after I got warmed up. This race was tough, rocks, rocks and more rocks. I spent as much time carrying my bike as I did riding it. Managed to pull off a 3rd place, a small personal victory because although I've oame close I've never been able to get a podium in this race series.
I know it must have BRUTALY HOT! Congrats on the podium!


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Morning Ralph,

Had an eventful morning to say the least. Had a doctors appointment this morning, and on the way back, nearly bought it took a back road back and this dumb ass in a white lexus suv is booking and on the wrong side of the road, locked brakes up and slid off the road in order of avoiding a head on collision. Not very happy to say the least right now.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Rip said:
Morning Ralph,

Had an eventful morning to say the least. Had a doctors appointment this morning, and on the way back, nearly bought it took a back road back and this dumb ass in a white lexus suv is booking and on the wrong side of the road, locked brakes up and slid off the road in order of avoiding a head on collision. Not very happy to say the least right now.

Dude, sorry to hear it. Any damage to the car?

Was the doc report good?

It's at least good you were alert at the wheel, it could have gotten REAL ugly REAL quick.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
BikeGeek said:
G'morning. The AC died Saturday evening. According to property management, it's not an emergency and they'll "try to get someone there on Monday." Try? I went off. :angry: Last I heard, someone would "be over on Sunday." Guess who didn't show. :mumble: It was 92* in the house on Sunday and my wife is 7 months pregnant! :dead:
A 7 month pregnant woman with no A/C *IS* an emergency! Your property management company needs a good

I had a good weekend. On Saturday I attended the wedding of one of my good riding buddies. On Sunday I got in a decent ride at Mt Falcon. Only rode of 2.5 hours, but it was nice and cool. I actually had to put on my long-sleeve shirt. Afterwards I went out and bought my little girl her first real "big girl" mattress. The new baby will take the crib, and Evelyn is graduating to a real twin bed. If I can find the right hardware and if I have the time after mowing the lawn this evening, I might be able to put her bed together.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Westy said:

Sunday morning I did the XXC race at the Massanutten HooHa, a 40 mile "adventure" loop. I started the day with sore legs and back from hiking the day before but it didn't really bother me after I got warmed up. This race was tough, rocks, rocks and more rocks. I spent as much time carrying my bike as I did riding it. Managed to pull off a 3rd place, a small personal victory because although I've oame close I've never been able to get a podium in this race series.

woot! nice job


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
sirknight6 said:
Dude, sorry to hear it. Any damage to the car?

Was the doc report good?

It's at least good you were alert at the wheel, it could have gotten REAL ugly REAL quick.
Flat tire and cracked the plastic shield for the radiator.

The doc report went well, was just a check up on my shoulder.


Mar 14, 2005
its sounds like you guys had a great time at the deck party!!!! makes me even more mad that i missed it... while you were all out partying i did a 12 am - 8 am sunday morning shift.. yikes..
I hope to see lots of pics in the near future!!!!!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
dang, you east coast :monkey:s are all social and stuff. :D i did a token bit of riding yesterday, the mile from the bus stop to the house of the other trumpet player in my quintet (quintet + family bbq day). it was especially fun since i'd been on the bus for over two hours at that point -- thank you, king county metro weekend schedules :dead: -- and had a large backpack, two hanging bags of food for the bbq, and a trumpet case slung over my shoulder(s)...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Morn' all. Relaxing weekend for the most part. Put in a 20 mi ride yesterday. All rooty singletrack, in the rain, all by myself. Didn't see another person for 2 hrs. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Rip said:
Flat tire and cracked the plastic shield for the radiator.

The doc report went well, was just a check up on my shoulder.
Is the radiator leaking at all? Flat tire had to suck, especially after that idiot almost killed ya. Some days you get the bear, and some days the bear gets you.

Sorry to hear it dude, I hope the rest of the day goes better for you. :thumb: