
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Well I de-virgin-ized 2006 and went for my first bike ride of the year on Saturday. It was great! I met Beth and Rob there and around 10:30 we hit the trails for a fairly slow paced ride which was great! We took our time which was exactly what i needed!!! This is the earliest I have ever ridden and I was in fairly good health which was a plus!!!

Hope ya all have a great day!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I did 2 rides, one solo & another w/a group of 4.

I also spent 10 or so hours working on my house....mostly getting rid of 3 areas of ugly fake brick - which was a total royal pain in the ass


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
douglas said:
I did 2 rides, one solo & another w/a group of 4.

I also spent 10 or so hours working on my house....mostly getting rid of 3 areas of ugly fake brick - which was a total royal pain in the ass
Interior fake brick?


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
morning Stosh.
very nice weather this weekend. I went street riding for 5 hours on Saturday, then got in some miles yesterday just for exercise. You know ... I can bunny hop and I can manual, but I'll be damned if I can hop into a manual. :mumble: I spent the better part of Saturday practicing.

After that the g/f and I went for groceries (yea! :rolleyes: ), I cooked dinner and we watched the F1 race which I TiVo'd.


Mar 14, 2005
Good Morning Monkeys!!!

I had a great time this weekend. Friday was some lowkey hanging with some buddies. Sat morning My wife and i went to Carrie Hill in NJ and did some hiking. this is one beautiful spot. i was kicking myself for not having a camera!! There were some waterfalls with pools underneath to swim in.. I cant wait to go back during the summertime. :drool:
sat night was a mess.. but i got to bed early to get up and ride before the rain.. we got about 45 minutes in before the rain let go, we stayed on the trails and it wasnt so bad, just got wet and deallt with it for another hour or so.. i was home by 11 and relaxed the rest of the day..
It was a great weekend.. I cant wait for spring!!!

yeah stosh, beth, rob.. thanks for the invite!!!:rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh

Where'd you ride?

Had a decent weekend. Flew home from AZ on Saturday. Sean was sick (fever) the whole flight, but we didn't know how bad until we got home - 105degrees :eek:. Renae took him to the ER where they ran all kinds of test on him (xrays, tubes down his throat, etc etc.)... stuff that was pretty scary because it made things seem really serious. In the end, they said he had lacerations on his lung, and a bad chest cold. They think it might be the early stages of pnemonia, so he's on heavy antibiotics for the infection and children's Motrin for the fever. He's doing better, but still cranky and sick.

Sunday we looked at a couple of houses, then I got my Yeti out and hit the trails. Felt awesome to be back out on the trails, and they were in surprisingly good shape. Looks like the time on the trainer will be worth it. I don't seem to have gained any strenght in my legs, but my pain/give-up threshold has been pushed waaay back. Normally the type of ride I did would have really worn me down, but if I had time, I could have easily done another couple of loops.

It was a solo ride, but I had my camera with me. Any time I stopped to clear debris or whatever, I looked to see if it was a good spot for a photo. It's a lot harder than it seems to setup the camera, set the time, run back to the bike, then get in good position for the photo.

Here are the better ones.

decent focus, shutter too slow

decent pic

same trail, further up... focal point was off


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Sup y'all. Had some fun Saturday poppin' the cherry of Tweek's new (to him) road bike. It needs some adjustment but it's sweet. Heavy rains today means salt is getting washed off the roads :thumb:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Great weekend. Weather was truly summerlike. Played on the trails saturday and went for a long road ride on Sunday. The road ride was a little too ambitious for this early in the year, 65 miles with a crapload of climbing.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
jackson, scary stuff re: yr son. yikes! glad he's on the mend.

those trails look fun, and similar to some stuff we've got around here; a mix of beech and hemlock, and plenty of granite. good stuff.

my weekend was great. sat the kids played w/ a neighborhood friend for pretty much the whole day. then miles took his 1st ride w/o training wheels, which was great.

i also got in a good 60 min road ride in the nice weather; the trails are too soupy for any mtb at this point.

yesterday miles did some more riding, and we went to a friend's house for a party which was good (homemade indian food and beer, :drool: ). however, i did manage to cream my shin by slipping a pedal for the 1st time in a while. ouch!!!

not sold on the crank bros 50/50xx to tell you the truth. might need longer pins. they are definitely not as grippy as various brands of wellgos i've used.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
What's so good about this morning?

I have a Lita Ford song stuck in my head, and its back to school today. Bah!


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Last day of freedom before a gruelish 4th term. Looking at Stress Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, and some other random no name class.

Hopefully getting out for a ride today...that is of course once my roomate wakes his ass up.

Road trip was decently fun. Saw perhaps the sweetest prison ever while driving through I-84 in New York. Also saw the largest shipping facility I have ever seen too. Those Pennsylvanians are crazy. The bars opened at 7 am and kids were plastered by 9. No thank you, I slept in since we got there at 12 and were up until 2.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC

Just limping around with the bum knee all weekend. Went Saturday to the ACC tournament to watch the Carolina/Boston College and Duke/Wake Forest games. That was pretty cool as we had passes to the Budwieser hospitality tent where they fed us some killer prime rib, chicken, sandwiches, brownies, cookies and ALL the free beer we could drink. Needless to say, the gimpy knee wasn't the main thing contributing to the swervy walking!!

Sunday, Justine and I went to Lowes and bought about 200 bucks worth of plants and garden stuff to get the yard straightened out for springtime. The weather was near 80 degrees and sunny, so it was a beautiful day to be outside. I wish I could have ridden some, but this knee is missing some critical components to make it actually work, so hopefully I can get in to see the doc this week sometime to have them give an offical ruling as to the extent of the damage and what needs to be done to repair it.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
hooples3 said:
yeah stosh, beth, rob.. thanks for the invite!!!:rolleyes:

I actually questioned if we'd get you up there this season while we were riding one of the fire roads. This was really a last minute crapshoot and we were lucky that it wasn't muddier than it was. We definitely need to get you up there though, it was a great day.

Morning monkeys. I'm battening down the hatches for the absolute BEAST of a thunderstorm that's coming down from the north end of the lake. I'm seeing lightning bolts coming down above the hills to the north and there's a BLACK cloud rolling this way.

Weekend rocked. Had a great ride saturday and followed it by a bratwurst sandwich and beer for dinner. Sunday consisted of adjusting Beth's drivetrain and just chilling out. All in all, a great weekend.

been up all night working on a final paper for my canadian history class. enjoyin a cup of coffee and a caffein pill with the girlfriend before i go to breakfast at the dining hall. Then i turn in this godforfvckingsaken paper, take my can-am studies final, and it's SPRINGMVTHAFVCKINGBREAK!!! I might be drunk by 1pm, wouldnt that be nice. On the bright side, I get to ride my big bike around campus to class, and then back accross campus in fair weather. Fair looking anyways, its about 33* here.


Good morning, all. A bad morning for Burly is a good morning for me. :D


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
Morning, everyone! I laid by the pool all weekend with some music and beer. It was 85 Saturday, 87 Sunday! It was fabulous... enough said. :weee: Have a good Monday! :D


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
stosh said:
We rode Stewart. It was sticky mud at some parts but all in all it was in good condition.
Cool. I'd love to come down there again this summer for a ride, if you and Aubrey will have me. I can bring speedies!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
My biggest concern this weekend resided in the fact that, at one point, my beer was foaming over and I was forced to interrupt my reading by the pool to suck the foam off the top of the bottle.



beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning. Partied like a rockstar this on sat. and watched 40 Year Old Virgin. Very funny movie. Extremely funny in the altered state I was in. :evil: Anywho... Not much going on today, got an urban ride schedualed for tomorrow after work and then to the bar for a club meeting. Looking forward to it! :)


antimony said:
Morning, everyone! I laid by the pool all weekend with some music and beer. It was 85 Saturday, 87 Sunday! It was fabulous... enough said. :weee: Have a good Monday! :D
Pics??? and I don't mean of BV.


Mar 14, 2005
robdamanii said:
I actually questioned if we'd get you up there this season while we were riding one of the fire roads. This was really a last minute crapshoot and we were lucky that it wasn't muddier than it was. We definitely need to get you up there though, it was a great day.

Morning monkeys. I'm battening down the hatches for the absolute BEAST of a thunderstorm that's coming down from the north end of the lake. I'm seeing lightning bolts coming down above the hills to the north and there's a BLACK cloud rolling this way.

Weekend rocked. Had a great ride saturday and followed it by a bratwurst sandwich and beer for dinner. Sunday consisted of adjusting Beth's drivetrain and just chilling out. All in all, a great weekend.
I am in.. just give me a little notice...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jacksonpt said:
Cool. I'd love to come down there again this summer for a ride, if you and Aubrey will have me. I can bring speedies!
Of course!


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
yo. I watched "The Hills Have Eyes" on Friday...pretty FKed movie. Decent for what it is, I suppose.

Boarding on Saturday. Nothing/gym yesterday.

Work sucks.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Stosh! :D

I think you sent SoCal your winter weather :p

I had a great time this weekend. I spent all day Saturday doing practice runs in hail and pouring rain and had a blast! Sunday I took photos of the race until the rain stopped me.

My parents will be here on Thursday and will be spending a week exploring San Diego with me. That's all for now.

Have a good day everyone :)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
Good Morning Stosh! :D

I think you sent SoCal your winter weather :p
I had a great time this weekend. I spent all day Saturday doing practice runs in hail and pouring rain and had a blast! Sunday I took photos of the race until the rain stopped me.

My parents will be here on Thursday and will be spending a week exploring San Diego with me. That's all for now.

Have a good day everyone :)
So is your house all cleaned up?


Mar 14, 2005
stosh said:
Silly me, I thought today was suggestion day!!

Of course we'll have you up some time soon.
suggestion day!! nice!!
thats a really nice way of letting ppl know how you feel.. suggest things..

we should have that here one day... i have plenty to say.. i mean suggest!!!:rolleyes:


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
douglas said:
I did 2 rides, one solo & another w/a group of 4.

I also spent 10 or so hours working on my house....mostly getting rid of 3 areas of ugly fake brick - which was a total royal pain in the ass
maybe you can ship it to N8!!! sounds like something he would love:rolleyes:


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Well, I finally sobered up this morning... (we have off today because we didn't use all of our scheduled snow days)... This weekend was the Pittsburgh St. Pats day parade, which we always precede with our own party called the "O'brunger's Eggs N Kegs"... beer and breakfast? BRILLIANT!!! well I started by having a few friday after work... and continued untill our friends left to go back to DC Sunday eve...

I hiked a bunch of trails this morning and took notes on re-routes and suggested improvements... the trails are super soupy here as I am sure they are most places...
it is 70+ out right now and they say by the morning it will be in the 30's this weather SUCKS!!!