
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

I spent the past 6 days nursing my fiancee. That is ALL I have to report.

Going for a ride tomorrow, I can't wait!!!

Hope ya all have a great day!


Jun 10, 2002
was awakened when one of the cats was desperately attempting to corner a............

roach. i cannot stand roaches. at all. so gross. most disgusting 'animal' alive. completely wired now and there is no chance in hell of me crawling back into bed.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
You know what they say about roaches: If you see one, there are a thousand more you don't see.

'Morning, monkeys. We "celebrated" Easter with my family yesterday. I just go for the food and company. I went to the gym a couple of times this weekend and got out for a road ride Saturday. I weighed in at 180 this morning. I need to lose some poundage.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
going into boston for the marathon for a little while now and then off to work until 8. i just hope i dont miss the train at 9 seeing as how my ride is running a bit late and i have to stop by an atm.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
Morning! Had a great long weekend. It was, of course, beautiful and sunny, so I went to the park, and went swimming in our pool. :weee: Also went out with a bunch of coworkers for a very fun night at the bar. Had a nice dinner last night and am looking forward to my upcoming vacation (Bermuda on Saturday)! Enjoy, all! :D

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Hello all. Got what I thought was a long ride in yesterday at 909 in Pleasant Valley, NY on the way to the relative's Easter Pig Out. Turned out to have been only an hour and a half...Made up for it by grossly stuffing myself with everything in sight and killing one of those Heineken mini kegs (along with my 250+++ lb. bro in laws). Made it up to 190 after the meal... That extra ballast should help me immensely at the 1st Plattekill DH event oin a few weeks! HA!

Gonna do some quick XC and dirt jumping after work (off early!) to further damage my tennis elbow then I'm outta here for a week or so taking the moms to FL. to visit relatives.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning. Weekend was meh... Had a good day Sat.. It was sunny and around 70. Went over to my bro-in-law's house, grilled some venison, drank some beers, played with the kids... A good time was had! Yesterday was ok...I guess. I'm not big on family get togethers...not when my parents are invited anyway. Long story, but suffice it to say that Easter dinner was kinda a bust. Oh well....

Have a good Monday all!!


Nam I am
Morning ! Hada good weekend , did a Kick ass Ride in Lynn woods on saturday ( see ride reports ) and did the easter thing yesterday with family.

Have today off , Its Patriots Day you know! so Me and the family will ride our Bikes ofer to the start line ofthe Boston Marathon. ( were about 5 miles away )


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Had a great weekend, took a half day Friday, Deyv and Isa arrived about 3:00, then Friday night we went to Tweek's house and enjoyed much excellent beer with Tweek, Crashby, Instigator and fiancee, and Sq-earl and Treesaw and their n00b.

Saturday we did an XC ride and with a huge group, me and Deyv were the injured slow guys, stuntmatty and Sorgie came along too. Saturday night was more tasty beer at my place where an alarming number of cool people came to see a presentation of pictures and stories from Deyv and Isa's one year mountain bike vaction around the world.

Sunday was another XC ride with Tweek, Deyv and Isa, and then finally my parents came over for some Easter grub. Weather was awesome and the company was even better... life is good :)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Good morning,

Spent a nice Easter with close family friends.

I drove with him back to Buffalo in 1992 to pick up a 58 Panhead. Now all these years later the product is just about finished.



My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
good morning :monkey:s

Friday night I went to see "the devil and David Johnston" with my girl and some friends. Very good biography. If you are at all familiar with him or into the early indie/alternative music scene you might like it. I haven't seen many films lately that can elicit a strong emotional response from the audience, let alone a low budget biography.

Saturday; dig,ride,jump,ride ...
Sunday; Easter brunch at a fantastic Persian/Mediterainian restaurant and an afternoon of truing wheels and loafing while it poured rain outside all day and night.

Have a great day everybody.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i am not a cycle buff, but that looks pretty sharp. well done.

great weekend here...didn't do much sat as we had to get ready to head down to Falmouth, where we spent easter weekend w/ my dad and family.

played in the park:

drove to the beach for the sunset:

did the egg hunt:

went back to the beach:

went for a 5 mile run, and then stuffed my face with:

tarragon/garlic marinated, butterflied and grilled leg of lamb
scalloped potatoes and ionions
green beans
grilled asparagus
mashed sweet potatoes

washed it down w/ an excellent aussie shiraz and so-so chilean cab.

and managed to reinstall the OS on my dad's PC, so hopefully i won't get any more late night calls for tech support. :)

good weekend!!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Got back from Chicago on Sat. night, and just chilled sunday. Had to go to chicago for my bro's wedding. What a nightmare...

Did catch a cubs game at wrigley and drank a bunch of old style..


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Had steak.

I took my bothers dog for a walk Saturday.

My car likes 116 octane gas.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
'morning. Had a nice weekend - spent much of it outside in the sun. Excellent Easter dinner cooked last night by Jenn - some pretty amazing marinated catfish.

Looking forward to the end of the week when I get to go to Bermuda!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
milwaukee's beast....ugh. i can taste the bile from here.

the best cheap beer i can recall was Ortleib's...it was about ~$5 a case back in college...i think it was grey market black label.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Had an excellent weekend. Ride Friday was awesome. Jeremy R was spot on with his Bent Creek trail. Of course no pics. Had Bridges 'Q on the way home which always makes me happy.

Saturday worked in the yard all morning. Willow figured out how to use the hose and spray daddy with it, which brought her great joy. Two times she totally snuck up behind me and got me. She's like a little ninja. Got a nice long slow road ride in the afternoon with some buds. 3 hours just at 50 miles for me. Then my mom's B-day party, which was a good time.

Went to church yesterday with the family. Fixed Easter dinner. Then went for a mountain bike ride in the afternoon.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
narlus said:
milwaukee's beast....ugh. i can taste the bile from here.

the best cheap beer i can recall was Ortleib's...it was about ~$5 a case back in college...i think it was grey market black label.
The first ~3 years in college I didn't really care what the beer was. Then I discovered this and was never really the same:



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Had my first race of the year Saturday. It was a complete clusterfvck. The race was delayed an hour to wait for some pros to show up. Isn't part of being a proffesional being on time? It was a hot day 85 and sunny with little shade as most trees are still leafless. The extra hour waiting in the heat drained my energy and started things off a little dehydrated and under nourished. I had a bad start and never felt good. I managed a rumoured 7th place finish. A lot of people must have dropped out as I never really passed anyone.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
morning all you Monkeys

I am off today, and have been helping clean the house after we had my inlaws over for Easter brunch.

Went on a ride with Manhattanprjkt, Pallila, and a bunch of non-monkeys. I posted a ride report with pics in the "RIDE REPORT" section titled Yeti sighting. The weather was awesome, but as was the case with Westy, it was hot out, I drank 100oz of water/gatorade mixed and still lost 5.2lbs. I bonked so bad I had to sit trailside and eat clifbars and GU to stop from trembling, and just to make it back to the car.

well I hear Emma crying so I have to check out what she is in trouble for:rofl:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Morning all! Nothing too exicting to report. My wife and I cleaned house on Saturday. The weather was real nice so we washed all our winter blankets and hung them out in the yard to dry and then put clean sheets on the bed. Simple pleasures.

After that was finished we did a 25 mile tour d'Annapolis with my wife's aunt's sister (WAS). My wife was on her cross bike, WAS was on a road bike and I was riding a MTB. Riding that far on the road with two people on road bikes while you are on a MTB is punishing. I managed to keep up pretty well.

Sunday we went for a hike and came home and made Easter dinner. I smoked a pork shoulder, and my wife made dill / sour cream mashed potatoes, carrots, string beans and a coconut cream cake. Mmmm Mmmm good.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Westy said:
Had my first race of the year Saturday. It was a complete clusterfvck. The race was delayed an hour to wait for some pros to show up. Isn't part of being a proffesional being on time? It was a hot day 85 and sunny with little shade as most trees are still leafless. The extra hour waiting in the heat drained my energy and started things off a little dehydrated and under nourished. I had a bad start and never felt good. I managed a rumoured 7th place finish. A lot of people must have dropped out as I never really passed anyone.

an hour? I can see 5 minutes..but an hour seems like BS to me.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
douglas said:
an hour? I can see 5 minutes..but an hour seems like BS to me.
Having Jeriamiah Bishop and Sue Haywood show up to a dinky local race is cool but they know the start time as well as everyone else. I'm slightly bitter too because of the combined pro/ex category not only did everyone have to wait around but the odds were stacked against us mortals from making a podium.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Stosh! :D

Saturday we took advantage of the rainfall and did some trail maintenance and riding.

The view as we headed to our local riding spot

Orven testing the new jump

Working out the kinks

Me trying to run Orven over :p

Yesterday just bummed around, went to the swap meet, had some crepes, and just chilled. Tonight I'm going to try and convince Orvs he really wants to play tennis. :D

Have a good day! :)