
~~Good Monday Morning!!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

I had a great weekend with a bunch of riding sprinkled in.

Saturday I helped my parents get the house ready for Aubrey's surprize wedding shower. Then I went for a solo ride at Stewart and did some trail maint. while there. That was my first time trying to give something back. It feels like a losing battle there.
Anyway, Sunday Aubrey and I met up with Beth and Rob for a local benefit road ride. We did the 15mile loop thru some beautiful back roads at the base of the Shawanagunk Mtn Ridge. The BBQ and cheap beer after was great too. I'm hoping to get some pics to post that George from Darkhorsecycles.com took.

Hope ya all have a great day!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Morning Stosh.

Had a pretty good weekend. I took friday off... worked around the house in the morning, then rode in the afternoon. It's early May, and this is the strongest I've ever been!

Saturday we had my sis's-in-law wedding. Was a decent time, but I'm not big on weddings.

Sunday was more work around the house. In the land behind my house, there are 2 sizeable stone walls... I went down there and stole a few of the bigger rocks to use in our landscaping. In the process of shleping them up the hill, I managed to smash my finger between two of them (one started to slide on the trailer, I tried to stop it, failed, and it mashed my finger between another rock. It's brused and swolen, and hurts like hell. I'm hoping I can still road ride... but I doubt I'll be able to hit the trails untill it feels a little better.

I'm hoping to get out on the roadie today, then hit the dirt tomorrow, but we'll see...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning. I'm pretty tired today from a hard, fun weekend.

Friday night I had a hockey game which we won. Saturday we did a three hour MTB ride (see ride report). Yesterday I did my first hard road ride of the year: 35 miles, 2.5 hours, 2,000 foot elevation gain (all in the first 13 miles). Yeah yeah, not that hardcore for some of the seasoned riders here, but also not bad for my second road ride of the year.

Me this morning ---> :dead: + :)

Off to Disney World Saturday morning.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
still feel like a band of midgets chain-whipped me. it's a familiar feeling after some DH action, esp for the 1st time out in the season. despite the cold rain in the latter half of the day, bromont was a blast, and it was a fun day w/ 10 other bustedspoke.com guys.

took it easy yesterday...did a short ride w/ my kids in harold parker (the paved and crushed stone paths), played some street hockey in the driveway, did a tiny bit of bike maintenance (mainly just lubed the chain) and dealt w/ the nasty, dirt-caked bike gear and pads after they had a chance to dry out in the sun.

gotta figure out my commuting plans this week and do the clothes drop.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
IAB - where did your road route take you?

I got too busy with two hockey games (Liam's at 10:10 and Connor's at 4:00) and yard work at Laura's to get a ride in.

My hope is to get out on the Serotta after work tonight - God willing.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
Morning! Went to the beach this weekend, which included a wine tasting yesterday. I won a pretty bowl for my mom in a silent auction to benefit the sea turtles! Good times! :weee: Not excited to be at work today, but who is, right? Have a good Monday, everyone!

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Morning all. Had an exhausting but overall great weekend at Plattekill. We got there by 10 on Saturday and hooked up with our LI buddy Chris J then headed out to the sport course. I wanted to check it out slowly to script out the parts/check out the tough lines, but we found it fairly easy so we rocked a few practice runs that felt like race runs...the course was long and pedaly compared to the expert/pro course which was short, steep and nasty (which included the drop entitled "Broken Tooth"). 1/2 way through the day the temps dropped to below 40 and we got covered in icy & windy fog on the uplift...

Anyway, race day on Sunday was clear and beautiful. My wife Mo busted out her DH bike for the day and we all hit the course. race time finally came up (I am now in the '40 to 99' class, in other words 40 until I die...) and all went pretty well. I broke part of my left pedal off, braked too hard in a sweeping right turn, almost ran over two women who were lazily walking down the race course, dorked it in the last techy woods section but still pulled out a 5:01 run and took 3rd place!

We finished up the day doing a few more fun runs on the old side of the mountain, got my booty (Magura Trucker hat and a Maxxis beer cozy among many other trinkets), got some ice cream, beer, food, unloaded the car and fell asleep by 9....Today I feel mentally good but bodily I feel like a bag of smashed a**holes.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MMcG said:
IAB - where did your road route take you?
Long version:
Bushy Hill Road, left on 320 (I think that's the route....it's the street Simsbury High is on), followed that into Canton (includes a 1.5 mile climb) to route 179. Right onto 179, into Barkhamstead and Hartland. Right onto route 20 in East Hartland, cruise downhill for 8 miles into Granby, following route 20 until I go right onto Simsbury Road. Right onto Simsbury road, right onto Firetown road, follow Firetown Road back to 320. Right onto 320, left onto Bushy Hill Road back to home base.

Short version:
Simsbury to Canton to Barkhamstead to Hartland to East Hartland to Granby back to Simsbury.



Nam I am
Morning Stosh.

Busy weekend , between Kids , Riding , Kids , Working on the House , and kids. got some riding in with my son ( see ride reports ) and did a Fast Hard Road ride yesterday . PLus Peter had 2 Little league Games , and Working around the house. ( see thread ) . and riding in this morning it was COLD!!! my toes and fingers were freezing by the time I got to the office this morning . It should warm up for teh ride home.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
robdamanii said:
Morning stosh.

Good weekend with Beth. Saturday was a rest and relax day, and sunday was a nice 15 mile road loop with stosh and aubrey for the wallkill valley bike tour. Great time. :thumb:
Hey send me the pics we took yesterday, or send me a link to your website.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I Are Baboon said:
Long version:
Bushy Hill Road, left on 320 (I think that's the route....it's the street Simsbury High is on), followed that into Canton (includes a 1.5 mile climb) to route 179. Right onto 179, into Barkhamstead and Hartland. Right onto route 20 in East Hartland, cruise downhill for 8 miles into Granby, following route 20 until I go right onto Simsbury Road. Right onto Simsbury road, right onto Firetown road, follow Firetown Road back to 320. Right onto 320, left onto Bushy Hill Road back to home base.

Short version:
Simsbury to Canton to Barkhamstead to Hartland to East Hartland to Granby back to Simsbury.

Nice route!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Mornin' all. Got in about 15 miles i\on SoMo on Friday before I got slam-hammered for Cinco de Drinko. Killed two research papers Saturday, then watched the Suns demoralize Kobe and Lakers. Yesterday I went for a solid 18 mile road ride and took a dip in the pool. What a great freakin' weekend!

This morning I'm bringing the new pooch into my vet to have him looked over; if nothing is too serious he'll officially be mine. I think I'm sticking with the name Ozomatli, Ozo for short.


Jun 10, 2002
couldn't sleep last night. final exam today at 12:30. loud-as-**** engine drove by around 4am. sounded like a chainsaw, or a super loud pocket bike. sure it woke up plenty of people. mandi and i were both awakened. storm rolled through around 1:45. i'm barely awake.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Hey all!

NICE weekend.......daughter of the boss got married on Saturday, so I booked it out of town with the wife. If I were there, he would have made me put out chairs and tables, chop BBQ, pick up trash or some kind of crap I wouldn't want to do on my freakin' weekend. He's an ass-hat, big time. So, instead.....we had a beautiful weekend at a friends cabin up in West Jefferson. We hung out and drank a lot of local wine and cooked a lot of good food, watched some classic films(Rear Window w/James Stewart and One Flew Over the CooCoo's Nest w/Nicolson). Weather was great, and our wine-buzz was even better.

Now I am back at work. Boss has been giving me the stink-eye all morning. Perhaps he sorely missed my trash picking abilities......:clue:


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Morning all you monkeys.

sounds like everyone had a pretty busy and great weekend!

much the same here. busy busy, including CINCO De Drinko, Friday, trail building with Manhattanprjkt, Palilla, and others. Sat. and then for the maiden ride on our section we just linked up. It was pretty saweet. we learned alot about it from the ride we did. It really flows well, and there are 2 or 3 places we need to give a little lovin but other than that it rips pretty well.

Sat. night, sushi, Troegs beer, and Pino Grigio which ALL carried over to the Sunday morning ride at Hartwood acres. Manhattan and I, his dad, and a bunch of others gathered for a great ride, which started with me riding a wheelie off of the parking lot down a small grade into a grassy field, at which point the dew on the grass didn't offer much traction and DOWN went Brungeman! I hit my A$$ and tailbone sooo F'n hard I thought I was going to SH!T myself. I gained composure, and we rode for about 4 hours. It was awesome. A great ride, and I rode really well considering I felt like a flexfuel vehicle running on Alcohol and sushi...:D

Stosh, any effort you make for the trails in your area is never a lost cause. its all worth it. keep it up, if others see the effort they may start to contribute!!! good for you!

J-Mac congrats on the podium!

Beth, Rob and stosh, sounds like a beautiful road ride! I love the "Gunks"


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
brungeman said:
Morning all you monkeys.

Stosh, any effort you make for the trails in your area is never a lost cause. its all worth it. keep it up, if others see the effort they may start to contribute!!! good for you!

Beth, Rob and stosh, sounds like a beautiful road ride! I love the "Gunks"
Hey man!
I hear ya, that was actually my first attempt at doing anything where I ride. It never looked as bad in there as it has this spring. Something happened and pushed the dirt bike riders and quad riders further into the great single track. Usually they stayed in the old train yards and shale pits. Now they are all over and nowhere is safe.

I tried to pull some big log piles around to stop where they would trail poach to cut of the twisty tight single track.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
brungeman said:
which started with me riding a wheelie off of the parking lot down a small grade into a grassy field, at which point the dew on the grass didn't offer much traction and DOWN went Brungeman! I hit my A$$ and tailbone sooo F'n hard I thought I was going to SH!T myself.
:think: :stosh: Pedal wheelies, are for the birds...



makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Nothing much happened here. Bunch of rain all weekend.

Had an F2 Tornado touch down less than a mile from the house at 1am Saturday morning. Luckily, it landed in a business district and there weren't any reported injuries.

Still no riding, but I did get a run in with the boys on Sunday.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Morning y'all. Recovering from my 12 hour race this weekend. Feel pretty good except my hands keep going numb.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Good morning!
Jim Mac - Congrats on the podium :thumb: Platty for me = :dead: ;)

Had a great weekend! Went out for an awesome ride on Friday night afterwork and managed to make 2 climbs that I didn't make the previous week (WOOT), bought a road bike, and had dinner & beverages out. I really need to remember my camera for one of these rides :rolleyes:

Saturday we did some yard work, worked out and played with the kid. Sunday I got a little spinning in and did some pilates again. I am deifnitely feeling stronger on my bike and am looking forward to some lunchtime rides this week. Then we hit the grocery store and I whipped up a tasty dinner. Syd was quite fussy last night and didn't want to go to her own bed...just wanted to be held until 11:30PM so I am a little tired this AM. Nothing a little java can't fix though!
Next up...my middle school interim reports...yeah!

Edit: I almost forgot...I ordered some new bike shorts and the parts to finish (finally) building up my SS. :dancing:

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
douglas said:

great job Westy & JimMac (I wonder if I'll ever get the gonads to hit broken tooth)
Thanks again all!

Doug, my course (sport) was luckily void of "Broken Tooth"!
We did hit up "Death Cookie" later in the day, however (much, much easier drops!)

It soulds like many folks here had very, very good weekends and congrats to Westy!