
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

I had a fairly mellow weekend. We had some nice weather on Saturday and I didn't even touch my bike.
Sunday Aubrey and I were asked to watch Aubrey's niece for a few hours which was pretty cool. We took her down to the stream behind our house to throw rocks and see the baby geese swimming around. While we were down there we walked to a more secluded fork in the stream, all of a sudden from above came a bald eagle swooping down and buzzing over our heads. It made my f'ing day! I had heard they were begining to re-populate the area but I didn't believe it!!!

On another positive note it sounds like I may be moving, but only moving to a different Zip along the same road I already live on. I would be renting a home temporarily while the owners sub-divide the 15acres it rests on. Once the subdivision is done I've been offered the have first dibs on the house I'll be renting in the mean time. The subdivision process should only take approx 6-months at most.

Ok hope ya all have a great day.


Nam I am
Morning Stosh!

Still raining here :( and I just couldn't take it any more. So I rode my bike to work :) and to add to my sickness , I rode the fixed gear. felt soo good to pedal.

thanks good ness for rain gear , cause I was still soaked by the time I got to work, but I wasn't cold.

There was not as much localized Street flooding as I expected , but there was some. and the roads I use had a couple of other roads detoured on to them. I guess My route must be the high route.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Good morning,

Had a great time in Prescott riding the Whiskey Offroad (except for the OTB which left a large hole in my arm). The course featured several new and challenging sections and the awards ceremonies at the bar afterwards were stellar. I will try and get a ride report posted soon.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Wow Splat and you North Easterners, you guys have been gettin dumped on!!! as Narlus said you may need an ARK! or ARC!

anyway, after a great Friday with Tractor Day (Prom day)

the Weekend was pretty uneventful! Had a good (not great) ride on Sat. morning. Hung out with Emma in the morning Sunday while Bek did the "Race for the Cure" walk. Then off for family stuff before breaking away to do trail work with Manhattanprjkt. We got dumped on about 2 hrs into working, it got so soggy and wet, I couldn't grip the shovel:rolleyes: so we called it a day. We did get a bunch of off camber trail leveled, so that is good. :thumb:

I hope you all have a good day. And for those of you that live in the Mid West, and East Coast, try and stay dry! I know that wont be easy, this storm looks like it will be hangin around for a while:dead:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Had a good weekend. Did a nice long mtb ride saturday morning where I seemed to be the only person having a good day. I gave a towel to one dude had split his knee open on a rock so he didn't bleed all over his car then gave this chick who had lost her keys a ride to a place where my cell phone got service so she could call for help.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Westy said:
Had a good weekend. Did a nice long mtb ride saturday morning where I seemed to be the only person having a good day. I gave a towel to one dude had split his knee open on a rock so he didn't bleed all over his car then gave this chick who had lost her keys a ride to a place where my cell phone got service so she could call for help.
I always worry about losing my keys when I ride.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
stosh said:
How is everybody today?

I had a fairly mellow weekend. We had some nice weather on Saturday and I didn't even touch my bike.
Sunday Aubrey and I were asked to watch Aubrey's niece for a few hours which was pretty cool. We took her down to the stream behind our house to throw rocks and see the baby geese swimming around. While we were down there we walked to a more secluded fork in the stream, all of a sudden from above came a bald eagle swooping down and buzzing over our heads. It made my f'ing day! I had heard they were begining to re-populate the area but I didn't believe it!!!

On another positive note it sounds like I may be moving, but only moving to a different Zip along the same road I already live on. I would be renting a home temporarily while the owners sub-divide the 15acres it rests on. Once the subdivision is done I've been offered the have first dibs on the house I'll be renting in the mean time. The subdivision process should only take approx 6-months at most.

Ok hope ya all have a great day.
were you throwing rocks at baby geese again? :cool: :rofl: Bald Eagle's are cool. The only time I saw one in the wild, in person was out on Colorado, that was a great experience.:thumb:


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
It really is a mess around here. Poured all weekend, but despite that I managed to get a few much needed things done.

Friday I went to the carnival that comes to town every year. It pretty much sucked because of the rain and the fact that I get sick on rides that spin you all around...the majority of the rides there. Highlights of the night included the carnie that was blatantly staring at every girl's ass that walked by, and a friend and I going into the Middlesex County Mobile Command Center set up for our Police Department. No, we were not in trouble, but it is pretty damned cool inside those things.

Saturday was more of the same, dropped off my frame to be faced and have the headset pressed in, so I should be picking that up tonight and putting the frame back together, along with installing the fork and a few other pieces. Still don't have all the parts to make it how I want, but it is coming along nicely.

Sunday was a lazy day. Unfortunately my mom was away most of the day, so I rebuilt my fork to put on a set of 20mm lowers and just do a little bit of cleaning. Ended up making my mom a fruit salad for dessert, which was great since the pizza my brother and his girlfriend made was AWFUL.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
brungeman said:
do you have a Camel back? If not get one! most of em' have a small clip on the inside you can hook them too!:thumb:
I have an old school camelbak that doesn't have a clip.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
brungeman said:
were you throwing rocks at baby geese again? :cool: :rofl: Bald Eagle's are cool. The only time I saw one in the wild, in person was out on Colorado, that was a great experience.:thumb:
Ha, nah we weren't throwing them at the geese.

It's was nice yesterday because it was cool (read: minimal bugs) and it's early in the season so it wasn't to overgrown by the water yet.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
What up?

Just got done with my first termination of an employee......not fun. I agonized over it all weekend--rehearsed what I was going to say and how I was going to say it. Lost a lot of sleep worrying about how things were going to turn out......I came in early this morning and snagged his timecard from the punch clock so he would have to come in the office looking for it before he attempted to clock in. From there, it went pretty much like I had hoped it would. Had all my documentation laid out from his attendence records to his production quotas. When I showed him the "evidence" it was pretty clear to him just how poorly he was doing and he pretty much accepted it without much fanfare. So, that was pretty good on my stress level, cause the dude has kids and if you're human--and have a heart, you worry about things like that. But, in the end, I know this guy brought this upon himself--he's an adult and is capable of knowing right from wrong, so for his kids' sake, I hope he pulls it together.

Other than the above, the weekend was pretty good. Had dinner with the wife on Friday night and then went to see "RV" with Robin Williams and Cheryl Hines. Kids in the theatre were laughing, we were laughing---a good time at the movies. Saturday was spent on the trails and in the yard while Sunday was spent with the moms and trying to dodge hailstorms and tornadoes that hit our area rather unexpectedly.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Morning monkeys,

It was actually pretty nice most of the weekend up here, and the parents came up for the weekend, so we got a lot of things done. The dock went into the lake, the pool was opened, the lawn got mowed (finally) and a bunch of little crap got done and cleaned up. We then had a nice mother's day dinner in Ithaca last night.

Very nice weekend, not one bit relaxing, but a nice weekend nonetheless.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Greyhound said:
What up?

Just got done with my first termination of an employee......not fun. I agonized over it all weekend--rehearsed what I was going to say and how I was going to say it. Lost a lot of sleep worrying about how things were going to turn out......I came in early this morning and snagged his timecard from the punch clock so he would have to come in the office looking for it before he attempted to clock in. From there, it went pretty much like I had hoped it would. Had all my documentation laid out from his attendence records to his production quotas. When I showed him the "evidence" it was pretty clear to him just how poorly he was doing and he pretty much accepted it without much fanfare. So, that was pretty good on my stress level, cause the dude has kids and if you're human--and have a heart, you worry about things like that. But, in the end, I know this guy brought this upon himself--he's an adult and is capable of knowing right from wrong, so for his kids' sake, I hope he pulls it together.

Other than the above, the weekend was pretty good. Had dinner with the wife on Friday night and then went to see "RV" with Robin Williams and Cheryl Hines. Kids in the theatre were laughing, we were laughing---a good time at the movies. Saturday was spent on the trails and in the yard while Sunday was spent with the moms and trying to dodge hailstorms and tornadoes that hit our area rather unexpectedly.

Ugghhh. The first time I fired someone I felt like crap too, despite the fact that they almost committed Medicaid fraud (I caught them falsifying services and documents before the bill went in). In the end, though, you can't feel bad if people are doing bad stuff. They're responsible for their actiions.

Anyway, hello to all. Drove to PA this weekend to watch Mo get her MA in Graphic Design/Illustration...Beautiful weather! As we drove back to Albany on 88, I could see us gradually re-entering the storm.

No riding this weekend, though I did finally fix some hub/disc brake caliper alignment issues on the dh bike...We hope to bang out a ride in the sandy and flat Pine Bush this evening. It's suddenly sunny and clear here but who knows how long that'll last!

I hope to plan out our PA/VA/WV/DC gas guzzling ride, race and friend/relative visiting trip in July today. Any tips on where to (relatively) cheaply stay at Snowshoe with a kitchenette?


Good morning all. I had a good hard ride on Saturday, but it rained like a mutha here on Sunday. I just hung out at the inlaw's most of the day.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Killed off the fever I had all week Friday night. Consumed alcoholic beverages later Friday night.

I went with my brother to check on the progress of his motorcycle. Went for a spin in his latest project, a Lexus SC300 Coupe. Eventually he wants to turn it into a 10 second 1/4 mile car. Easier than a VW would ever be.

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
Bald Eagle?!?! Thats awesome! I've seen one maybe my whole life.

Weekend was mellow, lots printing and slumbering. I think I'm going to schedule a pro bike fit for my roadie. Hopefully it won't cost to much and the guy can solve some of my more nagging problems.

Looking foward to the group ride on saturday too.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Tame Ape said:
Bald Eagle?!?! Thats awesome! I've seen one maybe my whole life.

Weekend was mellow, lots printing and slumbering. I think I'm going to schedule a pro bike fit for my roadie. Hopefully it won't cost to much and the guy can solve some of my more nagging problems.

Looking foward to the group ride on saturday too.
Yeah I'm looking forward to that ride too?

Is it just me and you so far?


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all! Had a nice weekend. Friday, during the lovely rain, I got my road bike all built up and test road it on the rollers. Saturday we packed up the kid and headed down to Tulip Fest for a little while. She was good the whole day...slept in her stroller and played a little, so we took her to babiesRUs and picked up a couple of new toys. She's so funny when she is out shopping...she looks at everything and is quite attentative to her surroundings. Sunday morning I tried to sleep in a little (6:45am :thumb: ) and then was treated to breakfast in bed and some lovely Mother's Day gifts from the hubby & Syd. She was happy and playing so we had a nice morning. Then we took my mom out for dinner at Applebee's (her choice) and I got a short workout in while watching TV. No riding on Sunday as it was pouring all day :( Supposed to rain today too, but I plan on getting a ride in (either on the road or the rollers) one way or another.

This week promises to be busy...dress rehearsals tomorrow morning, concert in the evening, then on Tuesday dress rehearsal in the AM, concert in the afternoon and a meeting right afterward. Then I get back to my normal schedule for 2 days. :rolleyes:


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Morning everyone...

my weekend r0x0rzed i went out to abercrombie and picked up a couple pink polo's and lowrise slimfit jeans, popped the collar and went out for a few appletini's with some honeys :love:...Wow those things will mess you up. still feeling it today.

Saturday was cool, I got an exhaust put on my cavalier and raced a dude in a 911, smoked him...

Did anyone see those new smarty pedals from crank bros? :love:...

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
stosh said:
Yeah I'm looking forward to that ride too?

Is it just me and you so far?
Not that theres anything wrong with that...
Two men, sweaty, alone in the woods, lost and lonely, covered in gnats...

I haven't heard from Hoops or the others, but I have faith in B&R.


manhattanprjkt83 said:
Morning everyone...

my weekend r0x0rzed i went out to abercrombie and picked up a couple pink polo's and lowrise slimfit jeans, popped the collar and went out for a few appletini's with some honeys :love:...Wow those things will mess you up. still feeling it today.

Saturday was cool, I got an exhaust put on my cavalier and raced a dude in a 911, smoked him...

Did anyone see those new smarty pedals from crank bros? :love:...
Dude - mocking those A & F wearing metro homos won't change the fact that you are a girly bitch. You tailored "this shirt", wear it, and your glasses with pride, bro.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
manhattanprjkt83 said:
my weekend r0x0rzed i went out to abercrombie and picked up a couple pink polo's and lowrise slimfit jeans, popped the collar and went out for a few appletini's with some honeys :love:...Wow those things will mess you up. still feeling it today.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning Stosh and fellow Monkeys! Had a good weekend! They recently opened an indoor waterpark up the road from me at the 6-Flags Great Escape which is where I spent Sat. with the family. Better still is the fact that my frind Lacey manages the sales office there so we got comp passes for the whole family ($160 value)! :thumb: 5 water slides, a "lazy river" tube ride, indoor surfing.... It was awsome. I did learn one thing though...trying to keep up with my 5 year old in a water park is EXHAUSTING!!! Sunday we took my mom out to lunch and then went back to my parents house for dinner that evening. Tonight will be spent watching 24 and letting my body continue the healing process from one too many surfing wipeouts.

Have a good one y'all!! :)

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
McGRP01 said:
Morning Stosh and fellow Monkeys! Had a good weekend! They recently opened an indoor waterpark up the road from me at the 6-Flags Great Escape which is where I spent Sat. with the family. Better still is the fact that my frind Lacey manages the sales office there so we got comp passes for the whole family ($160 value)! :thumb: 5 water slides, a "lazy river" tube ride, indoor surfing.... It was awsome. I did learn one thing though...trying to keep up with my 5 year old in a water park is EXHAUSTING!!! Sunday we took my mom out to lunch and then went back to my parents house for dinner that evening. Tonight will be spent watching 24 and letting my body continue the healing process from one too many surfing wipeouts.

Have a good one y'all!! :)
Ahhh, good ole' Storytown (that was the old Great Escape name, I think).


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Jim Mac said:
Ahhh, good ole' Storytown (that was the old Great Escape name, I think).
Sure was! The new place is awesome though. Adirondack Lodge it's called I think. 5 resturaunts, 2 bars, waterpark... I might just move in!

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
McGRP01 said:
Sure was! The new place is awesome though. Adirondack Lodge it's called I think. 5 resturaunts, 2 bars, waterpark... I might just move in!
Throw in another bar and a mountain bike loop and I'm there too! (though the closest thing I've ever gotten to a water park is a slip n' slide!)


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Jim Mac said:
...We hope to bang out a ride in the sandy and flat Pine Bush this evening. It's suddenly sunny and clear here but who knows how long that'll last!

dang..I should have brought the bike ( I have a dentist apt after work thats like 10 minutes from PB)


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
My bike is broken again, so Ive gotten pretty drunk the last three nights in a row. Last night was my Bday, and I got a new grill, so me and some friends grilled out steaks, shrimp, burgers, corn, potatos...and drank alot of beers. it was f'ing GREAT!

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
douglas said:
dang..I should have brought the bike ( I have a dentist apt after work thats like 10 minutes from PB)

Dude, go get your bike at lunch! either that or join us on the weekly Wednesday Pittstown/Grafton death march!


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
stosh said:
We took her down to the stream behind our house to throw rocks and see the baby geese swimming around.
Morning :stosh:

Please tell me you aimed and threw the rocks at the geese, frikken pests. Can't ride at one of places of frequent for awhile because the damn sh!t factories have seemed to have taken the place over and with young ones, the only way to get them to stay away is to shoot them, and can't do this at the place being that no guns are allowed.

Anyways, raining here, have to take my sister to the Airport today. Other than that not much going on of interest, may finish the book I started reading yesterday.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Jim Mac said:
Dude, go get your bike at lunch! either that or join us on the weekly Wednesday Pittstown/Grafton death march!

lunch=45 min's ; ride home = 30 min's (each way)

and I do plan to ride the wednesday death march :cool:


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
It's hot here. HOT. I rode forever Saturday and helped out at a race here in Bend yesterday. Beer.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh, all.

In VA at the moment sitting in a hotel room waiting to go to a wedding. Thrilling huh? Travelling with 2 kids is a nightmare. Actually, it doesn't have anything to do with 2 kids... travelling with my son is a nightmare.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
great, wet weekend, and did a ton of photography.

for a total washout, the kids were great being cooped up in the house most of the time. hit an ice cream social the soccer league held, and that was it for sat. later that night i went in solo to see a show @ a church in somerville. old time folkie Michael Hurley headlined, and Tara Jane O'Neill and Samara Lubelski also played. pretty neat venue to catch a show. i took some photos using a 85mm/1.8 lens i rented for the weekend. very tough lighting though; very challenging (plus i had the metering setting on the wrong setting :rolleyes: ). after the show i headed to redbones and some buffalo shrimp and bear republic big bear stout :drool:

sunday was even more of a washout; tons of rain. drove around a bit to see the localized flooding, and took some pics w/ the new wide angle lens i got friday. let my wife (aka the mom) do whatever she wanted on sunday, and played around w/ the kids. later that night we braved the elements and drove in to see the Mogwai show. forgot our earplugs (took her car instead of my lowrider), but the rolled up bar napkins jammed into the ears worked out pretty well. the show was good-to-great but not quite the same spectacular show we saw in dublin. anyway, i got a ton of shots @ this show too (got 2nd in from stage, so i had a good vantage point).

tired now, and i've got loads of post-processing to do...the downside of taking a lot of photos...esp when you don't know squat about using PS and all the sundry plugins...