
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

I'll be out of the office today, we're going on a field trip to the Guggenheim(sp?) to see Zaha Hadid's exhibit. I'm pretty psyched and I've always loved her work.

Hope ya all have a great day!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning! I'm tired.

Friday the wife and I went for an MTB ride, then I had a hockey game (we kicked ass). Saturday we (myself, MBC, tonyhawk, MMcG, and two non-monkeys) went for an awesome MTB ride. A lady who joined us let MBC ride her Yeti 575 for the day. MBC likes. :D Yesterday I did a solo road ride for 2.5 hours in the 95 degree heat. :dead: I usually see tons of other roadies, but yesterday I only saw two.

Back to work today. I could use the day off from riding. I'm tired.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I am still freaking beat thanks to heat, humidity and a little mountain called Pats Peak that once again kicked my ass.

see splats PP ride report


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin fellas.

I'm dragging this morning - did 15 miles on the dirt yesterday morning, then 30 miles on the road yesterday afternoon. It was a good day of riding in deed, but I'm feeling it now.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
Morning. Fairly lazy weekend... sat by the pool both days, went out with some coworkers to the bar Friday night. It's supposed to be in the triple digits here for the next few days, without the heat index :hot:. Have a good start to the week, all! :)


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.

I'm tired. Long drive last night and it's really fricken hot up here. Blah! This is the first time I've had the AC on this summer, and it's going to be brutal. At least it's supposed to cool down tomorrow to the low 80s, which means open windows and fresh breezes. Today will involve working to clear up the pool, doing some housework, studying for a coupole of quizzes and exams, and maybe mowing the lawn.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
robdamanii said:
it's really fricken hot up here. Blah! This is the first time I've had the AC on this summer, and it's going to be brutal.
yep - they are calling for 95+ with high humidity (85+) today. Should be fun :dead: Needless to say, I'll be skipping the road ride today.


Nam I am
Morning !

back in the office today . Legs still feel a little tired after the abuse a little mountin Called Pats Peak Dished out . They complained a little when I got on the road bike and road in. :D

It was really hard to get up this morning after a week off , 3 Days in the NEK , Pats peak , and other fun.


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Morning all.

Going to be a nice cool 98 here today. Soon as I finish breakfast, water the plants, then going to take it easy for the rest of the day.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
splat said:
Wimp!! I won't :) ( and we are having the same weather )
Yea, pretty much. If I could shower after the ride, I might have considered it... but I have meetings this afternoon and I would be nasty gross.

Plus, my legs could use the rest.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
splat said:
O -- No shower , that does make a difference!
Normally I don't care much... I keep baby wipes and deoderant in my office, so I just give myself some time to cool down and stop sweating, then wipe down and I'm good to go. But on days like today, just looking outside makes me sweat.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Good morning all. Weird but good weekend.

Poured all day Saturday at Plattekill from 11 to 6...at least it kept the temps down. Of course I had packed more water and gatorade than rain gear with the "heat wave" predictions. Sport course was on the north side and incorporated part of the November race course, with the techy rock sections taken out though - kinda easy but flowy fast and had TWO uphill sections. The pro/experts had a much, much tougher course with many accidents.

On Sunday the heat wave began there and things tacked up - windy and clear weather made me break out the gatorade all day long. Racing can be reality warping, at least from small perspective...I always feel like my race runs are much slower than practice runs, but then I reflect back on how much farther I'm jumping over stuff (there were 1-3 foot high rock kicker jumps on one part of the course) and I realized that I must have been moving quicker than I thought? I dunno...Anyway, managed 3rd place behind the usual cast of characters, maintaining my 3rd overall points position in the 40 until you die sport class. Woo hoo!

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
Not much riding this weekend... Did about 50 miles Friday after work... then spent Sat and Sun wrenching on cars... Front brakes and elak-down testing a firends Volvo 240, then oil change on the g/f's MINI... then started tearing into her Spitfire to replace some hoses and engine thrust washers. I'm hoping I can get in an afterwork ride sometime this week, but between work schedule and heat, it's not looking good... :wonky2:


Oct 27, 2004
The County of Kings
Good job Jim Mac! We missed the rain in the city, but now we get the heat! Took the new Nemesis Project out to the Brooklyn Banks last night for a little re-introduction to street riding. Had a blast! Watching all those kids pulling huge 270' airs and big ol' wall rides makes me wish I was 20 again...


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Good Morning.

I don't remember what I did Friday night. I might have gone to the driving range, but I really have no idea.

Saturday rode with a friend who I hadn't ridden with in months. Being really f'in hot we just sorta had a leisurely ride through the woods, wasn't too bad at all. Then I went golfing. Played Green Meadows the Jungle course. It was in pretty good condition and the weather actually wasn't too bad. I sorta hacked it around for a bit, but managed to get a few pars here and there. Tallied up the strokes at the end of the round and turned in a 4 over par 76.

Did nothing yesterday, but had a dream last night that I was at a gas station with a couple of asians who were using the gas nozzles as flame throwers. I got angry and started shooting them but it turns out they were immune to fire. No idea where that came from.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning.

Went to see Chicago/Huey Lewis & the News Sat. evening. Chicago was unbelievable. The epitome of professional--super tight with a big sound. Huey Lewis was really good too. Weather was hot, hot, hot......(wait, that's Buster Poindexter). Yesterday was spent lounging in the lake drinking cold tops all day.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
kickass BBQ @ my brother's house down at the cape, got back yesterday and chilled around the house. miles and i built a model volcano he'd gotten for his b-day a while ago (baking soda and vinegar). was gonna do a road ride but it was too freakin' hot, instead i decided to cheese-grater my toes (see 'dumb ass' thread).

two days left in the office before vacation. woot!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Good morning,

Some time in the middle of the night Saturday, the pool decided to pump it's enitre contents of 23,000 gallons in my yard and the neighbors. Spent all day yesterday doing damage control and trying to get it refilled. It's almost there this morning. Pool company who supplies life time warranty can't get out to look at it for two weeks. Wonderful.

Hope your day is better.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut

Fun night at the Talcott Notch Music Festival with my co-workers - I didn't want to go, but I had fun. I think it was the little kids of my co-workers having so much fun that helped make it fun for me too. When you see little dudes having a blast, it is contagious I think.

Saturday morning = great ride with MBC, IAB, Tonyhawk and two other riders from bikerag.com. IAB was his usual kickass riding self, as was Tonyhawk and MBC ripped it up on her borrowed Yeti 575. She did a couple of steep sections on the Yeti that I'm not sure she'd do or do as well on her Blur. Saturday evening was a family birthday party - good food and cake!

Sunday = lawn mowing in the morning, resting during mid-day, grillin for dinner, and more lawn mowing in the evening when temps were cooler for working.

All in all a pretty kickass and relaxing weekend!


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning. Decent weekend. Did 43 miles on the road on Sat. with a couple fast guys. Got dropped on the climbs, but caught up on the flats/downhills. Felt strong and managed to avg. 16.5 which is pretty good for me. Yesterday Treesaw, Sq-Earl and I took Dogwonder and his bro out for a ride on our local SMBA trails. Despite the 90+ degree heat and some sloppy, slick trails from the rain the night before, a good time was had by all. I believe there will be a ride report posted in the near future.... REALLY looking forward to MonkeyFest this weekend. I need to get away from here for a while...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Trainwreck said:
Good morning,

Some time in the middle of the night Saturday, the pool decided to pump it's enitre contents of 23,000 gallons in my yard and the neighbors. Spent all day yesterday doing damage control and trying to get it refilled. It's almost there this morning. Pool company who supplies life time warranty can't get out to look at it for two weeks. Wonderful.

Hope your day is better.
Holy sh!t, man! That one takes the turkey! Back in the day, my parent's had a similar situation with a pool under warranty and a company who couldn't fix it a timely manner. After throwing a fit, my father got them to reimburse him after having another service co. repair the pump. ...might be worth a try.

I didn't get out for any rides this weekend. Too much studying & working. What little time I do have to exercise, I'm running for this upcoming marathon in San Jose some friend has me talked into. It's gonna be murder.


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
McGRP01 said:
Morning. Decent weekend. Did 43 miles on the road on Sat. with a couple fast guys. Got dropped on the climbs, but caught up on the flats/downhills. Felt strong and managed to avg. 16.5 which is pretty good for me. Yesterday Treesaw, Sq-Earl and I took Dogwonder and his bro out for a ride on our local SMBA trails. Despite the 90+ degree heat and some sloppy, slick trails from the rain the night before, a good time was had by all. I believe there will be a ride report posted in the near future.... REALLY looking forward to MonkeyFest this weekend. I need to get away from here for a while...
The kid is working on the ride report, will hopefully have done tonight.

As McGRP01 has stated, we met up yesterday for a ride at the Saratoga trails. Had an absolute blast! The trails were slick, mostly from the rain the previous day and the humidity not allowing the trails to dry out. No serious injuries aside from some spokes on both mine and Treesaw's rides. More to come in the ride report.

Aside from that, went to the Great Escape on Saturday with my two brothers, sister in law, mom, and the missus. Good time and ate way too much bad food.

All in all, a good weekend.

And now back to work...which sucks.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Afternoon all! Had a pretty busy weekend. Friday, I made these cake for my friend's son's first birthday. (they are both 100% edible except for the airplane on top of the large cake and the candle in the bed of the little truck cake).

When we finished, I hit the trails for a nice long, ard XC ride on...I felt strong and lead for part of the ride but tired near the end. Got my second wind and headed on the road to the bar for some post ride beverages.

Saturday brought the rain, but we had fun at the birthday party for a little while and then I made some tasty bruschetta and salads for dinner with a bit too much wine.

Sunday, Sq-Earl & I met up with McGRP01, Dogwonder and his brother to ride our local SMBA trails. They were quite slick after the days rain and I managed to crash a couple of times, broke another spoke (I had broken one just before) and my shoe :( Good thing I had already bought new shoes. We'll have a ride report with a few pics up soon. After the ride, we spent some quality time floating around in the pool with Syd.

Today I taught a couple of lessons and am making my lists for packing for Monkeyfest :dancing:


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Another busy day after a nice, relaxing weekend with some company. Had some amazing Tai one night, some local wine the next after a long swim and ate a lot of pie. The perfect weekend for sure (a little riding would have been nice too). It looks like a trainer day. My body doesn't want to be anywhere near the hot asphalt after work!

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
morning all. ended up sleeping in until about 10 minutes ago. big mistake as i am now extremely groggy. not much planned today. just going to head back to the old job to tie up a few loose ends with the owner. now i think i could really use a coffee.