
~~Good Monday Morning~~


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Good monday morning monkeys.

Exam week this week. What fun. The weekend was great; had a nice day with Beth on her birthday then we had a nice relaxing weekend riding and hanging out.

Today is a case of the mondays. How about everyone else?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
Um, have yet to go to sleep.

Going for a trailride whenever I end up getting up though, so it should be good.
Had a good weekend.


New Haven to Appalachian Gap, Waitsfield, Warren, return via Lincoln
gap. 53 miles, 4,775 feet of climbing. My knees are sore.


Six hour one-on-one handgun training with a Vermont State Police instructor. Fired 500-600 rounds. Learned a lot.

This week:

Preparation for the 24 hours of Great Glen.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Good job JBP! That's a nice set of twin peaks on that epic ride.

I finally was able to get back on the bike the last couple of days. Did two shorter rides and they were painful. Hope to get a couple of more rides in before the Flagstaff campout next weekend.

Have a good day.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
I&#8217;m surviving my &#8220;liberation&#8221; process; worse week of my life&#8230;one week down&#8230;? More to go. I&#8217;ve passed all my finals and school is finally over&#8230;thank goodness. Parents finally called after 6 months&#8230;just to kick me in the gut and then offer to help. Don&#8217;t ya love parents!!! I&#8217;m vehicle-less which has got me on my bike more often than I think I&#8217;ve ridden my entire life!!! It&#8217;s renewed my love affair with my bike!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MBC and I blew off our Saturday ride because I was tired as hell from my hockey game Friday night. Now I can't remember what the hell we did all day. :think: (edit: Oh yeah, chores and some basic stunt building)

We had a very nice 2.5 hour road ride yesterday. What a fabulous day it was to be outside. :)


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Finals week! 3 exams but all pretty easy.

Im going riding Thursday morning, so help me jesus. First ride in EIGHT WEEKS!

Provided brown comes through...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Graphics said:
I’m surviving my “liberation” process; worse week of my life…one week down…? More to go. I’ve passed all my finals and school is finally over…thank goodness. Parents finally called after 6 months…just to kick me in the gut and then offer to help. Don’t ya love parents!!! I’m vehicle-less which has got me on my bike more often than I think I’ve ridden my entire life!!! It’s renewed my love affair with my bike!

Hang in there... there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

..in other words:

:) :drool: :devil: :thumb: :dancing: :trophy_br :wave: :weee: :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
Sorry I can't respond...at work...Graphic Translator only works at designated times!! :)

I am...thanks. Everyone was great here. Would have been great to have computer access during the weekend...but thank goodness for best friends. Still...I was really missing the RM community!!! :)

...and all those icons!!!!!!!!!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Fooled around with the camera taking pictures and deleted them all.

Laughed my ass off watching The Wire/Deadwood/Entourage.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I saw Saw Saturday nite... was expecting a typical predictible slasher flick... however was surprised and thought it was well done.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
Good morning! Had a good but expensive weekend. I bought a new living room set for the new house. :weee: It's a microsuede, cream colored sofa, large ottoman, and two big chairs. It is super comfy!The ottoman is cool; I actually got that in sage with cherry legs. It was a lot of money, but it will look so good in the new house! I almost had a nervous breakdown in the store, but that's ok. BV should feel lucky to have his sugar momma. ;)


Jul 27, 2006
Good morning. I had a good weekend at a trade show, but it was good to get home to see the wife and kid.

The show was for assembly managers and was cool though. I was directly across from Guiness and Jose Cuervo. There were drinks everywhere. It was the least bored I have ever been at a show. I got to sit on a Zamboni and saw so many huge, super clear jumbotrons.

antimony - don't suck on your new sofa. I have a cream colored microsuede recliner that the kid decided to try to eat this weekend. It left a huge spot. :eek: Not sure how long she had to work at it, but i would just suggest that you and BV keep your mouths off of it. :D


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Good morning everyone.

Finally have a chill day at work today. Had a fantastic weekend with Rob and a great ride with he and Dog Wonder on Saturday. We did part of the Darkhorse 40 course at Stewart and it was fast and fun. Ride thread coming soon I think/hope.

Having trouble deciding what to do about my road bike and having something comfortable to throw on the trainer for winter (see thread in XC forum...opinions needed!)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
You'll do great!!! I don't know what my final test scores were...just glad i got through them. It's so much better not having all that studying to fill my head up with!!!


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Graphics said:
You'll do great!!! I don't know what my final test scores were...just glad i got through them. It's so much better not having all that studying to fill my head up with!!!

One down this morning. I definitely didn't get the 93 I needed for an A in the class, but it's over anyway.

DW, ride report submitted.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
well...the way my week went...I'll be happy if i get a 70 (which is passing for our school)!!!! And at this point...I'll take it!! :)

You're gonna do great...just remember what you told me about school!!!


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
'morning / 'afternoon ...

Let's see ... day 16 living in brokencollarboneville. ZERO miles on the bike this weekend, which brings my 2 week running total to ZERO miles. I'm a ways off from being able to ride. I HAVE to get a trainer set up and get back to spinning. I fear my concentrated training program of bbq'ing lots of red meat and drinking beer is not going to be enough.

Saw Taladega Nights this weekend, pretty funny.
Walked through an art fair with my girlfriend and somehow found ourselves swept into an artists' party afterwards where we ate and drank and provided additional applause as awards were presented to sculpters and painters.

have a great day :monkey:s.


Jul 27, 2006
Nick said:
<snip>Saw Taladega Nights this weekend, pretty funny.

I talked two of my very religious friends into going. You can imagine how I felt. :o:

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Well, I will give you guys my rundown since Wednesday.
Wednesday afternoon after work, I took an hour long "body pump" class at the gym, and then headed to our not yet finished house to clean up my bike room/workout room. This included cleaning up a bunch of glass and sheetrock from where some dude feel through our ceiling, moving a bunch of boxes, and scraping up all this sheetrock mess that was left all over the concrete floor of this room.
Then Thursday after work, we went back up there to lay a 30x12 piece of vinyl flooring into the bike room, and it was just me and my wife. So that took all night as well.
Then Friday after work, we went and got all our materials to lay ceramic tile in our laundry/garage entrance room which is fairly big as well.
This is the part of the story where one would think, "Hey, Jeremy must know how to lay ceramic tile, or at least have done it before."
But you would be extremely wrong.
Anyway, so all of Friday night was spent laying the flooring board, and making a gazillion cuts with a skilsaw because of the funky shaped room. Oh yeah, this was my first time using a skilsaw as well.
Then on Saturday, we spent all day laying the tile, and then we went and rented a wet saw to cut all the funky tiles with. At 1:30 in the morning we realized we would have to finish on Sunday.
Sunday morning we were back at it and finally got done at 3:30.
And we are going back up tonight to do the grout.
Also, our external water line had broken, so when we cut the water on, it went around the faucet and up out of the ground, so when we collected water for the cement/ wet saw etc.... we had to get it from the ground with an empty gatorade bottle and fill up a five gallon bucket all Jethro style and then hike back up to the house.:dead:
One more footnote: Friday right before we left to start the work, my wife and I noticed that our 13 year old monster of a cat was not moving around well. So she took him to an emergency vet where he had fluid on his chest and heart problems. My wife has had this cat since it was a kitten, and he is just a big fat purrbox. He just rules.
He is the type of cat that people like who do not like cats. Anyway, it looks like his time may be short, and if it is, my wife will not take it well at all. So we dealt with that all weekend as well.
And this is the longest streak I can remember me not riding my bike in years (not counting injury of course.)
Something's gotta give soon.:help:


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning/Afternoon Monkies! :D

I'm running a little late today because I'm trying to catch up on my work before leaving for vacation tommorow. It's going to be a busy day.

Saturday we built up Orven's new bike....

And then Sunday he gave it a test run and he seems to like it! :D

It was a great weekend...the rest of the pics are HERE

Well I should get back to work. Have a great day everyone! :)


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Good Morn..errr...afterno....ahhh....good evening!! Just got back froma day of DH'ing at Diablo w/ Treesaw, Sq-Earl, Narlus, Isa, Johnnyru & Treesaw & Earl's friend Don (that fell out of the top bunk at Monkeyfest). Short day (we got there late at around 11:30 and rode until around 2:30), but it was a blast!! Trails were in greart shape and everyone was ripping it up!! I think Narlus has a couple pics he can post when he gets around to it. Sq-Earl & Narlus both went huge off the big drops all over the mountain. So smooth and impressive...both of them! The girls were ripping the rock gardens and very much enjoyed riding the ladders and bridges. :thumb: Myself, well, I could have spent all day on Upper and Lower Dominion. By the end of the day I was X'ing up and throwing tables on the big jumps of Lower Dominion. Sooooo smoooth! :drool: Can't wait to get back there soon! Hopefully the last weekend of the month for the race. We shall see... :evil: