
~~Good Monday Morning!!~~


Mar 14, 2005
morning Monkeys!! welcome back Stosh.. glad you had a great honeymoon!!!
Im sick today.. well not really I stayed up too late last night... had so many errands to run today and I m going riding in about an hour so its a fun sick day!!
I had an awesoem weekend.. did some hiking with the puppy in Norvin green State park (N. Jersey). the puppy did awesoem.. its amazes me howe she knew enough to stay on the trail. she wouldnt go much further than 15ft ahead and then she would run right back to us hiking.. irt was a lot of fun just to watch her. Needless to say she was pooped when she got home!!
Sunday helped out with sales at my LBS .. a busy busy day but as usual, fun . and today I get to ride Hartshorne!!! I love weekends like this one.. even if i have top take an extra day



Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
stosh said:
Woohoo!! Can't wait to see you two :D

Had a great weekend upstate visiting my mom. Ate lots of great food (Tai one night and then some spicy blackened chicken with an Ommegang Witte in Cooperstown the next). Went for a relaxing road ride through the country (and up some freakin' large hills) Sat. and then to Cooperstown Sunday to hang out by the lake.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Good morning and welcome back Stosh! I am glad to hear that you and Aubrey enjoyed yourselves, but you might not want to tell her that the best part of the honeymoon is that you're home and can ride your bike again ;)

This weekend was nice. Had a good ride on Friday night with some friends and tasty food & beverages afterward. We rode a fun loop and when we got to the road, I seriously felt like I could do another lap! :D

Saturday was a chillin' kind of day and Sunday we putzed around on the stunts a little and worked on Sq-Earl's bike. Tonight I am leading a women's ride so that should be fun too. I am also planning on going for a run in a few minutes :help:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
I'm welcoming this Monday with open arms.

My dog escaped from the house Friday night and bit somebody, essentially costing me about $500 and preventing me from going riding and camping up in Flag over the weekend. Then yesterday while vacuuming the house, I broke my toe.

Bad things happen in threes. I'm awaiting vigilantly for the trifecta to be complete.

On a (sort of) happier note, I'm starting a second job tomorrow night working at the local rock gym. I'm excited because I know most of the people who work there and it should be fun, but then again, it IS a second job which I took because I'm broke. My rig is still sitting in the garage in dire need of a bottom bracket. Anyone have an ISIS 68x113 bb they're using as a paper weight?

Hope everyone elses Monday goes well!


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
macko said:
I'm welcoming this Monday with open arms.

My dog escaped from the house Friday night and bit somebody, essentially costing me about $500 and preventing me from going riding and camping up in Flag over the weekend. Then yesterday while vacuuming the house, I broke my toe.

Bad things happen in threes. I'm awaiting vigilantly for the trifecta to be complete.
Lumberg's gonna have you work Saturday.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
macko said:
I'm welcoming this Monday with open arms.

My dog escaped from the house Friday night and bit somebody, essentially costing me about $500 and preventing me from going riding and camping up in Flag over the weekend. Then yesterday while vacuuming the house, I broke my toe.

Bad things happen in threes. I'm awaiting vigilantly for the trifecta to be complete.

On a (sort of) happier note, I'm starting a second job tomorrow night working at the local rock gym. I'm excited because I know most of the people who work there and it should be fun, but then again, it IS a second job which I took because I'm broke. My rig is still sitting in the garage in dire need of a bottom bracket. Anyone have an ISIS 68x113 bb they're using as a paper weight?

Hope everyone elses Monday goes well!
Vacumming's a dangerous sport. You gotta be careful! You're lucky it didn't just suck that toe right up into Hooverland, never to be seen again ;)

I just got a new BB, a nice sealed FRA platinum from Beyond Bikes for $35ish I think (I found the same one at Price Point, but more expensive, and they ship faster and cheaper, so I price matched it there and had it in 3 days).

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
So I gave blood, and thus had my blood pressure and heart rates measured. My blood pressure is 112/68. :dancing: My heart rate was 56 and I am a little disappointed in that.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
morning all (well afternoon).... I just got back from the beach as well caught a bunch of sweet waves early in the week, and then the weather got kinda sh!tty and the waves got super blown out... so I was lucky I put in all the paddling time in early!

I have a ton of sh!t to do before school starts on the 23rd! I guess I should get started!

I will check in with you monkeys in a bit!


Mar 6, 2002
Nor. Ca. Santa Cruz ,Mang
Hey al,l my sat. wasent so great ,pretty much clean the house day.But sunday I finally took my dog for his first ride!He did real well, i kept it pretty short so he wouldnt get tired, cant wait to take him out again. Have a good week everyone.


Mar 14, 2005
robdamanii said:
Hoop, that puppy is cute as a bug's ears. I want one. :(
is that a complement?? im not sure?? i'll have to look at a bugs ear to find out.. any particular bug??

thanks man... she's getting big.. quickly!!!!


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Afternoon. I spent most of Saturday relaxing and trying to get the rest of the swelling down in my knee. It worked pretty, except now my ankle is swollen. I guess all the fluid that squeezed out of my knee drained down to my foot.

My wife and I took our canoe out on the bay Saturday evening but there were too many big boats making huge wakes and we didn't really paddle around much for fear of capsizing and having to swim with jellyfish. (not cool) We just stayed near shore and enjoyed the rocking of the waves instead of actually going anywhere.

Sunday we went for a 22 mile road ride on the Baltimore-Annapolis bike trail. The knee was only slightly annoyed. More ice and compression made it happy again. I think in another day or two it will be back to normal.