
good news v bad news... GOOD NEWS WINS


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
So the GOOD news is that I cleared the "road gap" (that was really only a sidewalk gap). Been working on that for a few weeks now. I was always about 2 inches short, and DHS would tell me, "More speed..." :bonk:

Tonight I was feeling the mojo, probably because I wasn't wearing any pads :rolleyes: and decided to take his advice and "just hammer the speed and commit to the jump." I hammered the speed and committed to the jump, and gapped the sidewalk with about 6 inches to spare. It was beautiful, and I FELT it! The guys were all watching and totally erupted in cheers. I was ecstatic and trembling with adrenaline. I rolled up next to them.

"That was amazing!" I heard, as I cast my gaze to the sidewalk, beaming from ear to ear, somewhat embarrassed at the pride I felt in my little triumph. "Yeah," I said, "I totally felt it. It was really good." A moment of silence passed, then:

"Dude, you're fork's locked out," I hear DHS tell me.

NO! I do this on occasion. I forget to unlock my fork. Steve is amazed that I don't seem to notice it, and ride the same whether it's locked out or not. I look down. Sure enough, I turn the knob and my fork grows about 3 inches. I laugh at my own idiocy.

"Go back and do it again," he says with a smile. I sigh, "OK."

I pedal back to the entry of the run-in to the jump. I'm still trembling with adrenaline, but tell myself the same thing I told myself before I actually cleared it: Hammer the speed and commit. I don't take into account the added adrenaline and um... testosterone? maybe? I hammer the speed.

This time, not only do I clear the sidewalk, but immediately upon touchdown, I realize I've overshot by over a foot, and a large tree is fast approaching. On instinct, I lay the bike over, so as not to run into the tree, and plow hard into the dirt with my left shoulder. It happens so fast, I hardly know what has occurred, but I know I'm in pain, that I'm trying to stand but I'm dizzy, and that it was almost a lot worse than it really was.

Instead of the loud cheers that I was expecting from the guys, I see bodies rushing towards me. "Woah! You OK?"

"Um, I think so." I try out my left arm for range of motion. "Aaauuugh!!" I gasp. Yep, found it. Rotator cuff. I stagger a bit and slouch back to the ground. I'm dizzy. I tell the guys that I'll be OK, I just need a minute to get some blood to my head, as I lie on my back and prop my feet against the tree. I take a deep breath, and suddenly laugh. The guys want to know what's so funny.

"Well, all this week I've been really pissed off that I can't race this weekend because my friend is getting married and I have to be at the wedding. But now, if I can't raise my arm, well, it's like, no longer her fault that I can't race. Somehow it makes it easier..."

As soon as I'm able, we all get back on our bikes and head back to the shop. I’m pretty certain it's either A/C or rotator cuff, as I've injured both before and have a good idea what to look for. Before heading back down south towards home, I stop at DHS's place for a bag of ice. Were I to visit the ER, I figure ice and Ibuprofin would be the diagnosis, so I simply take both and just head home.

So now, it’s been an hour or so. Although I can't raise the arm, I can keep it up once I help it up with the other arm, so I figure: rotator cuff. I should take it easy for a bit. Sigh. Oddly, not racing this weekend because I injured myself overshooting a gap is somehow much more comforting than not racing this weekend because I have to go to a wedding.

And that's my night ride story for tonight. :)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
this story would be so much better with pictorial evidence, hint hint :D . congrats on the gap in any case.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Nice job on hitting the gap that's eluded you. Hope it is just a bruise or something and not a rotator cuff tear. Heal up fast?

Are you in Rochester too? It says San Diego on your location, but isn't DHS in Rochester?


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Nice job on hitting the gap that's eluded you. Hope it is just a bruise or something and not a rotator cuff tear. Heal up fast?

Are you in Rochester too? It says San Diego on your location, but isn't DHS in Rochester?

We needed a mechanic. I recruited DHS, tempting him with blue skies, warm breezes, and surfer girls in bikinis. In January. :D
So now he lives in San Diego and wrenches in my shop (well, not MY MY shop, but the one where I work).


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Sadly, all the pics I have are really lame. I was the photographer, had only a small digital camera, and it was a night ride.

Here's the group:

Here's the sidewalk gap with DHS going over it. He always clears it well. None of the other guys have. When we looked at the tracks of where I landed... it was waaaay out there. They said I was flying.