
~~Good Thursday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?
Spent last night finally getting around to making 4 apple pies. It sucks because they look so good just sitting there on the table but I can't eat them.

So who's at work today?
Oddly we have 2 people who called in sick today...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I'm at work. Hi!

I stopped at Dunkin Donuts this morning for a coffee. They were COMPLETELY wiped out of donuts. Not that I wanted to buy any, because generally speaking donuts make me ill, but I thought it was funny that they had ZERO donuts left.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
I'm at work. Hi!

I stopped at Dunkin Donuts this morning for a coffee. They were COMPLETELY wiped out of donuts. Not that I wanted to buy any, because generally speaking donuts make me ill, but I thought it was funny that they had ZERO donuts left.
Funny I was going to stop till I realised the only people in the office would be me and a Jehova Witness so I found it pointless.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Echo said:
Gonna be a short day at work... but a long day of running around like crazy taking care of last minute stuff.

WHat do you have to do still? I'm hoping our boss lets us go home early.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MMcG said:
Morning! I'm at work - got in a little late though.
Having some Chai Tea right now - mmmm good stuff
I would like to try that Tea. What's it like?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Opeth said:
Morning :stosh:

Go errands to run and presens to wrap. All while building a new front wheel for he bike.

what kind of wheel are you building?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
stosh said:
WHat do you have to do still? I'm hoping our boss lets us go home early.
Wrap some presents
Gas up car
Stop at bank and pay mortgage
Buy ingredients for dish to pass tonite
Ride rollers
Clean up house a bit
One last load of laundry
Pack for 7am flight tomorrow
Prepare dish to pass with GF
Go to party

I have no idea how I'm going to fit it all in...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Echo said:
Wrap some presents
Gas up car
Stop at bank and pay mortgage
Buy ingredients for dish to pass tonite
Ride rollers
Clean up house a bit
One last load of laundry
Pack for 7am flight tomorrow
Prepare dish to pass with GF
Go to party

I have no idea how I'm going to fit it all in...
Is your GF hot?

Just kidding!! Where ya going, or did I miss that thread?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
f'n yo. Work till six tonight and till 5 tomorrow. Got to wrap presents tonight and pack to go to my parents tomorrow after i get out of work. i also have to go to the mall tonight and pick up a last minute gift.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Hey. Morning here is ok I guess. My ride scheduled for this AM got cancelled. Not because of rain or ice, but because the kid I was going with got too drunk last night and "didn't feel up to it". :rolleyes: Pu$$y. Anywho, it's probably all for the best anyway... I've got to hit the supermarket, liquor store and pick up a few last minute stocking stuffers anyway. Hopefully our Sunday group ride will still happen.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
got stopped by a policeman for speeding on the way in. turns out he stopped a neighbor of mine just a little before, and let them off w/ a warning. he was still feeling charitable, so he let me off w/ a warning too. so that's nice.

gotta pick up hil's bike today, can't wait to see the new fork/headset combo. should be sweet. no one is in work today. really dead.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
McGRP01 said:
Hey. Morning here is ok I guess. My ride scheduled for this AM got cancelled. Not because of rain or ice, but because the kid I was going with got too drunk last night and "didn't feel up to it". :rolleyes: Pu$$y. Anywho, it's probably all for the best anyway... I've got to hit the supermarket, liquor store and pick up a few last minute stocking stuffers anyway. Hopefully our Sunday group ride will still happen.
Ha he was to drunk!
I remember riding hungover once... man it was hard!



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
narlus said:
got stopped by a policeman for speeding on the way in. turns out he stopped a neighbor of mine just a little before, and let them off w/ a warning. he was still feeling charitable, so he let me off w/ a warning too. so that's nice.

gotta pick up hil's bike today, can't wait to see the new fork/headset combo. should be sweet. no one is in work today. really dead.
Same here, I'm all alone!!!!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I'm at work. I feel crappy (cold). My "boss" already said I could go, but I let my guy (I only have one guy) have the day off, so if theres a problem & no one to fix it, my real boss(the owner) might rip me a new one, so I am here for the duration.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
stosh said:
Ha he was to drunk!
I remember riding hungover once... man it was hard!

One time I raced DH with a hangover, no sleep, and with dumping my GF that previous night/morning......bad news


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
douglas said:
One time I raced DH with a hangover, no sleep, and with dumping my GF that previous night/morning......bad news
Hrmmm that wasn't the time I was up at Pkill was it?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh

Took the front end of my Yeti apart last night to try to fix a loose headset. Got everything back together and the play seems to be gone, which is good. Rode the bike up and down the road a few times to make sure it was good to go incase I have a chance to ride next week. Man it felt good to be back on the Yeti - I love that bike.

Spent about 3 hours at the pool hall with my brother last night... played mostly 1-pocket which is a great game. I'm hoping to get our table back tomorrow so I can play some over break.

I'm working today... half day tomorrow too. Then I'm off till the 3rd. I expect to do a lot of work around the house during that time. Hoping to get the last of our crap unboxed (either put away or decide on some type of storage area in the basement). Then I want to get the floor swetp/shopvac'd so it's not quit so dirty down there. Also hoping to get a bit of painting done upstairs.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jacksonpt said:
Mornin Stosh

Took the front end of my Yeti apart last night to try to fix a loose headset. Got everything back together and the play seems to be gone, which is good. Rode the bike up and down the road a few times to make sure it was good to go incase I have a chance to ride next week. Man it felt good to be back on the Yeti - I love that bike.

Spent about 3 hours at the pool hall with my brother last night... played mostly 1-pocket which is a great game. I'm hoping to get our table back tomorrow so I can play some over break.

I'm working today... half day tomorrow too. Then I'm off till the 3rd. I expect to do a lot of work around the house during that time. Hoping to get the last of our crap unboxed (either put away or decide on some type of storage area in the basement). Then I want to get the floor swetp/shopvac'd so it's not quit so dirty down there. Also hoping to get a bit of painting done upstairs.
NIce! I wish I had a long break but instead I'll come in and there will be nobody doing anything so I'll be getting paid for doing very little much like today.

However we get our end of the year bonuses next THursday... they aren't supposed to be very good this year.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
stosh said:
Was it rainy?
I dont think so

actualy I am pretty sure that you werent there, when I met you at pkill I am pretty sure I drove down solo, and the weekend I am talking about I drove down w/my buddy Ken.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
douglas said:
I dont think so

actualy I am pretty sure that you werent there, when I met you at pkill I am pretty sure I drove down solo, and the weekend I am talking about I drove down w/my buddy Ken.
Why do you hate me?


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Stosh! :D

I'm at work.....and even though I'll be extremely busy all day, I'll take joy in knowing I won't be back in the office until Janaury 3rd. Wohoo!

Hope everyone has a good holiday season. I should get back to work now. :)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
douglas said:

would a nice pair of earings as a belated xmas gift make you beleive I dont hate you?
YOu know how much I love earings!!! :)

I was just kidding before anyway.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
Good Morning Stosh! :D

I'm at work.....and even though I'll be extremely busy all day, I'll take joy in knowing I won't be back in the office until Janaury 3rd. Wohoo!

Hope everyone has a good holiday season. I should get back to work now. :)
Yeah Merry Christmas! I noticed you haven't been on much lately I figured you were busy!! Thats a good thing!!


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
stosh said:
Yeah Merry Christmas! I noticed you haven't been on much lately I figured you were busy!! Thats a good thing!!
Very, very busy. I'm currently working on 12 out-of-area investigations. At least it keeps work interesting. :D

We are going to off-road in the desert for Christmas again....braaaaapt!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
Very, very busy. I'm currently working on 12 out-of-area investigations. At least it keeps work interesting. :D

We are going to off-road in the desert for Christmas again....braaaaapt!
:( I'm so jealous!!!

Since we've been to Cali 2x I would like to go to Italy this summer... :)


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
stosh said:
:( I'm so jealous!!!

Since we've been to Cali 2x I would like to go to Italy this summer... :)
I'll take lots of pics for you ;)

My plan is to go to Europe sometime in the next year or so if I can, I hope you make it to Italy this summer. :)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
I'll take lots of pics for you ;)

My plan is to go to Europe sometime in the next year or so if I can, I hope you make it to Italy this summer. :)
I would just like to go to Italy right now. The rest of Europe can wait.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Good mornin all!
I'm enjoying my nice Christmas break here with probably 5-8" of snow outside. Guess I won't be going riding but I might take the snowboard out and go jibbing or something like that. :p With all the snow out of course yesterday I had to take my little 2dr S-10 Blazer out and do donuts and what not. Of course it came to a surprise to me that halfway through the day I started sliding lots in traffic when I realized that I forgot to put it back out of 2wd after messing around. Oh well, fun stuff. Then my dad gave me and my brother a few hundred dollars to go xmas shopping for people. Probably some of the better gifts we've gotten people considering we actually had the money in hand and knew we didnt have to get sucky gifts.