
~~Good Thursday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Spent my first ever night at Chuckie Cheese last night. It was off the hook!! :) I found it really funny that they server beer there.
I'm working from home today. I'm hoping to slip out a little early today and take the snowy drive down to Mtn Creek to do some riding. We'll see if that happens or not.

Hope ya all have a great day!


Mar 14, 2005
Morning monkeys!!

hopefully it snows and doesnt sleet , mt creek would a good choice then.
not to much going on today.. todays weather calls for misery.. and of course we are going to try and make asphalt.. they have be working on a special mix design to withstand the foul weather... there are reasons you dont make it in this weather is what i told them.. oh well its gonna be a rough day .
after work is Costco.... and probably $400 out the window... i bet i come how with a lot of useless stuff!!!

anyways enjoy the day!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh.

Had planned to ride last night, but that going foiled up (big surprise :rolleyes: ). I did a pretty intense 10 miles on the trainer instead. Not nearly as much fun, but probably as good a workout as the ride would have been.

I've been here for an hour now, and it's funnly listening to all the people moan and bitch about the "killer" snow we are supposed to get. Forcast is for 4-6", I'll be shocked if we get that much.

Not much on for today, and nothing planned for tonight. Yep - it's a dramatic and exciting life I lead for sure.

Oh, the bright spot to last night was that I made homemade mac & cheese. That stuff is the shizzle. :drool:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
hey stoshly - got back from the FDA meeting yesterday, which went really well. the part that didn't go well was when i got to plane; sitting next to some large indian woman w/ bad BO is no way to spend 90 minutes.

1st spin class tonight in 2 weeks (missed last week due to vaca and tues due to the trip to DC).


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Today is officially the last day of classes. Just have to turn in my two essays for history and I am done until the 13th. What a welcomed break that will be.

Not looking forward to the snow. All of this time off was supposed to translate into riding time, so it better melt fast or I will not be pleased.

The last actual test I took was yesterday, kind of an odd situation because there are only two outcomes for that class, and each depend on this test. If I get a 61 or better, I get a B. If I get below a 61, I NR the class. Funny how those things work out. Not so funny for the kid that got caught cheating yesterday and not only got a 0 on the test but automatically NRs the class.


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
Hey Ya'll work up this morning in Chicago on Michicgan Ave. Back in the Ol town for a single day sales meeting, missing the country life already


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Mornin' all. I am so close to going home. 5 more days then I have nearly a month off of school. Everything has been pretty good and my grades are probley the best they have been all year. The headaches are going away, but when they come, they hurt. Thank god my doctor is sending me more medication.
I am starting to re-think my trip to Whistler this summer. I have a payment on the room and it's not to much. I will know for sure if I'm going by the end of March.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Morning all,

got a paper to write today for grad class so a little stressed out...

got some stuff done around the house last night and although it was warm last night, I couldn't ride due to grad class stuff and family obligations!!! :drool: I heard the trails were a mess anyway!



Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
How's it going all. You ever look out your window and just not want to leave your house? Well thats me today, I must say once I graduate college it will be nice not having to walk as my commute every day. Especially when my school district back home stopped busing kids after 3rd grade, its been many years of walking in the winter and yeah its getting a little old.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
maybe 2 inches forcasted (snow) here....more to the south

painted my extra bedroom's ceiling yesterday, "distant mountain" will go on the walls this w/e

volleyball; The organizer/Ref told me the other team was out for blood being we beat them 3 of 4 last time..........so last night we beat them 4 out of 4..sweet! Then I stopped at my friends house for their weekly Wednesday party....5 hours of sleep last night..yawn

tonight, cardio @ the gym


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Oh yeah at least I'll have good father stories about how I had to walk home from school in 4 feet of snow and my school district had I believe the longest school day and year in our area, and never ever had snow days.:rolleyes: All true too.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
Good morning! Leaving work early today, probably 2:30ish, to go home and lay by the pool! I am going to thoroughly enjoy the 82-degree, sunny, beautiful weather!! :weee:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
antimony said:
Good morning! Leaving work early today, probably 2:30ish, to go home and lay by the pool! I am going to thoroughly enjoy the 82-degree, sunny, beautiful weather!! :weee:
Thats just doesn't sound right for Feb.

Edit: I almost forgot.


I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Morning. It's gonna be one of those days at work today....

We're looking at 5-6" of snow today. With 40+ degree weather in store for the weekend, I don't expect that snow to stay on the ground for very long.


Mar 14, 2005
I Are Baboon said:
'Morning. It's gonna be one of those days at work today....

We're looking at 5-6" of snow today. With 40+ degree weather in store for the weekend, I don't expect that snow to stay on the ground for very long.
hey IAB how do you like those sneakers?? I finally got mine yesterday they seem pretty good so far


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC

'Nother ninja-post for me on the GMT. Tensions are crazy-high around the plant today. The man has laid down some quality standards that are nearly impossible to meet and we're taking too much time on each project in order to meet those standards. Everything is taking twice as long and it looks like we're going to be bustin' ass on Saturday as a result. I've spent the whole damn morning trying to mediate gripes our guys are having over this new standard, and things are unravelling quickly. I just got out of a meeting with upper brass on this situation and told them in effect to "loosen up" on those reigns a little bit or else we're going to have a mutiny on the bounty over here.

One of the owners is a real high-strung mutherf**ker and can be quite irrational and difficult to reason with 99% of the time.......HE's quite a miserable cuss to work around. This week has been particularly difficult and it's like watching a car crash in slow motion going on around me. I hope things work out at the end of the day, but coming in to work each morning is beginning to feel like stepping into a hornets nest.

Anyhoo.....it's a beautifual day today, so I shouldn't dwell on it too much right now. After work I'm going to pay a few bills, head home and grab the flyrod and do a little fishing at the pond and drink a few beers and fuggetaboutit.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
I Are Baboon said:
'Morning. It's gonna be one of those days at work today....

We're looking at 5-6" of snow today. With 40+ degree weather in store for the weekend, I don't expect that snow to stay on the ground for very long.
We were getting prepared, and I woke up with no snow on the ground. Very upset. It isn't even that cold outside. Normally I'm in a blazer and a ski jacket, but today just in a blazer I was pretty warm. Stupid weather men and New England.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
hooples3 said:
hey IAB how do you like those sneakers?? I finally got mine yesterday they seem pretty good so far
So far, so good! I ordered an 11.5 which is what most of my shoes are. They're snug. I might have been able to go up to a 12, but a 12 would probably be a hair too big. I'd rather have them snug because they'll stretch as they wear.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
ThePriceSeliger said:
We were getting prepared, and I woke up with no snow on the ground. Very upset. It isn't even that cold outside. Normally I'm in a blazer and a ski jacket, but today just in a blazer I was pretty warm. Stupid weather men and New England.
I had the news on this morning and a ton of schools have already announced early closings. Wimps.


Mar 14, 2005
I Are Baboon said:
So far, so good! I ordered an 11.5 which is what most of my shoes are. They're snug. I might have been able to go up to a 12, but a 12 would probably be a hair too big. I'd rather have them snug because they'll stretch as they wear.
yeah.. mine are 13.. and a little snug...but like you said they will stretch.. thanks again for the site!!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
It snowed a tad last night in town, it will melt soon. But, more importantly, Mt. Bachelor has been getting even more snow so this weekend looks good.

Not much new here - riding, swimming, and skate skiing lots.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
It's 40 degrees.
Should I:
Hike the Pass
Go for a road ride
go cross country skiing
go snowboarding

I think it is too late to do all four.
maybe I'll just screw around on the intraweb while I drink coffee.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Stosh! :D

Not too much going on here today. Last night just relaxed at home and dicovered the bunny likes lemon grass. Tonight going to the gym to go swimming.

Have a good day! :)


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
rideit said:
"The bunny likes Lemon Grass"?

Is that code for oral sex?
I was guessing, well, nevermind, I won't go there.

Hi all. Not much news to report. Just bottled another batch o' homebrew and threw a couple gallons of cider in the fermenter. The entire basement smells like apples. :) I've never done cider, I really hope it turns out well.

Also started gathering the parts for the final leg of my winter project bike...wheels. I got hubs for my b-day and I just ordered some nice Salsa rims. What's reasonable $ for labor on a wheel build? $45 per wheel sound about right?


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
BikeGeek said:
Just bottled another batch o' homebrew and threw a couple gallons of cider in the fermenter. The entire basement smells like apples. :) I've never done cider, I really hope it turns out well.
what was the homebrew you just bottled? a few nights ago, I cracked open some nut brown I did a little over a month ago. It was great!!!:thumb: I bought all the stuff to make an amber ale... with a bunch of dry hops added should be great...:drool:


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
brungeman said:
what was the homebrew you just bottled? a few nights ago, I cracked open some nut brown I did a little over a month ago. It was great!!!:thumb: I bought all the stuff to make an amber ale... with a bunch of dry hops added should be great...:drool:
Porter. I haven't tried a nut-brown yet, but plan too. I love the Rugged-Trail Ale from Troeg's.

The porter recipe I used:
6.6 lbs Munton’s Amber liquid malt extract
0.5 lb Munton’s Dark Crystal Malt
0.5 lb Munton’s Chocolate Malt
0.5 lb Weyermann Cara-foam Malt
1 oz Progress hops (8% alpha) – 60 min
0.5 oz Crystal hops (3.9% alpha) – 10 min
White Labs WLP001 California Ale Yeast

Crack grains and steep for 30 minutes at 150 degrees. Remove grains, add extract and malto-dextrin and bring to a boil. Add 1 oz Progress hop addition at beginning of boil. Boil for 50 minutes. Add 0.5 oz Crystal hop addition. Boil for an additional 10 minutes. Cool wort, aerate, and pitch yeast. Starting gravity should be around 1.056.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
BikeGeek said:
Porter. I haven't tried a nut-brown yet, but plan too. I love the Rugged-Trail Ale from Troeg's.

The porter recipe I used:
6.6 lbs Munton’s Amber liquid malt extract
0.5 lb Munton’s Dark Crystal Malt
0.5 lb Munton’s Chocolate Malt
0.5 lb Weyermann Cara-foam Malt
1 oz Progress hops (8% alpha) – 60 min
0.5 oz Crystal hops (3.9% alpha) – 10 min
White Labs WLP001 California Ale Yeast

Crack grains and steep for 30 minutes at 150 degrees. Remove grains, add extract and malto-dextrin and bring to a boil. Add 1 oz Progress hop addition at beginning of boil. Boil for 50 minutes. Add 0.5 oz Crystal hop addition. Boil for an additional 10 minutes. Cool wort, aerate, and pitch yeast. Starting gravity should be around 1.056.
Troegs is what I was trying to mimic!!! the amber I am making will mimic Troegs Hopback:drool: I can send you the recipe for the Brown, and my recipe for the amber if you like!!!