
~~Good Thursday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Nothing much planned for today due to the rain.

Every Wed. I help my friend at his new place demo some interior walls and his kitchen. I could never imagine building a whole house with Plaster and Lath, what a friggan pain!

Hope ya all have a great day!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Happy Friday! Well, Friday for me. :)

We bailed on our ride yesterday because I had too much crap to get done.

It seems that we have a woodpecker that has taken a liking to the side of our house. Little bastard. I put some tin foil over the holes, hoping that'll keep it away. If not, I'll plug the holes with cayenne pepper.


Nam I am
My friday too!! Woo Hooo

I am so smart!! I had to drive to work yesterday, But I had my mt Bike in the car. since it is suppose to rain this after noon, I Rode my mt Home last night exploring ( read getting lost in the woods ) some new trails. then I rode in this morning , and will drive home tonight.

But it does look like my ride tonight is going to get rained out :(

By the Way Cayenne pepper has no effect on Birds, Try Chocolate , its poisonious to them. And I'm Not kidding on this .


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Morning. Longest.week.ever! Ended up doing nothing last night, which means tonight will be a scramble to get packed, go to the store, get the Jeep loaded, etc. for tomorrow's trip to CT.. It'll be fun though. :)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh.

Back to work after a few days off with sick kids. They are still sick, but today they are home with their mom. I'm sure I'll have a lot of catching up to do once I get through my e-mail/voice mail... but I doubt any of it will be all that interesting.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Mornin Stosh.

Back to work after a few days off with sick kids. They are still sick, but today they are home with their mom. I'm sure I'll have a lot of catching up to do once I get through my e-mail/voice mail... but I doubt any of it will be all that interesting.
I talked with your boss, she said you missed your meeting with her!


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut

Many thanks to MBC for helping me with my rear derailleur swap and getting my rear shifting in order. You rule MBC!!!

Oh yeah, I also got to see Jewell - she's an awesome doggie and it was nice to see her again.

Got home, finished mowing the lawn, ate some egss and toast and watched Rockstar Supernova.

Then just chilled the rest of the night watching Mythbusters.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
I hate group projects. Every time we are assigned one I hate them more than the previous time. I don't think that once in my whole entire college career I have been in a group where every person has done their work, on time, and in a satisfactory manner. This past week has been the compiling stage of a two week long project. One guy decided he didn't want to do anything, while another gave me 1 page of about 30. I am busy going onto page 14 of the report myself as well as having filmed and edited a movie, and the other kid developed the linkage and got it to achieve the correct motion path and now has to write up perhaps 5 or so pages about it.

F*ck group projects and f*ck my two partners. (The good one also rides, see below.)


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC

Had a Freeride Committe Meeting last night for our local club at the local bar....which has led to an ache located in my head. Too many tall-boy PBR's. Our attempts at getting some good, technical freeride trail established at a new park is getting some flak and we're trying to develop a new strategy to wiggle our way into their good graces. We're thinking we should sub-contract out a few prostitutes to give out free hummers to the commitee members. :banana:

Think it will work?

Anyways......quite rainy here in central NC, so no riding for a day or two it looks like. I finally get my shock back from Romic Service-Hell, and we get a half-a-foot of rain. Typical. :banghead:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I hate group projects. Every time we are assigned one I hate them more than the previous time. I don't think that once in my whole entire college career I have been in a group where every person has done their work, on time, and in a satisfactory manner.
This is actually a very good introduction to real life. Group efforts often time are teh suck.

Oh - and:



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I hate group projects. Every time we are assigned one I hate them more than the previous time. I don't think that once in my whole entire college career I have been in a group where every person has done their work, on time, and in a satisfactory manner. This past week has been the compiling stage of a two week long project. One guy decided he didn't want to do anything, while another gave me 1 page of about 30. I am busy going onto page 14 of the report myself as well as having filmed and edited a movie, and the other kid developed the linkage and got it to achieve the correct motion path and now has to write up perhaps 5 or so pages about it.

F*ck group projects and f*ck my two partners. (The good one also rides, see below.)

dont worry, soon enough you will graduate...and those peole will be your boss, so they'll get paid to make you do all the work


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Went riding yesterday for 2 hours. I got lost for about a half hour, wandering around on fire roads and deer paths. Not fun, but interesting.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
One of the people I work for is relatively new to the personnel management thing. For some unknown reason, she asked my opinion of how to deal with some of the problem children in the office. I told her that I thought they were a bunch of whiny babies. I
made a little image for her to forward to these people in response to their complaints...



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
insanely loud show last night....1st up was some band from Portland ME called Ocean...fairly standard sludge/death metal, complete w cookie monster vocals and hugely downtuned bass.

next up was Pearls & Brass, the guys who got me on the list (good thing, as it was sold out). nice heavy butt-rock swagger, w/ a very good drummer. has some hendrix/hard 70s rock groove, very heavy but not molasses-slow.

last was headliner Boris, a three piece stoner/doom/metal band from Japan. if there's one rule of thumb to live by, it's to always see a Japanese band if they are playing locally. and it's always a good idea to bring earplugs. holy christ were these guys (and girl) loud. there was barely any room on stage because it was filled w/ Orange heads and cabs, and Sunn O)))) heads and cabs. and the drummer brought his gong. the guitarist was the sweetest little creature who ripped off yr head in a nonchalant manner.