
~~Good Thursday Morning!!!~~

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
I just found out that I won a Nano!!!! I was a little nervous at first because it was the director of security that called me.
Sweet action! Congo-rats! I found out yesterday I was a winner in a random drawing based on some cycling survey I participated in a few months ago, probably saw it here on RM. My prize? A swanky Park Roll-Up Tool Kit! I'm stoked, it's really nifty!

Otherwise, it's back to "work" for me today... rode moto all day yesterday with Lee at a local track, worked on rhythm sections mostly. Super fun right up until the point that I cased a harsh double and now my ankle feels like it's ready to pop out of my foot. Sushi dinner with friends and then went to bed. I were tired.

Gonna try and go for a road ride mid-day today and then ride moto again tomorrow. Weather looks "bad" for the weekend so I may try and snowboard.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Sunny today.

I might be picking up a motorcycle frame this weekend.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh

Had a great ride last night. I am tired, and tired of printing these T-shirts!

going to see the "Second City" tonight. Benefit Concert Friday night, X-mas party Sat. night and trail work Sunday AM..... and I am dead now.... I can't wait till Monday:shocked: :disgust1:

here is a little something funny for you folks (if it works) right click and save (I hope it works for you)


Nov 28, 2005
Way to busy at work the last couple weeks....??..usually slow this time of year....This time of year I usually have studs on the dirtbike but looks like we should be good for a couple more weekends anyway..Going biking tonight to a spot I have not been to since the spring so that will be cool...For the first time in my life I actually went Christmas shopping already...this will be the first time on Christmas eve I shouldn't be running around looking for gifts.