
~~Good Tuesday Morning!!!~~


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Mornin all. We had yesterday off so now its back to the same ol grind. Right now, its snowing and is supposed to keep this up through tomorrow.

I'm another monkey that needs to shed a few holiday pounds. Not TOO much damange, but I'm a bit more squishy around the middle. I wish I had the determination of my wife. Even when we were on vacation back in St. Louis, she still hit the gym 4-5 times a week. I think she looks better now than before the holidays.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
stosh said:
Wow, I've always wanted to go to Ireland.

Congrats! When is the wedding?
October 15th 2005. Not a lot of time to do a whole bunch of planning. ack!

SBC DSL sucks! I hate them! Get cable, you won't regret it.

Biggins, that frames a 19" right? Too big I think.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Ciaran said:
SBC DSL sucks! I hate them! Get cable, you won't regret it.
Well, I don't like Time Warner so I would regret it.

DSL is half the price of cable. I don't need the little bit of extra speed that cable provides. SBC customer service has been pretty good.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
well, I hate the fact that people are on the east coast..and post early in the morning for them. It's about noon in California and I just woke up. Now I have to catch up on all the posts...aargg!!! somebody bring me breakfast! maybe someone in the south can bring me Waffle House...mmm...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
manziman said:
well, I hate the fact that people are on the east coast..and post early in the morning for them. It's about noon in California and I just woke up. Now I have to catch up on all the posts...aargg!!! somebody bring me breakfast! maybe someone in the south can bring me Waffle House...mmm...
would you like your waffles forthwith?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
manziman said:
yea, with some grits and hash. mmm....flavorless unknown slop..for some odd reason, I really like grits, and the only place to get them is the Denny's near my school. SWEET!
WHat you really need is some Scrapple and Bleanies..


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Bleenies - Fried potato pancakes

8 medium potatoes
1 medium onion, grated
1 egg
Salt & pepper
4 level tbsp. flour

In Europe and Russia, bleenies (or "blinis") are regular flour pancakes and are served with caviar. In the Coal Region, a bleenie is a potato pancake. Few people make them at home since they can create a huge greasy mess in your kitchen (and your whole house). That's why they are popular at block parties and church bazaars. Bleenie lines have been known to circle halfway around the block.

Peel and grate potatoes. Mix potatoes and all other ingredients together. Flatten like pancakes. Fry. Add salt to taste after cooking. Some people put vinegar on before eating, others smear on some grape or strawberry jelly. See photo.

Warning: When cooking, be very careful with the grease. "Oy, Yezus, you could set yer house on fire!"
Another Bleenie recipe

4 potatoes (grate on fine grater)
2 eggs
1 onion (grated with the potatoes)
2 or 3 tbsp. flour
Cooking oil

Mix all ingredients. Spoon mixture into the hot oil (do put too much oil in the pan; just enough to cover the bleenies as they fry). When they are lightly browned on one side, gently turn bleenies to fry the other side. Serve with salt or vinegar. Good with sour cream or pork & beans.
Hint: Drain potatoes thru a colander to make a much firmer bleenie.