
~~Good Tuesday Morning!!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

I had a very nice Italian dinner with my GF last night. We polished off a very good bottle of Pinot Noir as well!! :)

So did anybody else do anything special?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - I spent last night having dinner with my sons, helping them with their homework and helping them with their reading. Did the Valentines Day type stuff with my girlfriend on Saturday (cooked her a surf and turf dinner) and Sunday (she treated for pizza).


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Mornin'. Quiet night last night...for the most part. My daughter was being a real $%&#$ and bit my wife on the neck. :angry: Needless to say, the kid went to bed early.

The wife has been sick, so she took some Nyquil and slipped off into dreamland around 8pm. So much for any Valentines night "activities". :rolleyes:

I ended up popping in NWD IV, and having a few beers.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
McGRP01 said:
Mornin'. Quiet night last night...for the most part. My daughter was being a real $%&#$ and bit my wife on the neck. :angry: Needless to say, the kid went to bed early.

The wife has been sick, so she took some Nyquil and slipped off into dreamland around 8pm. So much for any Valentines night "activities". :rolleyes:

I ended up popping in NWD IV, and having a few beers.
wow, your daughter bit your wife? YIKES!!!!

Hey sometimes the quite time is nice. What kind of beer did you have?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
stosh said:
wow, your daughter bit your wife? YIKES!!!!

Hey sometimes the quite time is nice. What kind of beer did you have?
Yeah, left a nasty mark on her neck! Kelley's coworkers are going to think we actually DID have a good time last night. :D

Last night it was Magic Hat - Fat Angel. It was ok, I wasn't impressed.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
McGRP01 said:
Yeah, left a nasty mark on her neck! Kelley's coworkers are going to think we actually DID have a good time last night. :D

Last night it was Magic Hat - Fat Angel. It was ok, I wasn't impressed.
Do you usually drink Magic Hat? I've never heard good things about it so I've never tried it.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
stosh said:
Do you usually drink Magic Hat? I've never heard good things about it so I've never tried it.
Not usually. I like their Heart of Darkness and Blind Faith. The Fat Angel and the #9 are just too sweet for my taste.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
McGRP01 said:
Not usually. I like their Heart of Darkness and Blind Faith. The Fat Angel and the #9 are just too sweet for my taste.
They have very religious names for their beers.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
G'mornin...It's Tuesday - I don't generally like Tuesdays. But hey! I get to go bike riding tonight :D. My bike didn't want to fit inside the car this morning...took me like 5 minutes to get it lined up properly with the trunk so everything fit nicely inside.

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
mmm port noir.

Pie and I celebrated V-Day on Sunday so I could have last night and tonight to go over last minute stuff with my bikes, pack them and generally prepare for my trip to Phoenix. I can't wait until tomorrow.

The frame box I got for my Enduro is entirely too small to fit the frame in without disassembling it completely. I got a crash course last night in spacer placements and bolt torque while I was disassembling the bike. I ran out of foam tubing too, so a stop by the shop today and I can finish it off tonight.

Was also pleased to see that my new trials bashguard fit perfectly on an old set of 952 cranks that I've been using for years. I thought I was going to have to grind some material. I spent about half an hour hand tapping the bolt holes though as I screwed up the drawing when I sent it out for manufacture. Other than that minor detail, it was perfect, and I can now ride my trials bike again without fear of crushing my chain and that beautiful Boone chainring.

Is anyone else taking off for a while this winter to get out of the East Coast blah?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Buck Fever said:
Is anyone else taking off for a while this winter to get out of the East Coast blah?
I'm headed to Jamaica in April. And, after living in the N.E. for 33 years, I can assure you it will still be "blah" in April.


Good f'n morning. I kicked Julie's tail on the tennis courts last night. ;)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Buck Fever said:
mmm port noir.

Pie and I celebrated V-Day on Sunday so I could have last night and tonight to go over last minute stuff with my bikes, pack them and generally prepare for my trip to Phoenix. I can't wait until tomorrow.

The frame box I got for my Enduro is entirely too small to fit the frame in without disassembling it completely. I got a crash course last night in spacer placements and bolt torque while I was disassembling the bike. I ran out of foam tubing too, so a stop by the shop today and I can finish it off tonight.

Was also pleased to see that my new trials bashguard fit perfectly on an old set of 952 cranks that I've been using for years. I thought I was going to have to grind some material. I spent about half an hour hand tapping the bolt holes though as I screwed up the drawing when I sent it out for manufacture. Other than that minor detail, it was perfect, and I can now ride my trials bike again without fear of crushing my chain and that beautiful Boone chainring.

Is anyone else taking off for a while this winter to get out of the East Coast blah?
What exactly did you need to know about spacer placement and bolt torque?

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
stosh said:
What exactly did you need to know about spacer placement and bolt torque?
Not much really. I just need to remember where everything goes and to be careful when replacing the pivots so I don't overtorque the bearings. My crash course was pretty simple...it went like this.

remove pivot bolt
pull link assembly away from shock
watch as spacers fall to, and then scatter on the ground
find, inspect and reassemble spacers to ensure all parts are present
*repeat with each link on the rear end.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Buck Fever said:
Not much really. I just need to remember where everything goes and to be careful when replacing the pivots so I don't overtorque the bearings. My crash course was pretty simple...it went like this.

remove pivot bolt
pull link assembly away from shock
watch as spacers fall to, and then scatter on the ground
find, inspect and reassemble spacers to ensure all parts are present
*repeat with each link on the rear end.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
pinot noir w/ italian food? odd choice.

i ditched my spin class and went into boston to meet w/ a couple guys from my group who are still working in dublin but were back for a business trip. hey, expense account meals are always fun, right? problem is, no one bothered to get a reservation on arguably the busiest night of the year for restaurants. after the hotel concierge called a half-dozen places, we got a table at 8:30. so i could have done my spin class instead of having two ketel one martinis while we killed time. :think:

anyway, the food was excellent (we went to Masa ) and the hot asian lesbian action at the corner of the bar was good entertainment too (the restaurant is in the South End, home of the rainbow flags in boston). i had some roasted beet and field green salad w/ farmers cheese and an orange-chipotle dressing, main course was roasted halibut w/ a scallop and chile salsa, and dessert was a chocolate tamale in a corn husk.

unfortunately i might have pissed off the wife by ditching v-day w/ her. :nope:

esp because i'm out of town for the next couple of nights. oh well.


Sep 26, 2003
London, UK
I'm so lucky. I don"t have to buy chocolates and flowers, 'cause my GF is an ex-GF from now on. On teh other hand it feels quite $h!t.

I hate mondays AND tuesdays.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
TamaSKA said:
I'm so lucky. I don"t have to buy chocolates and flowers, 'cause my GF is an ex-GF from now on. On teh other hand it feels quite $h!t.

I hate mondays AND tuesdays.
You're text sucks!!!


Aug 10, 2001
C-Me Valley, CA
BBQ Steak last night, made our two boys open "gifts" (my wife always get's them little things, on any/every "occation"). Just after 6pm, all 4 of us sit together to start eating (not too often BTW).
2 minutes into it, the older one get's a call on his cell, then the younger one say's "I'm not very hungry right now". 15 seconds later after the older one get's of the phone he says; "I'm not really hungry", Both carry their plates to the sink, and the older one's off to hang w/ friends, the younger one's in his room with the music blasting. 10 minutes after the start, wife and I look at each other and say;
"Happy Valentine's Day"


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning (almost afternoon). V-day was as uneventful as usual (we dont' do V-day). We got snow so I shoveled and the man cleaned up the driveway. Packed our clothes and the rest of our gear for AZ...only 2 more days til we're there :D

Someone pulled the f'n fire alarm at school this morning so we were outside in the f'n chilly air for a while...atleast it wasn't raining or freezing cold.