
~~Good Tuesday Morning!!!~~


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
laura said:
good f'in morning. nothing going on here. fixing to go for my five mile run. i have been training for a marathon you know. last week, i tripped and fell at mile three. i broke my cd player, ripped my tights and skinned up both my knees pretty bad. i had to take a break for a couple of days because i could barely walk. slick huh? but i got the new Ipod shuffle out of the deal, and now i'm back in full force, dominating the road ways.

Are you running the Music City Marathon?


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
stosh said:
Sweet! What do you think of the shuffle?

i like it a lot. i got the one that holds 120 songs because the only time i really use it is when i am running. its tiny. i wanted the arm band for it but apple wants 30 bucks for the f'in thing. so i just went out and bought a leather man case that clips to my waste band for 8 bucks. its easy to use, has like 12 hours of battery life, and again, is really really small. i want an ipod eventually, but this is perfect for what i'm using it for.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Yossarian said:
Are you running the Music City Marathon?

no. i'm only training for a marathon. i don't have one to run yet. there is one here in dec. i figure i'll train for one now, get in really good shape, try to maintain fitness through the summer, and then start training again pretty hard core when it starts to cool off. then i'll think about running the marathon in the winter. i just needed something to jump start my running. i had been slacking and not making much progress so i decided to start training.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
laura said:
i like it a lot. i got the one that holds 120 songs because the only time i really use it is when i am running. its tiny. i wanted the arm band for it but apple wants 30 bucks for the f'in thing. so i just went out and bought a leather man case that clips to my waste band for 8 bucks. its easy to use, has like 12 hours of battery life, and again, is really really small. i want an ipod eventually, but this is perfect for what i'm using it for.
I dont' have the internet at home so getting an ipod and not being able to DL song makes having an ipod kind of pointless at this point. The shuffle would be a possible solution.....


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
laura said:
no. i'm only training for a marathon. i don't have one to run yet. there is one here in dec. i figure i'll train for one now, get in really good shape, try to maintain fitness through the summer, and then start training again pretty hard core when it starts to cool off. then i'll think about running the marathon in the winter. i just needed something to jump start my running. i had been slacking and not making much progress so i decided to start training.
Sweet. I am thinking about it. for now, I am just training for some adventure race(s) that has yet to be determined and a 10K in July, but thinking about the Thanksgiving day 1/2 or whole,depending upon my progress.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
stosh said:
I dont' have the internet at home so getting an ipod and not being able to DL song makes having an ipod kind of pointless at this point. The shuffle would be a possible solution.....

you can always just put all the cd's you have onto it instead of dling music.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Yossarian said:
Sweet. I am thinking about it. for now, I am just training for some adventure race(s) that has yet to be determined and a 10K in July, but thinking about the Thanksgiving day 1/2 or whole,depending upon my progress.

adventure racing would be fun. i skipped my four mile road run lsat week and hit up the trails. i like running on dirt better than on the road. easier on my joints. what all do you do for adveture racing? is that where you have to use a gps or map to find your way around?


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
laura said:
adventure racing would be fun. i skipped my four mile road run lsat week and hit up the trails. i like running on dirt better than on the road. easier on my joints. what all do you do for adveture racing? is that where you have to use a gps or map to find your way around?

I will move this topic to the racing forum, so we can talk around all of the GMT stuff.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MMcG said:
I just scanned it real fast and only the first couple of paragraphs.
YOu should do it!! THey had like 200+ racers last year. Plus the hang up prizes in the woods you can stop and pick up!!!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
weekend was OK. sat didn't do much aside from shopping, and watching _lost in translation_ that evening. sunday was miles' 5th b-day and was fun, and my brother and wife were able to make it after travelling back from their vacation in brazil. yesterday i didn't leave the house. real stuffy nose and general blah, so i hung out w/ the boys and backed up all my photos onto DVD.

was gonna spin tonight but am 6th on the waiting list. :think: