
~~Good Tuesday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I woke up this morning and it was raining, now it's F'ING snowing!!! GRRRRRRR

Anyway after work last night I got a ticket but the officer was nice and just gave me a faulty headlight ticket so no points no money!! :)

I was rushing home from work because I was going to install a central vac system at my friends house where I've been doing some part time work. I'm really jealous that he has a house but it's been some great experiences for when I own my own house.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
We're supposed to get 2-4 inches by the end of today.

Hit the weights and ran on the treadmill last night. Then I shoveled a path to my grill and grilled some chicken. :)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i've reading _This Band Could Be Your Life_ (a glimpse into the important underground bands of the 80s), and i've gotten to the chapter on the butthole surfers. it's frickin' hilarious, and prompted me to dig out the DVD reissue of their 1985 live Detroit concert called _Blind Eye Sees All_. essential stuff! any other butthole fans on here? i saw 'em twice, but unfortunately it was after kathleen the stripper, or 2nd drummer teresa.

"There's a time to sh*t and a time for God,
The last sh*t that I took was pretty fackin' odd!
There's a time for drugs and a time to be sane,
Jimi Hendrix makes love to Marilyn's remains!
There's a time to live and a time to die,
I smoke Elvis Presley's toenails when I wanna get high!"



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Couldn't sleep last night, I blame it on spending too much time out west for work so I slept in this morning. No water at home today, they are doing work on the watermain so I walked into work late, hair matted to my head, unshaven and smelly.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Westy said:
Couldn't sleep last night, I blame it on spending too much time out west for work so I slept in this morning. No water at home today, they are doing work on the watermain so I walked into work late, hair matted to my head, unshaven and smelly.
what have you been doing out West?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
Westy needs to change his location under this avatar, since "Oink" no longer applies in relation to his avatar.
flippin noobs!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
stosh said:
what have you been doing out West?
Workin'. We have a new customer in Chatsworth CA. I am acting as a project manager developing a control system turnkey prototype and full production systems for their CNC machines. And I have been able to ride with T-Dog, Ghostrider and ChickenHawk. Spend two weeks out there, two weeks at home, repeat.


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
GM everybody. I ran on the treadmill last night, did some stretching and core exercises, then played with the kids until bedtime. nothing too exciting in my world. Tonight I need to decide which bike is going on the trainer and make it complete.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
It is f'n cold out. I need to go somewhere warm soon. Everyone at work went out drinking last night. Must have been some kind of shindig. My office smells like Vodka. I guess when you use all your time off in the first 3 weeks of the year you have to work through those hangovers. I am trying to be quiet but it sure is hard to edit a legal conference video at low volume :sneaky: Oh wait I forgot I need to test out those new JBL's... Between segments when the volume is off I can hear people moaning. This is the most fun I have had at work in a long time. My co-bodies sure do hate me :D .....jdcamb


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Westy said:
Workin'. We have a new customer in Chatsworth CA. I am acting as a project manager developing a control system turnkey prototype and full production systems for their CNC machines. And I have been able to ride with T-Dog, Ghostrider and ChickenHawk. Spend two weeks out there, two weeks at home, repeat.
that doesn't seem like such a bad deal?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jdcamb said:
It is f'n cold out. I need to go somewhere warm soon. Everyone at work went out drinking last night. Must have been some kind of shindig. My office smells like Vodka. I guess when you use all your time off in the first 3 weeks of the year you have to work through those hangovers. I am trying to be quiet but it sure is hard to edit a legal conference video at low volume :sneaky: Oh wait I forgot I need to test out those new JBL's... Between segments when the volume is off I can hear people moaning. This is the most fun I have had at work in a long time. My co-bodies sure do hate me :D .....jdcamb
It's like white out conditions right now.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
stosh said:
It's like white out conditions right now.
You drank to much last night too? I get tunnel vision when I have a hangover?? j/k. I think we missed a bullet with the weather. The nasty stuff is just south and east of us......


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
stosh said:
that doesn't seem like such a bad deal?
I've been traveled a lot for work 7 out of the last 9 years. From 1996-2000 I spent an average of 45 weeks a year on the road. It managed to destroy several great relationships. I quit my last job so I did not have to travel, but keep finding myself on the road. It is nearly impossible to maintain a good social life when you are never at home. There is nothing I apreciate more than sleeping in my own bed.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Mornin' n00bs! :D Frickin' white out conditions here as well. Yuck! Did nothing last night, except watch 24. I love that show!! Since I'm off today, today's agenda includes, laundry, cleaning and maybe a little wrenching.

That is all.

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
Typical aggravations aside, everything is fantastic. I picked out my tux on Sunday so I'll be presentable for my wedding, we've got the invites just about wrapped up and planning is coming along reasonably well.

I started PT last Friday which was fun. At least it's giving me a goal and some hope about my knees. I just have to keep up with the exercises. My fiance is giving me a hard time about my PT because I mentioned that she's a hottie (only because she asked.)

I'm jonesing to ride so badly and despite the fact that it's currently snowing, I think we're supposed to have a nice weekend. I hope Fox comes through for me and gets my 36 back to me before Friday so I can ride again.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jdcamb said:
You drank to much last night too? I get tunnel vision when I have a hangover?? j/k. I think we missed a bullet with the weather. The nasty stuff is just south and east of us......
visiblity is about 500' right now and I'm stuck at work.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jdcamb said:
You drank to much last night too? I get tunnel vision when I have a hangover?? j/k. I think we missed a bullet with the weather. The nasty stuff is just south and east of us......
Yeah well we had no warning I don't think any of the weather people knew we were going to get hit. It was POURING this morning!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Westy said:
I've been traveled a lot for work 7 out of the last 9 years. From 1996-2000 I spent an average of 45 weeks a year on the road. It managed to destroy several great relationships. I quit my last job so I did not have to travel, but keep finding myself on the road. It is nearly impossible to maintain a good social life when you are never at home. There is nothing I apreciate more than sleeping in my own bed.
See I never travel for my job so I have no idea what it's like.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
narlus said:
it gets old i'd imagine, but luckily i don't have to travel too much (about the right balance, imo).
I traveled once to Hartford and it wasn't great. It was cool to stay at a hotel and eat food on the companies dime.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
narlus said:
it gets old i'd imagine, but luckily i don't have to travel too much (about the right balance, imo).
It does get old...for all parties involved. My wife used to travel like Westy. She'd be gone 2-3 weeks a month. It sucked, and put a real strain on our relationship. I got so used to living the "bachelor" lifestyle while she was gone (going out every night, partying all the time, etc.) that I couldn't turn it off when she was at home. It was tough. All better now though! :)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
narlus said:
if you travel a lot, it's way too easy to put on weight (eating on the company's dime, and not getting any exercise).
I usually put on 2-5lbs for every week of travel, an that is while doing my best to eat well and get some exercise in the extremely crappy hotel work out rooms. I also find the desire to drink like a fish on the road.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Good Morning Stosh

Somehow a crayon from our neighbors kids got left in the dryer so I spent about an hour last night trying to remove melted crayon from my work clothes...until I finally decided it wasn't going to work...anyone know how to remove crayon from clothing? :(

Other than that just busy here at work. Take care and have a good day.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
ET_SoCal said:
Hey! Just over the hill from me, maybe 8 miles away...
Any time to ride?

If I stay the weekend I get out for rides, during the week is a crapshoot. The hotel I usually stay at is in Simi Valley. Sometimes I'll go for a ride at the Woodranch trailhead, looks like it is mostly fireroad. I'd like to find some singletrack in the area. I'll let you know the next time I'm out there.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Shyrmp said:
Good Morning Stosh

Somehow a crayon from our neighbors kids got left in the dryer so I spent about an hour last night trying to remove melted crayon from my work clothes...until I finally decided it wasn't going to work...anyone know how to remove crayon from clothing? :(

Other than that just busy here at work. Take care and have a good day.
WD-40 does everything.