
~~Good Tuesday Morning!!~~


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I Are Baboon said:
So what exactly do you mean by "clean up the yard a little"? Help a yard newbie out. I need to do some yard cleanup too, but I've been ditiching it to ride instead. I'm thinking cleanup leaves leftover from last fall, pick up sticks and twigs, rake up pine needles, and give the lawn its first mow of the season.
That's my morning! Clean up leaves and sticks. I also have bulbs planted along my fenceline that need to have the leaves I rake over them for winter insulation removed. Then, I am going to head up to the hardware store and get some fertilizer tablets for the plants in my landscaping (mostly azaleas, rhodadendrons) and probably try to rake a lot of the sand from the snowplows out of the front yard. If there's still time before my ride, I will probably fertilize and reseed some of the front. I would like to get some hay and put it on top so the seeds get plenty of time to take root and don't blow/flow away.

Don't worry...the work here is well past due...we've been ditching it to ride and I have the week off of school so it's now my duty :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
TreeSaw said:
It's probably going to be August 13/14 or 19/20. We're trying to nail down the date this week. You thinking of making it this year ;)
I don't agree to making any plans on RM anymore.
I'm kinda upset that I can't make it to the RM Fest this year though.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
stosh said:
I don't agree to making any plans on RM anymore.
I'm kinda upset that I can't make it to the RM Fest this year though.
Why not? It's a really good time ;) I am probably gonna be pretty dead though...12/24 hours of Pats Peak the weekend before :eek: I'll PM or e-mail you some deck party details and you can make a decision that way.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
stosh said:
I don't agree to making any plans on RM anymore.
I'm kinda upset that I can't make it to the RM Fest this year though.

That's a shame you couldn't make it down. S'posed to be a great weekend. Lots of folks coming from all over. But, you're at least riding again, so we'll take baby steps towards getting you out of the great white north. :cool:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
TreeSaw said:
Why not? It's a really good time ;) I am probably gonna be pretty dead though...12/24 hours of Pats Peak the weekend before :eek: I'll PM or e-mail you some deck party details and you can make a decision that way.


Only 88 Days Until the
4th Annual
24/12 Hours of PATS PEAK
Bike Event!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
i'm in the toronto public library. one time i bought a canvas bag here for $2 just to enjoy the crapper.

other than that i still haven't completed my education this time.

the pope debate leaves me thinking that some horrible poison death cloud and murderous disease will end the world.

i also am having a hard time just finding my workwear. my work boots are hard to find.

the reason for not learning in school was the fault of the pyramids. aliens had to stop down to earth to warn me that i may be the last human chance for the world to survive.

i hope to hell that this has nothing to do with electronics or bikes instead.

my best bet is that the vertigo and illness will wear off. not sure yet. :stupid:


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC

And I should be able to move at the end of the month!!!! We bought a house in town, closed on it last month, and we're just waiting for the squatters (in-laws) to move out when their house is finished.

I have a list of things 4 miles long to do before and after we move in.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Greyhound said:
That's a shame you couldn't make it down. S'posed to be a great weekend. Lots of folks coming from all over. But, you're at least riding again, so we'll take baby steps towards getting you out of the great white north. :cool:
The reason I'm not coming to the southern monkey fest is because I'm starting a class on Saturday to get free money from the state towards a first home. Plus it's a great education into buying a home. If I dont' start now I wont' get my money for a year and with the median home price around here going up $50k a year I don't have much time to waste.
I also can't go to the North East monkey fest because I have vacation reservations that week in ME.

I was totally psyched and so was my GF to meet everybody in NC. I'm dying to ride out there as well. Seems like a great location.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
douglas said:

Only 88 Days Until the
4th Annual
24/12 Hours of PATS PEAK
Bike Event!
:eek: and I just found out Thursday's training ride is cancelled! (Heather's off to a race). You doin' 12 hour solo? I was planning on it but I have been propositioned for a 24 duo with Jenn (from Sunday). Guess I better get up there and see what the course is like before I finalize any decisions!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
mrbigisbudgood said:

And I should be able to move at the end of the month!!!! We bought a house in town, closed on it last month, and we're just waiting for the squatters (in-laws) to move out when their house is finished.

I have a list of things 4 miles long to do before and after we move in.
so what about the house on the farm?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
I'm back from Moab. I was going to save this post untill I got some photos developed, but I've been too tired to get to the 1-hr joint only 1/4 mi down the street. So the words only for now.

8 straight days of riding. 116 mi total. Doesn't sound like alot, but these are no fluff miles.

Fri 8th: Escape hell ( I mean work) without saying bye to the other worker bees. Zip over to the homestead, throw my bags (1 checked, 1 backpack: the checked bag is like an overstuffed sausage, if TSA opens it I doubt they will ever be able to close it again = screwed) into the truck, and get the dog to drop off @ grandma's. Meet my bro and take his car down to Boston. @ hotel for the night.

Sat 9th: 3 am wake-up call. :dead: Shuttle to Logan and catch flight. Arrive in SLC little before noon. Bee-line w/ rental car to the Red Iguana for eats. :drool: Fvck me the mole was good!! (Side track: WTF is with the curb cuts in Utah. It's like driving through a ditch to get in / out of a parking lot. First lot I pull into w/ the POS Malibu rental I crack some plastic piece under the car.) Down the road to Moab. Stop @ Chili Pepper to get our pre-shipped bikes. Our LBS (who is a mental midget afaic) did a pretty whack-ass job packing my bike. I dunno what he did, but he messed with all my suspension settings, and my fork is already puking oil out of one leg :think: . Bro says he knows a sweet place way the hell out Kane Crick rd to camp. Fine. Poor rental car gets nearly lost in some holes on the way out there. Set up camp, and hop on the bikes to take a quick spin on Amassa Back. Fly down the ledges no problem, cross stream climb a ways, then turn around cause it's getting dark. Bro is looking for some buddies he made last year in town, so we spend way to long in town drinking @ Woody's. I've been up over 20 hr, I'm drained.

continued yo ..


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I'm back from Moab. I was going to save this post untill I got some photos developed, but I've been too tired to get to the 1-hr joint only 1/4 mi down the street. So the words only for now.

8 straight days of riding. 116 mi total. Doesn't sound like alot, but these are no fluff miles.

Fri 8th: Escape hell ( I mean work) without saying bye to the other worker bees. Zip over to the homestead, throw my bags (1 checked, 1 backpack: the checked bag is like an overstuffed sausage, if TSA opens it I doubt they will ever be able to close it again = screwed) into the truck, and get the dog to drop off @ grandma's. Meet my bro and take his car down to Boston. @ hotel for the night.

Sat 9th: 3 am wake-up call. :dead: Shuttle to Logan and catch flight. Arrive in SLC little before noon. Bee-line w/ rental car to the Red Iguana for eats. :drool: Fvck me the mole was good!! (Side track: WTF is with the curb cuts in Utah. It's like driving through a ditch to get in / out of a parking lot. First lot I pull into w/ the POS Malibu rental I crack some plastic piece under the car.) Down the road to Moab. Stop @ Chili Pepper to get our pre-shipped bikes. Our LBS (who is a mental midget afaic) did a pretty whack-ass job packing my bike. I dunno what he did, but he messed with all my suspension settings, and my fork is already puking oil out of one leg :think: . Bro says he knows a sweet place way the hell out Kane Crick rd to camp. Fine. Poor rental car gets nearly lost in some holes on the way out there. Set up camp, and hop on the bikes to take a quick spin on Amassa Back. Fly down the ledges no problem, cross stream climb a ways, then turn around cause it's getting dark. Bro is looking for some buddies he made last year in town, so we spend way to long in town drinking @ Woody's. I've been up over 20 hr, I'm drained.

continued yo ..
thats hot!!

Awesome recap!!!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Sun: What do you do after puting on the hurt drinking? Go climb Moab Rim the next day. Dumbasses :blah: . It's been a long winter and many beers, this climb hurts. We plod away and top out eventualy. Feelin pretty good, ride for a while up there, and thru Hidden Valley. Way cool piece of trail. Some scrambley part ride part hike down to the road. Pedal back to town.
No idea what we did that night. Its all a blur of sorts now.


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
stosh said:
so what about the house on the farm?
We wanted to remodel it so bad, but I got the to within a week of demolition and noticed ALOT of recent termite damage under the kitchen. Enough that about 500 sq ft of the house would have to be completely ripped off and started over.

F that. I'll pay 80k for a 20 year old 3500 sq foot house, finished basement with 1 room still unfinished, multi level octogonal deck, attached garage, double lot.....to hell with ripping a house apart when I can just move into another one.

As far as I'm concerned, a couple gallons of gas, a match and a bulldozer is the best remodeling project for that house.

It does, however, have a bueatiful 100 year old oak hardwood floor that would have to come out first.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Mon: Slickrock. Lots of fun, gettin cocky. Out past Shrimp Rock I find a little outcropping to launch off of. Kinda gotta leap over a bush and land further down on a nice open patch of slickrock. No problem. My friend is down below w/ camera. I send it and touch down fine, but unbeknownst to be there is a small rock and I rear wheel right on it. Instant flat, and rock takes of like a gunshot right @ my bro. I roll away fine, but the wheel got major hop/dent/wobble goin on. Screw it. I'm riding the rest of the week as is.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
TreeSaw said:
:eek: and I just found out Thursday's training ride is cancelled! (Heather's off to a race). You doin' 12 hour solo? I was planning on it but I have been propositioned for a 24 duo with Jenn (from Sunday). Guess I better get up there and see what the course is like before I finalize any decisions!

oh, that would be such a bummer if your cute mudhunnie freind was there too :D

I will be riding for 12 hours solo (at least)


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
douglas said:
oh, that would be such a bummer if your cute mudhunnie freind was there too :D

I will be riding for 12 hours solo (at least)
I betcha doug would trade places with you Treesaw, allowing him to race with Jenn and for you to go solo. :sneaky: :cool: :evil:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
TreeSaw said:
That's my morning! Clean up leaves and sticks. I also have bulbs planted along my fenceline that need to have the leaves I rake over them for winter insulation removed. Then, I am going to head up to the hardware store and get some fertilizer tablets for the plants in my landscaping (mostly azaleas, rhodadendrons) and probably try to rake a lot of the sand from the snowplows out of the front yard. If there's still time before my ride, I will probably fertilize and reseed some of the front. I would like to get some hay and put it on top so the seeds get plenty of time to take root and don't blow/flow away.

Don't worry...the work here is well past due...we've been ditching it to ride and I have the week off of school so it's now my duty :thumb:
Cool. Since this is our first Spring in the new house, we are discovering new things in the yard. We've got flowers blooming all over the place. :) Unfortunately, we also have bees and wasps. :dead: We went to Home Depot yesterday and bought some bee/wasp killer. I need to spray the hell out of our deck because it seems to attract the little bastards.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I Are Baboon said:
Cool. Since this is our first Spring in the new house, we are discovering new things in the yard. We've got flowers blooming all over the place. :) Unfortunately, we also have bees and wasps. :dead: We went to Home Depot yesterday and bought some bee/wasp killer. I need to spray the hell out of our deck because it seems to attract the little bastards.
Oh yeah! We did minimal work the first year because we weren't sure what was supposed to be planted and what wasn't. Take lots of pictures so you know what to pull and what not to pull when you're weeding. As for the bees/wasps, they're pesky but a good spray will work over time (you may have to treat it a couple of times). Good luck!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Tues: Pritchet canyon to Hunter Rim. Clearest day so far. Feels like the sun is being funneled right down on us. Man I'm getting cooked here. Nose is running and my helmet straps have turned white. New Englanders don't see this much sun. Ouch. I liked the ride, but most people I've talked to bitch and moan about this trail.
I don't know if it was this evening or another one, but some partying went down in camp. Some characters from CO who were over to moto had a camp fire. Late night there was some climbing of the canyon walls and other nonsense by the bro and the CO'idians. I opted out. Smart choices, mom would have been so proud. :heart:


Nam I am
TreeSaw said:
:eek: and I just found out Thursday's training ride is cancelled! (Heather's off to a race). You doin' 12 hour solo? I was planning on it but I have been propositioned for a 24 duo with Jenn (from Sunday). Guess I better get up there and see what the course is like before I finalize any decisions!
If and when you go up to Pats to check out the course let me know , I'll join you. I am also hopping to get up there soon and GPS it and ride it etc etc .


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
splat said:
If and when you go up to Pats to check out the course let me know , I'll join you. I am also hopping to get up there soon and GPS it and ride it etc etc .
Excellent! I just have to figure out a good weekend or something. Any particular weekend better for you?


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
MMcG said:
I betcha doug would trade places with you Treesaw, allowing him to race with Jenn and for you to go solo. :sneaky: :cool: :evil:
no way, then I'd only get to see her for 2 sec's at the transition tent (every lap) :devil:

I am also interested in pre riding pats peak


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Wed: Sovereign singletrack trail. :drool: Awesome!! I don't know what else to say. The trail is way fast and fun. No heavy climbing. Good stuff.

Thur: Poison Spider Mesa - Portal down. This ride was my physical and mental low point for the week. I think I got to much sun + eating lots of crap food + straight out of the gates w/ no rest = exhausted. Poison spider was kind of borring as well. By the time we reached the end of the mesa and were about to turn right down Portal, I was about to puke and felt dizzy. I walked a bunch of Portal. Even some of the parts I was capable of riding. I'm on vacation, no need to hurt myself. Whatever.


Nam I am
Westy said:
I've looked for a flashlight by the light of the flashlight I was looking for.

Just this Morning I went out to the car started it , leaving my Keys in the ignition , left it running went back in the house , and as I approached my Car I was searching for my Keys knowing i just had them, even started looking through my gym bag for them . :help:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Damn, I hate when they make me do actual work at work.

Mornin' all, took a sweet solo SS ride yesterday after work, I can't believe how awesome the trails are here already. Although it's supposed to start raining tomorrow.

After work today I'm going on a road ride with T-blazer, we've found some painful hills so it should be kickass as usual :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Fri: Went back to do all of Amasa Back. I was feeling a little better, but still had trouble concentrating. And it bit me. The drop in down to the stream I was going over one of the ledges, it was blind and couldn't see the backside, and I stuffed my front wheel in a hole. Ass over tea kettle. I'm dusty but fine, and now my front wheel matches my rear. Sweet! I collect my self before the end of the ride and move along @ fine speed on my wobbly rolling bike. We take the Jackson singletrack back down. It's so sweet. Not as exposed as Portal. At the bottom you gotta pedal through the creek again. I just go with it. It's over wheel deep. I don't quite make it to the other bank, but it was good for a laugh. After this ride I raise a beer, and I'm on good terms with the sun again.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
I Are Baboon said:
Cool. Since this is our first Spring in the new house, we are discovering new things in the yard. We've got flowers blooming all over the place. :) Unfortunately, we also have bees and wasps. :dead: We went to Home Depot yesterday and bought some bee/wasp killer. I need to spray the hell out of our deck because it seems to attract the little bastards.
once you become a home owner, your relations w/ arthropods takes on a whole new level.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Fri: Went back to do all of Amasa Back. I was feeling a little better, but still had trouble concentrating. And it bit me. The drop in down to the stream I was going over one of the ledges, it was blind and couldn't see the backside, and I stuffed my front wheel in a hole. Ass over tea kettle. I'm dusty but fine, and now my front wheel matches my rear. Sweet! I collect my self before the end of the ride and move along @ fine speed on my wobbly rolling bike. We take the Jackson singletrack back down. It's so sweet. Not as exposed as Portal. At the bottom you gotta pedal through the creek again. I just go with it. It's over wheel deep. I don't quite make it to the other bank, but it was good for a laugh. After this ride I raise a beer, and I'm on good terms with the sun again.


I need a freakin vacation, BAD.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
narlus said:
once you become a home owner, your relations w/ arthropods takes on a whole new level.

Every year I get some smart spiders that set up shop near the floodlights on the front porch. When the lights come on it attracts quite the feast for them. As long as they don't spin a web where I can walk into it I let them live and enjoy watching them build their webs. Occasionaly I'll catch a bug inside and throw it into there webs and watch them feed.

I am not so nice to spiders inside the house.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Sat: Final day, and with fireworks. Porcupine Rim. Even with the wonky bike we are trucking down. Forearms feel good, and DH season hasn't ever started yet. Good sign. I steer clear of the few hucker parts on the trail. So about halfway down my bro crashes. When his bike contacts the ground the carbon bar snaps off @ the lever clamp. He flags down a few riders and gets a knife, suitable for whitling a stick, loaned. Some wood carving and duct tape make for a tight fit. On the outside we bridge the break w/ his lock-on grip. It feels pretty solid. Seems like he can limp down the rest of the trail fine. Beats walking for shure. Well the crack head starts riding faster on the rig job. I'm in awe at this sideshow, but not confident that it's a smart idea. :help: I get up to speed and let him do his thing a little bit behind me. My chain derails and I stop to wrestle w/ it. Some riders come through and relay the message that he's down. Stick broke (not a susprise) and the lock-on plastic core yielded. He's got a pretty deep cut between 2 fingers. He walks the rest of the way down. On the road we pace back to town. My wobbly clapped out wheels and his gimp hand. Lookin good. We drop of the rides @ bike shop for boxing/shipping. The smart decision is made and we go over to the hospital for a few stiches. The End.

Sorry for the long form w/ no pics. I post some up once they get computer litterate. Insert dancing "this thread sucks without pics" smilie here. :monkey:


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
So i woke up feeling like **** from allergies, skipped my art history class that i havent been to in like a week and a half, and went back to bed. Woke back up went to history class feeling like **** and still do

but im gonna go dirt jumping later so thatll be nice.