
~~Good Tuesday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How the F' is everybody?

I'm busy getting ready for vacation next week.
Tonight I'm changing my oil and transmission oil, replacing the interior blower fan regulator and then I get to start packing/food shopping.
I can't wait to get away for a week, I f'ing need it bad!!!

Thankfully the f'ing job I'm working on is a big delayed due to no final DEC approval and the building permit costing $35k!! :)


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Doing well, more than likely picking up a set of sherman 20mm lowers and a steelhead frame tomorrow to build up a project.

Had quite the interesting commute in. Got stuck behind a dump truck that had to try and start up on a hill. It was rather amusing. The driver had such a hard time getting it going, all the while roasting the clutch and having the rear of his vehicle jump up and down. Damn did it smell bad though. Then I got stuck behind some guy who was throwing leaves out the window...leaves of all things.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Polandspring88 said:
Doing well, more than likely picking up a set of sherman 20mm lowers and a steelhead frame tomorrow to build up a project.

Had quite the interesting commute in. Got stuck behind a dump truck that had to try and start up on a hill. It was rather amusing. The driver had such a hard time getting it going, all the while roasting the clutch and having the rear of his vehicle jump up and down. Damn did it smell bad though. Then I got stuck behind some guy who was throwing leaves out the window...leaves of all things.
Thank GOD you got an avatar finally!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Yo stosh... chillin at home with the kids today, so not much going on. Might try to clean up the garage a bit if I can get them to nap at the same time (BIIIIG if).

I heard back from the guy about the bike shop... he wants $50k for it, which is actually a pretty good deal. But I still don't think I'm in a position where I want to spend the next 2 years re-establishing it... bringing in new lines, establishing a client base, etc before I start seeing any income. With the kids and the house, I just don't think we could swing that. It would probably be easier to start a new shop from scratch than to "reinvent" that shop.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Mornin' all. I spent the weekend in Cape Cod for a wedding...had an awesome time. The drive about killed me though. 10 hours + on I-95. :dead:

One major benefit to having a pregnant wife: full time designated driver. :D I needed it.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
MMcG said:
Morning - things didn't work out with Bailey and his new home, so now he's in a kennel in NYS. I feel awful.
That sucks Mark. I'm sorry. :(

Had a good day yesterday. Moved a bunch of funiture around in the house and things look a lot better. Went to the in-law's and went swimming in the afternoon and then talked them into buying us dinner out. :D Back at work today, but just have to make it through today, tomorrow and Thurs. and then I've got Fri. off to head up to East Burke! Can't wait!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MMcG said:
Morning - things didn't work out with Bailey and his new home, so now he's in a kennel in NYS. I feel awful.
Oh man.....
So you going to pick him up?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jacksonpt said:
Yo stosh... chillin at home with the kids today, so not much going on. Might try to clean up the garage a bit if I can get them to nap at the same time (BIIIIG if).

I heard back from the guy about the bike shop... he wants $50k for it, which is actually a pretty good deal. But I still don't think I'm in a position where I want to spend the next 2 years re-establishing it... bringing in new lines, establishing a client base, etc before I start seeing any income. With the kids and the house, I just don't think we could swing that. It would probably be easier to start a new shop from scratch than to "reinvent" that shop.
I bet it's tempting though....


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
BikeGeek said:
Mornin' all. I spent the weekend in Cape Cod for a wedding...had an awesome time. The drive about killed me though. 10 hours + on I-95. :dead:

One major benefit to having a pregnant wife: full time designated driver. :D I needed it.
Ha! Nice!!


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Hi all!!

Just getting life back to normal in my world after being out of the loop for two weeks. Spent yesterday afternoon getting the yard back into shape and the weeds out of the flower beds and stuff like that. Got the fridge stocked back up---seems like everyone I know now has a garden and they're dropping squash, peppers of all kinds, corn and green beans by like there's no tomorrow!! I'm running out of squash recipies fast!!! :blah:

Seems like a lightning strike knocked out my laptop at home while we were gone. Looks like a trip down to BestBuy is in order today after work. I thought I had unplugged everything, but I left the camera charger station plugged in, and I think it went through there. Bummer.

Hope y'all have a great day. I have a HUGE pile of paperwork on my desk that's going to take all week to get through I think. **Rolls up sleeves**


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
MMcG said:
Morning - things didn't work out with Bailey and his new home, so now he's in a kennel in NYS. I feel awful.
Oh no! That's awful...I will ask my friends & family again if anyone is interested in a good dog for you. Are you going to be coming to get him?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Greyhound said:
Hi all!!

Just getting life back to normal in my world after being out of the loop for two weeks. Spent yesterday afternoon getting the yard back into shape and the weeds out of the flower beds and stuff like that. Got the fridge stocked back up---seems like everyone I know now has a garden and they're dropping squash, peppers of all kinds, corn and green beans by like there's no tomorrow!! I'm running out of squash recipies fast!!! :blah:

Seems like a lightning strike knocked out my laptop at home while we were gone. Looks like a trip down to BestBuy is in order today after work. I thought I had unplugged everything, but I left the camera charger station plugged in, and I think it went through there. Bummer.

Hope y'all have a great day. I have a HUGE pile of paperwork on my desk that's going to take all week to get through I think. **Rolls up sleeves**
man that sucks about your computer. What are you planning on doing at Best Buy about it?


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
BikeGeek said:
Mornin' all. I spent the weekend in Cape Cod for a wedding...had an awesome time. The drive about killed me though. 10 hours + on I-95. :dead:

One major benefit to having a pregnant wife: full time designated driver. :D I needed it.
I-95 is one of the worst stretches of highway to drive and be stuck on for hours and hours and hours... ;)

Sq-Earl is loving the pregnant wife DD too and certainly is taking advantage of it. Boy does he owe me when I can finally drink again :sneaky:


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
TreeSaw said:
Oh no! That's awful...I will ask my friends & family again if anyone is interested in a good dog for you. Are you going to be coming to get him?
I had to sign him back over to the rescue group he came from - so technically he's not my dog anymore. But if they don't have a foster home for him, I'm going to ask to take him back in.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
stosh said:
care to explain?

I just got done hucking 6_inches to flat...

No really, I was into the last mile of a ten mile ride last night and all of sudden there was a *SNAP* and the bike came to a stop...

The linkage broke in half.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Good morning. It's F'ing hot here again today and I really want to ride after work. I heard the heat index is supposed to be around 100. My last ride at Vassar Farms wasn't so good. We arrived to discover that a bulldozer had leveled much of the jumps and technical single track and Vassar put up no trespassing signs everywhere. It was so sad. And on top of that, I found 2 ticks on me later that night.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I Are Baboon said:
Yeah, breaking your bike is a bad news/good news sort of thing. :) Bummer you have a trip planned so soon though.

No Yeti dealers here locally, but out in Alb there are a dozen well stocked shops... I plan on shopping while I am out there.


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
I'm leaving for CO later today. I'm going to Vail-Snowmass NCS-N*-San Fran-Brianhead NCS. It's going to one hell of a trip.

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
Echo said:
I downloaded my pics from my camera from Dalton and MBW. They all sucked. I'll post them though if you really want me to :p
I thought that pic of us on the clearing after the pancake breakfast came out good? it didn't?

Morning all, just work today, and I'm going to brave the heat and get a ride in, need to take my buddy's wife out and build up her mtb skills, her bo-staff skills, and her computer hacking skills. Maybe I'll get her to take her bike off a sweet jump. Gosh.


Nov 12, 2003
San Luis Obispo, CA
How am I doing....well...at the moment, I'm bored off my a$$ at work, but I'm rolling up to Tahoe on Thursday. Should be good, never been.

Anyone have any suggestions off the tops of their heads other than Flume and Rim Trails? I'd like to do them both, but I've heard they're a little on the mellow side....and naturally, since I'm not a local, and I want to find the good stuff, I'm turning to you people!! Ha Ha!! ;-)



Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
stosh said:
I'm busy getting ready for vacation next week.

Good Morning Stosh! :D

Have a good f'in vacation! The plans for my week in Yosemite in August are finally starting to take shape and I'm getting pretty excited.

Mark, Sorry to hear about Bailey :(


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Shyrmp said:
Good Morning Stosh! :D

Have a good f'in vacation! The plans for my week in Yosemite in August are finally starting to take shape and I'm getting pretty excited.

Mark, Sorry to hear about Bailey :(
I think by trying to do what I thought was best for Bailey, I've actually F'd up yet again and made things worse for him.

I feel horrible inside.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
Good Morning Stosh! :D

Have a good f'in vacation! The plans for my week in Yosemite in August are finally starting to take shape and I'm getting pretty excited.

Mark, Sorry to hear about Bailey :(
Oh my gawd, I f'ing loved Yosemite!!!

I'm not sure if Orven has been there but I need to stress apon you to make sure your first view of the valley is as you come out of the tunnel. It's well well well worth it.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
stosh said:
Oh my gawd, I f'ing loved Yosemite!!!

I'm not sure if Orven has been there but I need to stress apon you to make sure your first view of the valley is as you come out of the tunnel. It's well well well worth it.
Orven has been there before, it will be my first trip. I can't wait!


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
MMcG said:
I think by trying to do what I thought was best for Bailey, I've actually F'd up yet again and made things worse for him.

I feel horrible inside.
You did the best you could, it's not your fault. Don't worry Bailey will find a good home. Hang in there Mark :)


Good afternoon. I was in a meeting to find out that we got a new CFO. Let's see, in the last month, new CEO, new president at a sister company, new CFO. I wonder if we will get a new C3PO too.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Shyrmp said:
Orven has been there before, it will be my first trip. I can't wait!
I think I lost you on AIM.
I'll continue here...

you're in the dark long tunnel that is cutting thru the mtn

once you enter all you can see it a little white spec at the end

as you get closer the spec gets larger and larger

all this time all you can hear is the sound of your car passing thru the tunnel

now you're able to make out a few trees at the end of the tunnel and the road turning the the right....

the light is getting bigger
as you come to the end of the tunnel your pupiles are huge becuase it's so dark inside and the light is making you wince
all of a sudden you exit the tunnel
the sound of the car on the road is no longer
you take a slight turn to the right exiting the tunnel to see a view of Yosemite valley
the dank smell of the tunnel has left and the void has been filled with the smell of pine and fresh air....
your pupiles are trying to race open as your blood pressure tops out because what your eyes are trying to take in is like nothing you've ever seen before

it's like Jurassic park but with mtns instead of animals...