
~~Good Tuesday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

I have my snowboard all packed up in my car for tonight.
Hopefully it won't be to F'ing cold at Mtn Creek!

Other than that we have a company coming in to interview our firm for use on one of their projects. Could be interesting!!

Have a great F'ing day!!!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Nice job on that attic. I haven't been outside but it looks pretty nice out, hopefully I can get some stunt building in today. Good day all


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Got a new wheelset over the weekend from a local guy. Set of EX325s laced to Sun Ringle Abbah hubs. Looks sweet so far, though the whole snow thing has greatly intereferred with any plans to ride.

Had a sad moment last night as my beloved pair of headphones died. It seems I kill a pair of headphones every year, maybe I should just step it up and buy some expensive ones.

Other than that, I ended up with a 70 on the Electrical Engineering quiz I spoke of on Friday. With the scale it ends up being a B, but I have the chance to boost it up with some extra credit.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Good f'ing morning stosh. This f'ing gumbo that Jenn made has officially made it onto my list of favorite meals - I had it for dinner on Sunday, lunch yesterday, dinner again last night, and guess what I'm having for lunch today? :D

Started my f'ing taxes last night and I think I'm gonna get a huge refund this year :D. Not counting my chickens yet, of course, since I still don't have my W2 from the job I worked for the majority of last year and I haven't finished filling everything out, but I'd be psyched to get a chunk of change - planning on going to Bermuda in March and if it'd pay for that trip, that'd be f'ing awesome.


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
stosh said:
You're selling this house correct?
This is my personal house... and yes, Ill be selling it... prolly spring '07... tax free baby!

Bought it for 61k, worth about 85k now. Not a huge gain, but great appreciation for this area. I put about 1000 hours of work into it... learned a lot, thats for sure.

I really really love the house, but a little too "city" for me. I still see abandoned shopping carts on my street from time to time:rolleyes:

I want to buy at least one more fixer upper for my personal house, and then maybe get a house on the lake... we'll see.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh.

I'm really dragging today. A buddy called me last night and asked me to fill in on his rec basketball team (they were down a couple of players). I did happily - felt good to be on the court as I haven't played any type of organized basketball in a very long time (probably since grade school).

Didn't sleep worth a crap last night, so rather than laying in bed waiting for the alarm to go off, I got up early and hit the trainer. Did an hour and just a hair under 21 miles while I finished The Crash. Turned out to be a very good movie, though not really one that is well suited for the trainer.

On the way in to work I was feeling really good, now I'm just dead tired. It's goign to be a long day.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning Monkeys. Stayed home with the boys yesterday and then had a hockey game last night. We lost, but it was still fun. I tallied a goal and an assist. Good times.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Rumor has it the sun will be out today. Go away rain, you were here to long.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
What the heck is shoveling? I don't even know where my shovel is this year.

Yesterday was a rest day, tonight I'm doing a killer workout.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
morning all... frost on the windshield but nothing on the ground... I have had to cancel 2 of our local ski/board trips for my students ski club... lack of snow sucks for skiing, and the warm temps feel good while riding but make for a messy bike afterwards!!!

Stosh, you asked where from yesterday... Pittsburgh.

Treesaw, your not far from the VT border eh? I love VT... we pass right by you when I take our ski club to Stowe every year. Unfortunately, this year it looks like it will fall prey to a lack of interest!!! which sucks for me...


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
F'ing yo!

Spent last night replacing the internals in the toilet tank. Never have tackled that operation before, but it wasn't so bad. Had to pull the tank itself off to install the new flush valve and tower....which I was under the gun on time with, because Justine had a few beers and needed to pee really bad!! :p Got everything back together and leak-free so far, so I would consider that a successful project.

Approx. beer usage to complete: 4 pints.

After that, I moved to the kitchen and installed a new halogen light over our sink so we can see a little better when prepping food and washing dishes. Our house is pretty dated, so overhead fixtures are a little sparse at times. Needless to say, I scored major brownie-points for task-completion and got dinner cooked for me plus dish-cleanup afterward. I am the king.

Boring day here at the grind. Recent rains and snotty weather have the builders around here hibernating for a few weeks, so our business has gone from pegged at the redline to crickets chirping in a span of about a week! Temps are supposed to get back up into the high 50's and low 60's for the remainder of the week, so we should start to pick back up again. Maybe I'll get f'ing lucky today and get off early for a little trailwork.


Mar 14, 2005
Morning Monkeys....
I believe we will be hitting the trails again this evening. i am looking forward to it. I convinced a friend..who just got a brand new heckler, to come with us so it should be fun.. he has never been on a night ride. other than that not too much going on.
have a great day !!


Mar 14, 2005
bluebug32 said:
For some reason I always owe them money or break even. How do people get such huge refunds? :confused:
claim 0 as your dependants???

they will take more taxes out

also get a tax accountant that knows how to play with #'s


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
bluebug32 said:
For some reason I always owe them money or break even. How do people get such huge refunds? :confused:
Ummmm dude, thats where you want to be... Why would you want the guv-ment to hold your money when you could be earning interest yourself on it?

Continuously getting refunds simply means that you are not managing your money/deductions properly.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
bluebug32 said:
For some reason I always owe them money or break even. How do people get such huge refunds? :confused:
Actually, as was said, I claimed zero on my consulting job because I wasn't sure how the taxes would work out since I was working in one state, but getting paid by the company in another. Didn't want to end up owing.

I suppose you can look at it as "not managing my taxes/deductions properly" but I really like getting that refund at the end of the year. I'm not all that great with my money (though I've gotten a lot better in the past few years), so the refund means I dump a chunk into savings that I might otherwise have spent over the course of the year.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
On another note, I'm not sure how you "manage your deductions properly". When you go into a job, you fill out your tax form claiming whatever is appropriate as dependants.

If I want to claim 0 to get a bigger refund, that's one thing, but the refund I'm getting this year is due to tax deductions I'm taking from having a home office, a couple charitable contributions, and education expenses. How do you take those as deductions in advance? :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
Good morning. Hopefully work today will be a bit less crazy than yesterday. I had tried to post some pictures on Sunday from our Old Pueblo pre-ride about the same time my buddy took down his server where the pictures live. I will go ahead and repost them in the Arizona section so as not to clutter the Lounge. Everyone have a good day.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
binary visions said:
If I want to claim 0 to get a bigger refund, that's one thing, but the refund I'm getting this year is due to tax deductions I'm taking from having a home office, a couple charitable contributions, and education expenses. How do you take those as deductions in advance? :confused:

Do you itemize your taxes then?


Mar 14, 2005
i claim zero dependants and with some creative tax maneuvers i usually get about $4500 back. My wife gets about $3500 back. we would never have saved that if we didnt do it this way.. it would have been spent. this year it should be even more with the house we bought!!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
bluebug32 said:
Do you itemize your taxes then?
Yes, I have been the past couple years since I've got some deductions to take. Education related expenses = big $$ on the refund, and this year I worked from home for 3 months, and did some charitable contributions before I moved - couple perfectly good TVs, some household furniture, all went to the salvation army.


Mar 14, 2005
bluebug32 said:
Do you itemize your taxes then?
i never did.. this year i have too.. there are certain allowances you get do to your profession.. you can claim them as long as you dont go crazy... such as $ spend on furthur education, $ on work clothes, $ on tools <construction field> , $ on supplies etc


Mar 14, 2005
binary visions said:

Hope you don't get audited :p
my tax guy does it.. he signs the paper and has all the receipts :cool: . iasked him once .. what if we get....???
he looked at me and said " we dont get audited"
keep in mind he is a very italian man from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I got audited on my '04 return. If you have documentation to back up your claims, no problems. I sent the IRS a fax and they sent me a letter thanking me for my time. If you can't back up your claims get the vasoline out because the IRS is going to stretch you out Goatse style.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Westy said:
If you can't back up your claims get the vasoline out because the IRS is going to stretch you out Goatse style.

Well, I've got documentation to back everything up and I'm sure I'm not in an income bracket that gets audited very frequently anyway.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
binary visions said:
Yes, I have been the past couple years since I've got some deductions to take. Education related expenses = big $$ on the refund, and this year I worked from home for 3 months, and did some charitable contributions before I moved - couple perfectly good TVs, some household furniture, all went to the salvation army.
I was never sure at what point you can itemize. I'm only 23, I travel less than 100 miles for work a month, do part-time freelance work from home, make a few charitable contributions.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
bluebug32 said:
I was never sure at what point you can itemize. I'm only 23, I travel less than 100 miles for work a month, do part-time freelance work from home, make a few charitable contributions.
I'm only 24. I don't think there's a "point at which you can itemize" - if you have anything to itemize, then you can do it.

I just do everything at turbotax.com. Has a nice little interface and stores your previous year's returns so you have that reference. Everything is spelled out for you, too - if you don't know if you can take a deduction, click the help button and it will explain the specific circumstances that allow you to take the deduction.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
binary visions said:
On another note, I'm not sure how you "manage your deductions properly". When you go into a job, you fill out your tax form claiming whatever is appropriate as dependants.
You keep bumping up your dependents on your W2 until you're around break even.

I figure in my case I'll have to put 12 dependents on it to get there. :eek: