
#### Goodby 2019 GTM ####


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Went spinning this morning and now trying to figure out some food for tonight and how to get the family into party mode. Have to find some fireworks too. Saying goodby to a good year with mostly ups but still adjusting to life in Denmark and how to find the right balance in life not sure if that ever ends. Happy New Year!


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
^^^ so good

Happy Eve, y'all. Good riddance, this was a shit year.

Edit: batteries in my thermostat died overnight, it's 57* in here.
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Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Happy Eve, y'all. Good riddance, this was a shit year.

We got many forms of precipitation in one day yesterday - rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, hail. All that's missing is frogs and sharks raining down, what a fitting end of this year. One more call with a hiring company today and I am d.o.n.e. with '19.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. I would like to be skiing today, but this is my week to work.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
OMG hi LMFAO!! I worked an 18 hour shift yesterday, went home for a few hours of broken sleep, and am now back in my cubicle prison cell. I knew the long work day was coming, so at least I was able to brace for it. Looks like today's run will be on the treadmill due to the aforementioned ice world outside.

New Year's party tonight, and I'll be surprised if I make it to 10:00.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

I'll probably miss the true fun as I'm going up Saturday (@stoney you going to be at Copper +/- delicate hands?) but still should be ok and a half.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006

I'll probably miss the true fun as I'm going up Saturday (@stoney you going to be at Copper +/- delicate hands?) but still should be ok and a half.
Saturday at WP, probably tomorrow wherever I can get daycare.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Copper half day; Wifey doesn't have the legs for a whole day and I don't want to deal with holiday traffic heading home.
When is this Copper half day about which you apocryphally write?


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I really hate NYE. I have no reason to stay up and don't care, yet, somehow get obligated to go to another lame party. I'd rather just go to bed at a reasonable hour and get up early to go ride or work out tomorrow. At least I have the next 5 days off. Been hustling in the garage the last couple days.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Just spent $70 to ski on a molehill with my son. but it's better than not skiing on a molehill with my son, so I'll take it. Nice fresh snow too, Happy New year to me!


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I really hate NYE. I have no reason to stay up and don't care, yet, somehow get obligated to go to another lame party. I'd rather just go to bed at a reasonable hour and get up early to go ride or work out tomorrow. At least I have the next 5 days off. Been hustling in the garage the last couple days.
Do you take orders? I'd happily buy one again. And need a new sticker for my fendah.

Somehow I am in a le depressed mood, realizing I wasted a year of my life working with bad people and having accomplished little progress in skills that matter to me. Oh well, on to 2020.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Somehow I am in a le depressed mood, realizing I wasted a year of my life working with bad people and having accomplished little progress in skills that matter to me. Oh well, on to 2020.
Ain't that the truth.

I did not ride a bike in 2019. Not one single ride. I will have to remedy this in 2020 to help maintain my sanity in this godforsaken place.


ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
Living on the Shore in Florida is it's own influencer for Riding Stats. 2019 Elev. totals are 14000' for 5 rides in New England and 14000' for 140 rides after that. 3x the mileage and then some. Going average for Gravel/Mtn has been 1000-1100miles / 100000' (no chair riding). 3600 / 28000' comes across as weak if not for learning to adapt to all drop-bar riding positions.
Strong finish today - 1st entire ride Aero on the Hoods for 22miles/21.2mph/336w(429w weighted) Is difficult for me to get 21+mph averages solo.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
A long way behind my annual goal of 3650 miles and 500000ft of climbing.

Looks like I'm at 3044miles and 364000ft, not including a dozen or so days of DH resort riding.

Hopefully better numbers in 2020.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Finished my year with 3065 miles of biking, though most of that was on the road so it doesn't really count. 2100 miles of running and 177 miles of swimming to go with it.

My goal for 2020 is to buy a new MTB and ride it.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
A long way behind my annual goal of 3650 miles and 500000ft of climbing.

Looks like I'm at 3044miles and 364000ft, not including a dozen or so days of DH resort riding.

Hopefully better numbers in 2020.
15 more days on the bike would have gotten you there, I reckon


ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
Developing flexibility to hold the TT style aero position is a power saver. About this time 3 years ago I did the same loop for the 1st time in the drops.

Also had to battle the wind everywheres, likely why the power nos. are 40 watts above my 1hr avg.
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bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Developing flexibility to hold the TT style aero position is a power saver. About this time 3 years ago I did the same loop for the 1st time in the drops.

Also had to battle the wind everywheres, likely why the power nos. are 40 watts above my 1hr avg.
i have no idea what amy of that means and i am 100% comfortable with that


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Only rode 37 times this year. Hiked 61 times though. So when I do throw a leg over the Spitty I have all this fitness that I should not have for as little as I ride. Hehe

Another older, local, mountain biker recently kept saying what a commitment it is to thru hike the A.T. And I mentioned that some quit their jobs and sell their homes. But that wasn't what he meant. Realistically I don't have that many years left of being able to ride trails aggressively. Probably not going to be skimming the tops of rawks at age 60. So I am giving up two of those years to do this. Commitment.

Happy New Years

Hope ya'll reach your goals next year.