
Google aims to track everything about everone...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Google aims to track users with wi-fi
Chris Nuttall and Kevin Allison in San Francisco
Financial Times
Updated: 8:43 p.m. ET April 6, 2006

Google aims to be able to track its users to within 100-200 feet of their location through new wireless networks in order to serve them with relevant advertising from local businesses.

The leading internet search company, which depends on advertising for 99 per cent of its revenues, was selected on Wednesday by San Francisco as its preferred bidder to provide a basic free wi-fi internet service covering the entire city.

It had partnered in its bid with the internet service provider Earthlink, which intends to charge a fee for a faster internet connection.

Google and Earthlink will now enter final contract negotiations with the city. There were five other bidders including a non-profit group backed by Cisco Systems and IBM.

The company hopes to defray the costs of offering a free service through contextual advertising. Analysts have speculated that the San Francisco bid could be a prelude to Google seeking to extend its reach into localities nationwide.

It is already planning a free wi-fi network by the summer covering the city of Mountain View, where its headquarters is based, and the San Francisco service may be up and running by the end of the year.

Google says users linking up with wi-fi transmitters placed around cities can be located to within a couple of blocks. This would open up a new level of advertising opportunities for the company, allowing it to serve tightly focused ads on its web pages from small businesses in the immediate area.

The bid to blanket-cover San Francisco with cheap internet access is part of a broader move towards municipal wireless networks by big US cities.

Philadelphia became the first major US city to begin construction of a citywide wireless network when it signed a deal with Earthlink earlier this year.

Other big cities such as Chicago, Boston and Austin have announced their own wireless network plans.

Experts have warned, however, that the free wireless model remains unproven and may not offer the best solution for smaller cities and towns addressing the "digital divide" to promote economic development.

In a separate development, Google has launched a local listings service for real estate.

Typing "real estate" or "homes for sale" in its search box prompts users to enter their postal codes and see a map showing properties and their details in their area. The "mash-up" combines Google Maps with its Google Base classifieds service.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Am I the only one that would rather receive targeted advertisements than randomly generated advertisements?

There was a slight uproar about Gmail's analysis of your email contents to provide targeted ads as well. I guess I just think that if I'm going to have to look at advertising, I'd rather have it be something I could be interested in.

I've clicked more targeted Gmail ads than any other banner ad since I've been online. Granted, it's only been probably 2 or 3, but I never, ever click banner ads so that's a step up.


Mar 19, 2006
Boca Raton, FL
binary visions said:
Am I the only one that would rather receive targeted advertisements than randomly generated advertisements?

There was a slight uproar about Gmail's analysis of your email contents to provide targeted ads as well. I guess I just think that if I'm going to have to look at advertising, I'd rather have it be something I could be interested in.

I've clicked more targeted Gmail ads than any other banner ad since I've been online. Granted, it's only been probably 2 or 3, but I never, ever click banner ads so that's a step up.
Yes, targeted banners are still better for both the consumer and the retailer. At the same time, I have never clicked on a banner…



Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
binary visions said:
Am I the only one that would rather receive targeted advertisements than randomly generated advertisements?
For target ads... their aim is pretty bad. I've yet to see one that interested me.

But at least they have not had a banner that makes noise... that would really suck.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
binary visions said:
Am I the only one that would rather receive targeted advertisements than randomly generated advertisements?

There was a slight uproar about Gmail's analysis of your email contents to provide targeted ads as well. I guess I just think that if I'm going to have to look at advertising, I'd rather have it be something I could be interested in.

I've clicked more targeted Gmail ads than any other banner ad since I've been online. Granted, it's only been probably 2 or 3, but I never, ever click banner ads so that's a step up.
I would rather receive no advertisements.