
Googles GMAIL

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Hahaha... Kona... Put "gmail" into the search bar and tell me what comes up ;)

Everyone and their brother as 50 gmail invites now so if you know anyone with an @gmail.com address, you can get an account...

Cool service for the automated invites, though :thumb:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
binary visions said:
Hahaha... Kona... Put "gmail" into the search bar and tell me what comes up ;)

Everyone and their brother as 50 gmail invites now so if you know anyone with an @gmail.com address, you can get an account...

Cool service for the automated invites, though :thumb:
I have an invite for you if you need one.



Nam I am
Yes , But has anyone else notice it can be very slow for it to recieve mail some time ( all right quite often ) and some time it just never makes it to either the inbox or the spam box ? I tried to use it when Biggins wanted to do his RM poker room I singed up using my gamil account and it said I would recive a confirmation email and it never arrived.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Yossarian said:
I think he is letting everyone know that no invites are needed anymore. It is wide open./
But invites are needed. This is just an automated service for providing them.

splat said:
Yes , But has anyone else notice it can be very slow for it to recieve mail some time ( all right quite often ) and some time it just never makes it to either the inbox or the spam box ?
:confused: I've never lost an email.

I actually noticed that it receives emails faster than Hotmail for most things. When I sign up for something, the auto generated email is almost instantly in my inbox vs. Hotmail when it took a few minutes or so.


Echo said:
Dudes! Did you hear they now have phones that you can take in the car with you!
Ahahahahahaha - the viagra made his memory go away. His mind was busy keeping focused on making wood. :thumb: