good post LL. we all break the law at some point, some things just have higher consequences than others. being smart and responsible about your vehicle of pleasure makes all the difference. if you're caught, understand that YOU were in the wrong and accept the consequence. We live in the ONLY country with such stringent rules on law enforcement that let A LOT of guilty people go free on something as minute as wording or perception. you rarely hear about the case-law making supreme court case where the defendant wasn't in posession of the illegal substance, the greivance is usually in how the game was played. where else in the world can the guilty party get off on a technicality of the game?
bottom line; if you get caught, suck it up. if you can get away with it safely and responsibly then take the chance. "if a tree falls in the woods...."
bottom line; if you get caught, suck it up. if you can get away with it safely and responsibly then take the chance. "if a tree falls in the woods...."