
Gotta Love Circuit City

So I went looking for a new Cannon A85 digi cam tonight at the local CC. They currently have a special going that gives you a free 128mb memory card for any camera that's 4 mega pixles or over. Sales guy rings up the sale and THEN goes looking for the memory. Guy disappears for 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile I'm looking over the Compact Flash area and only see 64, 256 and 512mb cards. He finally reappears claiming that now I have to go to the pick up counter in the front of the store for the memory since he can't find it on the floor.

Ok, off I go to the pick up counter, stand around for a while for someone to help me. Hand my receipt to the guy there that finally shows up from the back stock room. Another 5-10 minutes goes by without seeing this guy after he goes to the back. He finally comes back out looking confused and asks for help for a third person. They go schlep off the the memory section, where I had previously looked and they come back with some other flash memory card that's like a 1/4 of the physical size of what I need. (During this time I figured it would be prudent to opent the camera box and make sure everything was in there that was supposed to be.) I take out the included 32mb card and show the guy "this is the what you're looking for, only it's supposed to be a 128mb card."

Off they go again for another 5 minutes looking for a 128mb card on the floor display that isn't there. For whatever reason, whether is was humilty, ignorance or just plain clulessness, the guy comes back with a 256mb card says "here you go" and THROWS the thing in my bag and says "have a nice evening." It took me a second to register that it was a 256mb card. I looked in the bag to make sure that a) it was a 256 card and b) it was the right format and then looked up to tell the guy he gave me the wrong size mb card. Guess what? He was gone!! Everyone behind the counter was gone! Total twilight zone....

Oh well, extra 128mb for me at no cost! Thanks CC, you're the best! :thumb: <---thought I should clarify, that's some serious sarcasm right there!


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Circuit City has been good for me. I still haven't paid any interest on my 53" widescreen HDTV that I got for $1400, or the sweet MiniDV camera. And, they have a nice "No Questions Asked" 7 day return policy, which allowed me to go buy the ~$600 worth of equipment necessary to watch the Superbowl in HDTV last year, watch the game, then return it all for a complete refund. The dude was like "any particular reason you're returning this?" and I was like "ah ah- no questions asked" :D

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I think Circuit City is ok. Sure they suck for customer service, as most big stores like that do, but if you don't have to ask for help from anyone, they're not that bad. I got a 256mb card for my digicam and paid only $30 for it after a sale and rebate.

Best Buy is terrible and I will never shop at one again, after one of their employees stole my wife's credit card number and had fun with it. :angry: Fortunately, American Express is right on top of those things.


Oct 17, 2001
Boston, MA
Transcend said:
CC screwed me out of 2 rather large rebates on MP3 players. CC sucks donkey balls.
Me as well. I don't even factor mail-in rebates into the price of something. I assume I'll never get it.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Incubus said:
Me as well. I don't even factor mail-in rebates into the price of something. I assume I'll never get it.
i just bought a 512MB SD card from buy.com, and they had a kick-ass rebate ($25 after $17 rebate), but you could only get that rebate if you bought it via buy.com. fair enough. i get the thing, cut out the UPC code from the packaging, and was ready to fill out the rebate form the next day or so when i read the fine print on the rebate form and noticed that they also required the original packing slip.

well damn, i'd thrown that out.

buggers. :nuts:

if you don't need memory right away, mail order is the way to go if you want the lowest price. but i've been happy w/ my laptop we got from CC, and got both rebates on that too (for the laptop and the wireless mouse they threw in for free, so that was like getting a free part *and* free cash. nice).


I bought a phone there Friday night. It was pleasant enough. I have the 3.2 mp version the A75 and like it. I saw the A85 right after I bought the one I got. I didn't do much homework. Let me know how you like it. I bought 256mb of CF at Staples for $20 when I got mine. My uncle had bad luck with CC over a tv and hates them. I bought a viewer for my Epson monitor for $23 that was $50 every other place. I got it in 2 days with regular shipping too. I like them ok.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
everytime i go into circuit city i wait forever for some kind of service. one day when i went to find someone to help me, i found all the employees gathered in front a f'in stereo listen the first single off the new so and so's album. i thought i was going to have to beat someone. these werent kids either. these were all adults. i won't go back, thats for sure.


laura said:
everytime i go into circuit city i wait forever for some kind of service. one day when i went to find someone to help me, i found all the employees gathered in front a f'in stereo listen the first single off the new so and so's album. i thought i was going to have to beat someone. these werent kids either. these were all adults. i won't go back, thats for sure.

The good news is that we are more intelligent than most people that work there, so we just need them at check out time.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
the CC here in asheville isnt bad at all really. id rather go there than best buy any day.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
You guys crack me up. Seriously.

I just go buy stuff at wherever has it the cheapest.
Well, I've had both good and bad experiences at all the big electronic stores. I generally do all my research beforehand so as loco says, I just need them to ring up the sale.

Anyway, I just thought it was really funny that the guy got so frustrated, confused, dumbfounded that he gave me a 128mb upgrade for free! Woo-hoo!