
gotta love little kids

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
We all got a laugh outta this. A few of us were on a urban ride in downtown chicago, its about 11:00 and we're at a 711. So i'm looking for some candy and this little black girl who cant be more than 4 year old, about 3 feet tall comes up next to me and grabs a baby ruth bar. She goes over to her mom and says " momma can I have a baby woof" the mom says " no sweets at night" and then the kid screams out " momma you a bitch" i couldnt believe it, this girl was about 3 years old. I started cracking up and the mom just gave me this look and said "what you laughin at" I looked at her and said "Dont ask me you the bitch" funniest thing ive heard in a while :cool: