

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
A couple days ago my financée and I were talking about food our parents made us as kids, and I was telling her about goulash that my Ma used to make. I always knew it probably wasn't real goulash, but it's what my Ma made and we loved that shit. The financée had never heard of it, so we looked it up and it turns out the dish my Ma used to make is known as either American Goulash or American Chop Suey, neither of which are the Hungarian dish. Having never had the Hungarian version, we looked that shit up, and it looked wicked delicious. So today, I attempted a batch made from this recipe I found on the internets.

First things first: it's apparently not Hungarian Goulash unless you have some Hungarian paprika on hand. It's kinda literally the only spice that's required, from what I read.

Assembling everything I would need: beef, onions, red peppers, tomatoes, garlic, and a couple of spices. That's it. That's fuckin' it.

Dice up the tomatoes, chuck 'em in the slow cooker.

This recipe called for ground caraway seed, but I only had whole. So I ground it up in this thing. You can add it in, or not. Doesn't really matter.

Chop up all this shit, however you like. Doesn't fuckin' matter. The recipe called for four (4) onions and one (1) red pepper, but I'm using three (3) onions and two (2) peppers, because that's what I like. You use what you want.

Cut up the beef into chunks. Again, cut it up however you like. Bang it in a pan and add a pinch of salt and a good whack of pepper. Fry the shit off until it's brown on the outside.

Chuck the beef into the slow cooker. Now, bang this shit into this other shit and cook it until it's... cooked.

Now with garlic, you always just add shitloads. My rule of thumb is, double whatever the recipe calls for, and then add a couple more cloves. Because garlic is fuckin' mad.

Bang that shit into the slow cooker, add a fuckton of Hungarian paprika, the ground caraway, a pinch of salt, a crack of pepper, and give it a good stir. Bang a lid on it, then go fucking do something else for a few hours.

I went for a bike ride, and when I came home my house smelled fuckin' mad. This shit's got another hour or so in the slow cooker, and then I'm gonna serve it up. You can serve this shit with egg noodles, spaetzle, bread, potatoes, whatever Trevor. I wanted to go to the shop and get some spaetzle noodles but my financée was just exposed to a fuckwit with Covid at her nursing job, so I'm in fuckin' quarantine and will make do with some crackers and sour cream.

Carry on, Champions.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
“Now with garlic, you always just add shitloads. My rule of thumb is, double whatever the recipe calls for, and then add a couple more cloves. Because garlic is fuckin' mad“


Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Oh snap, this turned out even better than I had hoped. 10/10 will bang again.

(Maybe with 4 onions and spaetzle next time...)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
I am not a garlic fan.

I am thinking about making tater tot hot dish and having my family hate it cause that's how my life is.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
A couple days ago my financée and I were talking about food our parents made us as kids, and I was telling her about goulash that my Ma used to make. I always knew it probably wasn't real goulash, but it's what my Ma made and we loved that shit. The financée had never heard of it, so we looked it up and it turns out the dish my Ma used to make is known as either American Goulash or American Chop Suey, neither of which are the Hungarian dish. Having never had the Hungarian version, we looked that shit up, and it looked wicked delicious. So today, I attempted a batch made from this recipe I found on the internets.

First things first: it's apparently not Hungarian Goulash unless you have some Hungarian paprika on hand. It's kinda literally the only spice that's required, from what I read.

Assembling everything I would need: beef, onions, red peppers, tomatoes, garlic, and a couple of spices. That's it. That's fuckin' it.

Dice up the tomatoes, chuck 'em in the slow cooker.

This recipe called for ground caraway seed, but I only had whole. So I ground it up in this thing. You can add it in, or not. Doesn't really matter.

Chop up all this shit, however you like. Doesn't fuckin' matter. The recipe called for four (4) onions and one (1) red pepper, but I'm using three (3) onions and two (2) peppers, because that's what I like. You use what you want.

Cut up the beef into chunks. Again, cut it up however you like. Bang it in a pan and add a pinch of salt and a good whack of pepper. Fry the shit off until it's brown on the outside.

Chuck the beef into the slow cooker. Now, bang this shit into this other shit and cook it until it's... cooked.

Now with garlic, you always just add shitloads. My rule of thumb is, double whatever the recipe calls for, and then add a couple more cloves. Because garlic is fuckin' mad.

Bang that shit into the slow cooker, add a fuckton of Hungarian paprika, the ground caraway, a pinch of salt, a crack of pepper, and give it a good stir. Bang a lid on it, then go fucking do something else for a few hours.

I went for a bike ride, and when I came home my house smelled fuckin' mad. This shit's got another hour or so in the slow cooker, and then I'm gonna serve it up. You can serve this shit with egg noodles, spaetzle, bread, potatoes, whatever Trevor. I wanted to go to the shop and get some spaetzle noodles but my financée was just exposed to a fuckwit with Covid at her nursing job, so I'm in fuckin' quarantine and will make do with some crackers and sour cream.

Carry on, Champions.
This all sounds... so familiar. :D


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Generally not a fan of stew like dishes (probably from them having too many carrots added), but that looks great, I'd eat that for sure.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Interestingly, that recipe says pork is an acceptable protein for goulash. Color me interested... better get some Hungarian paprika ordered.
My intention was to make it with a pork shoulder, but the shop I went to didn't have any pork that looked decent at the time. The chuck roast looked fantastic though, so I rolled with it. Next time... probably try some sort of pig.

We had the "leftovers" for dinner last night, and actually got egg noodles delivered. So this goulash + egg noodles + a dollop of greek yogurt (a sub for sour cream) is freaking amazing.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
The thing is, I love paprika. I used to use it all the time making spit-roasted chicken...but I haven’t made one of those in ten years. Gotta re-visit this...
I have regular paprika... and even some Spanish hot-smoked paprika. But no Hungarian paprika. I guess I'm assuming it's different. If it isn't, ima have a shitload of regular paprika shortly. :D