
Government procedure...


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Jebus what a hassle. I got pulled over for going 4 over the other day :rolleyes:. Well I had spilled a bunch of Prolink in my glove compartment (leak in bottle) like 2 weeks ago which saturated every piece of paper in there including my insurance varification. Needless to say, prolink smells like ass so I removed all saturated pieces of paper. The cop let me off with a warning and a ticket for not having my ins verication that I could "easily resolve". He was generally very nice and cool except that he pulled me over for going 4 over :mumble:.

Anyway, so I had 48 hours to go the the damn courthouse and show them Ins varification. But the Ins company said 1 week until it will get to me (in the mail). So I called the number for the courthouse to see of they would take a fax... they put me on hold for 10 min at least and then gave me another number to call who did the same thing. So I called the final number only to get an answering machine. The people that gave me the number just told me to keep calling because they would answer if they had a moment of rest from their super busy jobs. So I started blowing up their phone with my cell. I must have called them 50 times in a row, hanging up on their machine and then calling again. See, I needed to get there in an hour because they are only open from 10-12AM and from 3-5PM... really convenient hours wouldnt you say since I work from 8-5 :mumble:. Anyway, I walk through security (which is FAR more robust than last time I was there... Like airport security). When I got to the office that I had been calling over, and over, and over, it was 3 women, sitting at their desks all talking to eachother. Not a single phone ringing, not a single piece of paperwork being filled out, just 3 women talking about the other ones hair. WTF?!?! I thought they were always slammed with work, barley enough time to answer their phones. :rolleyes:. Glad to see my tax dollars are at work paying 3 women in charde of doing the work of 1/2 a person.

At least I got it resolved. It took 3 seconds to do what I had to drive clear across town, spend at least 45 minutes on the phone, and $3.00 in parking to do.

I give the whole system a :stosh: for being completely inefficient on 2/2/2005


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Yossarian said:
My insurance company faxed me a letter in an hour stating that I had valid insurance coverage that was acceptable by the state of GA.
Yeah, mine too... I had the letter faxed to me here at work, problem was according to the first lady I spoke with I needed to present it to the them in person. But the 2nd number was to talk to someone who could maybe clear a fax with the DA's office... the third number was yet another number to the DA's office to get a fax cleared but they never answered their phone so I had to leave work to go down there to give it to them during their screwed up hours. If I hadnt I may not have made my 48 hour deadline that if missed would cost me $80 or something like that. Hassle Hassle Hassle... Im still :mumble: about it.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
golgiaparatus said:
.....When I got to the office that I had been calling over, and over, and over, it was 3 women, sitting at their desks all talking to eachother. Not a single phone ringing, not a single piece of paperwork being filled out, just 3 women talking about the other ones hair. WTF?!?! I thought they were always slammed with work, barley enough time to answer their phones. :rolleyes:. Glad to see my tax dollars are at work paying 3 women in charde of doing the work of 1/2 a person.

It would be even funnier if they'd blown you off whilst they surfed the Monkey... :p

dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:
Yeah, mine too... I had the letter faxed to me here at work, problem was according to the first lady I spoke with I needed to present it to the them in person. But the 2nd number was to talk to someone who could maybe clear a fax with the DA's office... the third number was yet another number to the DA's office to get a fax cleared but they never answered their phone so I had to leave work to go down there to give it to them during their screwed up hours. If I hadnt I may not have made my 48 hour deadline that if missed would cost me $80 or something like that. Hassle Hassle Hassle... Im still :mumble: about it.
Maybe they heard about how hot you were and how all the bitches couldn't resist and wanted to check you out? :D :p

Really, though...I agree that the city, county, state and federal gov't offices are really inefficient. I have a freakin TYPEWRITER on my desk for stupid ass 3 part forms...wtf is THAT all about? I've started to duplicate the forms in Word with the FORMS toolbar and I just copy the stupid things...they also always use the excuse, wellllll...we're a government agency...it's like get with the friggin times! Also...there are tons of buck passers...I hate buck passers...it's like our jobs are so damn easy, just help the people out rather than perpetuating the lazy gov't worker image...:rolleyes:

I know all this sounds funny with my post count and signature, but I must reiterate here what I've said before...I do my job first and foremost...THEN I f around...:D


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
Maybe they heard about how hot you were and how all the bitches couldn't resist and wanted to check you out? :D :p

Really, though...I agree that the city, county, state and federal gov't offices are really inefficient. I have a freakin TYPEWRITER on my desk for stupid ass 3 part forms...wtf is THAT all about? I've started to duplicate the forms in Word with the FORMS toolbar and I just copy the stupid things...they also always use the excuse, wellllll...we're a government agency...it's like get with the friggin times! Also...there are tons of buck passers...I hate buck passers...it's like our jobs are so damn easy, just help the people out rather than perpetuating the lazy gov't worker image...:rolleyes:

I know all this sounds funny with my post count and signature, but I must reiterate here what I've said before...I do my job first and foremost...THEN I f around...:D
Still hanging on to that story? I am still with that same chick BTW, the last one I met in that strange wave of women that hit me several months ago (yest the tall one).