King Co. requires life vests for swimmers, floaters
well, you could, but i don't think it would be understood
you can't argue with thatIt applies to people intertubing, rafting, using a surfboard, canoe or kayak. Swimmers or people wading more than 5 feet from shore or in water more than 4 feet deep would also have to wear life vests. The new ordinance does not apply to people at designated public beaches or for people who are skin diving.
Dunn also questioned whether it made sense to require intertubers to wear a life jacket because the tube itself is buoyant.
"Are we in redundant territory here?" he asked.
A sheriff's department representative said often tubers are unable to get back to the device they're riding when they fall off.
Dunn said he voted "no" on the ordinance because it was "too much of a blanket approach" and he worried it would eventually be expanded.
"I think it's the beginning of the era of life jackets in King County," he said.
Councilwoman Julia Patterson, a "yes" vote, said the same arguements Dunn made agains the life vest ordinance were also made against laws requiring child safety seats in automobiles and banning smoking in public places.
"We are improving the health for everyone because of these laws that we pass," she said.
well, you could, but i don't think it would be understood