
Grandpa=4 bypass surgery @ 82yrs old


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Just came out of surgery...
Apparently heart started beating without being shocked. As soon as blood returned the damn thing just fired up. Right now he is on a pacemaker because its beating @ like 20 by itself. Apparently he was making hand gestures after the surgery wanting to know how many bypasses they did also he is not happy about his cathader.

Booyah, gpaw is THE friggin man. He has survived, 1 anurism 25 years ago, 4 Bypass surgery 15 years ago, terminal colon and liver cancer (one of only 3 in the world to live through both in their advanced stages at once).


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
holy chit!, that a tough guy.
my grandpa is 92. still walks 2 miles a day to buy the newspaper. and then to the butchery to buy beef that he cooks for the dog!!!


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
I got to the hospital and they were about to take him off the breather. He was his normal self, just couldnt talk because of the breather. Going to see him around 6:30 today to see how he is doing again. Im sure he will be kicking ass though. Whats funny is that I kept asking his wife (not my grandma, hence why I call her his wife) questions since he couldnt answer and he kept grabbing my arm to correct her... I was like, so he had 5 bypasses? and she was like yeah 5 but then grandpa would grab my arm shake his head, roll his eyes and then hold up 4 fingers. Then he started spelling out "TEETH" on the pillow because he wanted his teeth so he could put them in after the breather was out.

Anyway, so I guess hes cool, got another 20+ in him methinks.

Funny story about grandpa. We went to this steak house and G-pa, being the hardass Retired Army Colonel that he is was drinking and being very assertive, well, he was talking to the waiter (who was a farly large boy clearly showing off his muscles with a tight shirt). Well, g-pa challenged him (for a very large tip, mind you) to an arm wrestling match. So here we have 81yr old Col. Bob vs 25(?) year old waiter with muscle shirt. Well grandpa tried for the quick surprise win but the waiter was having none of it and grandpa couldnt budge his arm. Thing was the waiter couldnt move grandpa either. So it was a stamina battle... after about 3-4 minutes grandpa started to wear him down and eventually pinned him, it was frikkin funny as hell. The kid turned red when grandpa said he was 81.

Another funny story: I took grandpa out to a seafood/bar on his birthday and after 6-7 beers we were talking to everyone on the other side of the bar basically (it the bar is in a semi circle in the middle of the place). Well this 40 or so year old woman started kind of hitting on me and I was trying to kind of ignore her a little bit. Well grandpa saw that I was clearly not taking the bait and decides to swing into action... he starts talking and flirting with her. Long storey short, we moved to the other side of the bar, we stayed for a while, had some more shrimp and beer and at the end of the night, grandpa got her number... Thats 80 vs 40!!! He never called her because he is married, I think he was just trying to see if he still had it... heh, he did.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
That dude is AWESOME!

I wish my grandfather was so lucky. he had a quad bypass, had a reaction to the meds, and his incision got infected. It was a slow painful road from there. He was in his early 80s, a few years after his and my grandmothers 50th wedding aniversary.

I hope your grandpa lives on strong for many more years, and i'm glad to hear he made it through with no complications!