
Graphic Designers


Oct 17, 2002
Anyone decent wouldn't have responded. I mean, "post your work below and I will send you a private message if I like your work." That's offensive, professionally speaking.

I say if you're going to spam like that, you should give amateurs a chance. Work with 'em, develop 'em, and use some of their work.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Do you guys have reading comprehension problems, or do you just like to rant on a subject relating to your chosen field?

Here, let me re-post this and you can read it again.

Brandon@Realm26 said:
Hey just checking to see what kind of creative people are on Ride Monkey these days...... We are looking for a few good graphic designers for an online mag we are launching.

If you have any design skills, post your work below and I will send you a private message if I like your work.

If your not interested, post your work anyways, it's always fun to see good designs. Thanks!
I've read it a couple times, and I've even done a word search on it, and I simply do not see where it says "professional". The first time that word is mentioned is in Transcend's post. What I see is "creative people" - which suggests to me that he is not looking for professionals, and is just looking for a creative individual who is willing to help out in the role of graphic designer.

Are you really so foolish as to believe that all graphic designers started out being paid a minimum of $30/hour? Or to think that all online magazines started out by paying everyone on their staff? What kind of operating budget do you think Litter works with?

Come on, guys. Leave this thread alone and go bitch elsewhere. Nobody is asking for pros. He's not saying, "post your resume & portfolio." Of course he's not getting a well-established pro to do his free work.

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
binary visions said:
Come on, guys. Leave this thread alone and go bitch elsewhere. Nobody is asking for pros. He's not saying, "post your resume & portfolio." Of course he's not getting a well-established pro to do his free work.
Yeh you're right mad scientist or buck toothed cartoon guy.:D

I'm taking half my post down. Didn't mean to post half my portfolio up there. Mi Dispiaché!

Yo, Peace Out!


Oct 17, 2002
Chunky Munkey said:
I'm taking half my post down. Didn't mean to post half my portfolio up there.
Do you write copy for your work? Cuz that "slow ball" copy on the BMW ad was 'tarded. Not trying to be mean, just don't like remotely negative concept in my materials.

Like I did an ad for Alamo Rent-A-Car with an NHL goalie in net. Headline was "Score a hat trick with Alamo". Since we had to get permission from said goalie, I told my boss that I can't imagine he'd approve that headline.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
LordOpie said:
Do you write copy for your work? Cuz that "slow ball" copy on the BMW ad was 'tarded. Not trying to be mean, just don't like remotely negative concept in my materials..

I dunno..... Depends on who your targeting the campaign at.
Many demographic's (In NZ at least) respond well to subtle self depreciating humor.

Ive used it to quite good effect in a series of Newspaper full page branding ads I did for The Professionals a large nationwide real estate concern....Quite surprised they let me do it to be honest real estate agents tend to have fragile egos, but it got great reponse from the punters. :)


Oct 17, 2002
DaveW said:
I dunno..... Depends on who your targeting the campaign at.
Many demographic's (In NZ at least) respond well to subtle self depreciating humor.

Ive used it to quite good effect in a series of Newspaper full page branding ads I did for The Professionals a large nationwide real estate concern....Quite surprised they let me do it to be honest real estate agents tend to have fragile egos, but it got great reponse from the punters. :)
depreciating humor is all a third world nation has.

;) :D

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
LordOpie said:
Do you write copy for your work? Cuz that "slow ball" copy on the BMW ad was 'tarded. Not trying to be mean, just don't like remotely negative concept in my materials.

Like I did an ad for Alamo Rent-A-Car with an NHL goalie in net. Headline was "Score a hat trick with Alamo". Since we had to get permission from said goalie, I told my boss that I can't imagine he'd approve that headline.
Well, your "Score a hat trick" isn't exactly in the same Ball Park, no pun intended as you will see in a second, but it's been heard umteen times before in comparison to my own creative, never been done before, "Fast Ball, Curve Ball, Slow Ball, Just Plain Having A Ball, The Great All American Past Time, BMW." Seeing that the ad was placed three weeks before "Opening Day" of the baseball season, thus the Baseball theme and Ball Park comment, and seeing the average person like you probably doesn't know that a SLOW ball is in baseball actually is called a knuckle ball, and the connotation of the word SLOW ball being used as to mean you can have fun in BMW going Slow, just as much as you can going Fast, and all falling in line with types of pitches thrown in Baseball, I think it not only is in line with, but is as about far oposite from retraded as one can get. It is right in line where it is suposed to be and in the realm of the epitome of what a good line is. In fact, it went over pretty big. BMW faxed my office back with the approval with huge hand written words across it saying, "NICE AD!!!" So "Slow Ball" fit in there just fine because "knuckle" ball would not fit nor make any sence. Although it may have some suggestion maybe as to the way YOU would drive a BMW. So no, there is no negativity in the ad considering it falls right into the suggestive meaning of the headline being that you can drive a BMW fast, slow or on a curve and you will still be just plain having a ball on your way to the Ball Park. And yes I do write copy. Along with the creative idea behind the ad, I did the production and the art direction. I do it all. As to the ad being retarded, considering BMW was originally only paying to run the ad once in full color half page, being the first plan, changing their mind because they loved the concept so much after they saw it, in addition to the response over the ad, to change their mind to pay to run it for an additionaly three weeks all the way up to opening day, it not only shows my success rate being in the industry for 15 years, but just how good a creative director, art director and copy writer I am. But thanks for your incite. I thought like that when I was starting out years ago too.

A word of advice, don't do cheap lines that have already been heard before. It's nothing new. Things like Score A Hat Trick or The Quickest Way Between Two Points Is A Straight Line, have been heard over and over. It shows a lack of creativity. It's when a writer can break that cliche or old time saying by changing it, that shows talent. The quickest way between two points is no LONGER a straight line, not only makes people want to know why, it makes them curious therefore they look more into the ad than the 1.8 seconds. They are drawn into my ad and therefore paying attention thus I have done my job right.

Steer On Down To Your Mid Tennessee Isuzu Dealer to Check Out The Rodeo For A Price That Won't Have You Hog Tied, is an example of taking the product, The RODEO Sport Utility Vehicle and using it's name to imply a product that won't cost you an arm and a leg all while using RODEO themes like calf roping, hog tying, and cattle, as in STEER and or Steer on down to your Tennessee dealer instead of Drive down there.

You see where I'm coming from? Don't be dragged into the typical graphic designer that doesn't stand out with mediocre lines. Create! Example. A mall that offers you a chance to get your picture taken with Santa Clause. Original line the creative guy came up with was "Why Should Kid's Have All The Fun." This is the reason why HE is no longer in the business and was basically an apprentice. But a more ''SUITABLE" line is one using the idea AND the what you are selling as in SANTA CLAUS and the SEASON. It only requires some intellect and creativity to not be swayed into boring non creative headlines. Thus the reason I wrote the line for the ad, "Better Not Bark, I'm Telling You Why!" This is a much more creative and intellectual headline. As it hasn't been done before and is not a typical saying. It uses the ad idea, to get a picture of your dog with Santa Claus, and the line goes with the season as it puts a twist on the Christmas Carol song lyric, "Santa Claus is coming to town," aka, "you better not pout I'm telling you why." Thus the BMW ad is right on.

Driving to the game can be as much fun as a day at the ball park. When it comes to driving machines BMW leaves the competition on the bench. When other cars leave you out in left field, BMW's reliability always brings you home. So when you're ready to move up to the majors, test drive a new BMW and drive one home. Note all the baseball theme references? THAT is how you write copy. And don't let hold you back telling you that lines about Scoring Hat Tricks are. I'd give you more schooling but it is a bike forum. You have a good one. :)