
Graviatet - Teaser


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009
<img src="http://content.bitsontherun.com/thumbs/dT6VrAps-120.jpg" width="120" height="67" align="left" border="0" hspace="4" vspace="4" />Gravitate will be a free-to-view online documentary film, made available to view on the Dirt/ Mpora platform, following downhill mountain bike riders competing in the Scottish Downhill Association (SDA) Series and Scottish Championships. Gravitate is filmed and edited by Stefan Morrocco (Morrocco Media) and will premiere at the Dundee Mountain Film Festival on the 26th of November ( http://www.dundeemountainfilm.org.uk/ ). This film will showcase the diversity, varying backgrounds and skill levels of those who meet once a month over the summer to race in the SDA series. The film is aimed at the “mountain and adventure film festival” market, to act as a promotional tool to encourage new people to try the sport and showcase the quality, growth and diversity of downhill mountain bike racing in Scotland.


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