
Gravity Pirates "official" dig day in SoCal

May 13, 2009
A little over a year ago, my buddy Steve decided it was time to rally up downhillers in order to improve our image and promote our sport. He formed a private group where like-minded riders and diggers could get together to meet and support his cause. In the last year he and his wife have worked non-stop to set up group rides, offer us alternatives to the very limited racing scene here, secured us our own private land for a DH trail system, and even coordinated with officials to open up another lift park.

We have since grown to over 200 members, and while change takes time, good things are starting to happen. We coordinated with a local builder (private land) and 35 guys put in some real work reopening an old trail and finishing a new one for an upcoming race. Thanks to ISO for sponsoring it, many other GP members for donating cash for tools and lunch.

Not here to promote our group, but instead suggest that if your love your sport (whatever it is), get out and get involved. Good people to meet and great times to be had by all.

This is a little video my friend Eric put together of our first 'official' dig day:

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Jun 25, 2008
Bratislava, Slovakia
Amazing work you have done:thumb: , the trail must be a pleasure to overspeed in some sections! I just wish there would be such a willing and involved people like you in my country.

wood booger

Jul 16, 2008
the land of cheap beer
Nice work! You guys need to get in touch w/ your brethren from the North.

Gravity Pirates

They have built some of the meanest DH courses I have ever seen in the deep woods, used to have a great underground race series on private Native American land (w/ permission and no regulation). Some fast guys up there!

Unite and rule the west coast!