
Green Day: Great Band or Do They Suck?

Green Day:

  • Amazing Band, Influential Music, Legacy Group

    Votes: 14 14.6%
  • Like them, but that's it

    Votes: 48 50.0%
  • Hate Them

    Votes: 34 35.4%

  • Total voters


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
JohnE said:
Dropkick Murphys rule! Green Day wouldnt last a minute in the Boston punk scene.
And country died with Chris Ledoux...
I do think Green Day benefited from good timing and location, similiar to Nirvana and Pearl Jam did from the Seattle Grunge scene.

The early 90's were an East Bay Punk revival.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Only a select few things in general "sell out" on purpose. Mostly it's just people that see something grow in popularity and make sell out comments about it....

Think about it...Band starts, plays small clubs for free beer, makes first CD, passes it out to friends, others find that there's something there that relates to them, people hop on groupie wagon cause the music make them feel something, band plays bigger shows, more CDs, more fans...et. al. ad naseum.....

Point is, all of a sudden you have a super group that some have liked since the beginning, some just jumped on the band wagon, and some hate with a passion because too many people like them....And somewhere along the line, the band's sound changes cause the members had life changing experiences or whatever.

Then *poof*....people start saying that the sound changed too much, that they sold out, that they aren't (blank) enough anymore, and why aren't they doing what they used to...."oh...my....god....that....is....soooo....weak...."

It's what happens to everything, don't like it (anymore), don't listen....the MP3 player can delete stuff....

Whether something is influential or not...well, only the band members that credit another band can actually tell you that for sure...I can say that Nirvana was influenced by The Pogues cause of this one bass line that Novaselich played once....doesn't mean anything....There's "artists" out there that claim to be influenced by the smell of a certain cheese...apparently Limberger is instrumental in the industrial-pyro-techie-electronica movement....

So, I propose to you this question:

Limberger: Awesome Influence or Just Stinky Cheese??


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
As long as a band is not Creed they may or may not suck, depending on your musical preference, which is alot like one's preference in food.

Creed however, they suck universally. It doesn't matter who you are or what you believe - Creed sucks.

Green Day isn't Creed, so they may or may not suck.

Why is this even being asked again?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I spent Christmas at my stepmothers mothers place. She's half blind and deaf and had CMT on at loud volumes all day. I would have paid to listen to Greenday.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
kinghami3 said:
One of the reasons I like the Dropkick Murpheys is that they seem to capture that beligerent intensity of Irish and Celtic music.
Flogging Molly, too. Of course there is only ONE Shane MacGowan!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
H8R said:
As long as a band is not Creed they may or may not suck, depending on your musical preference, which is alot like one's preference in food.

Creed however, they suck universally. It doesn't matter who you are or what you believe - Creed sucks.

Green Day isn't Creed, so they may or may not suck.

Why is this even being asked again?
Creed is teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
splat said:
For that Matter I think Nirvana is overhyped too.
Defienntly overhyped. They were totally influential, but really, nothing like the end-all grunge act everyone makes them out to be now a days. I'm pretty sure everyone would care a lot less if Cobain, or whomever, didn't take a shotgun to his head.

I think Rancid is pretty overhyped, too. Pretty much the only album I can get all the way through is And Out Come The Wolves, but that's just me. They are a good band, but sadly, all the kids who get into punk for the image end up embracing Rancid as though they're some sort of diety.

Operation Ivy is pretty over rated, too. Good band - but not the foundation of ska-punk. They were ahead of their time, and it's defiently amazing when you consider how old all the kids were, but that's just about it.

Salinger was an awesome writer, but he'd have had much less of an impact if he hadn't run away in his prime.

I really don't have much of a problem with Greenday's recent albums, though. Unless their next album sounds exactly the same as the radio tracks from this album, I'll consider them geniune.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I don't own any of their music but I'm happy for Green Day and their success. There are far worse things on the radio. I mean, at least they play real instruments and don't use the same goddam thumping electronica dance beat that everyone else plays endlessly. And although I think they are better at writing masturbation songs, at least they are trying to say something.


Jun 10, 2002
gnurider1080 said:
rancid is pretty good. their bassist is extremely talented. just listen to maxwell murder if you want to hear a sweet bass solo.
that album came out like 10yrs ago. last i've heard of their music, it sounds nothing like ...And Out Come the Wolves. in my opinion, the stuff they've been putting out has been rather weak.

as for Green Day...i dig. after Dookie i pretty much lost interest. nothing really struck a chord with me. i listened to American Idiot when MTV was previewing it and liked it. not as 'fun' to listen to as stuff like 1039 or Shenanigans, but it's good. i guess the subject matter has changed a little, as well.

i still hold OpIvy atop my punk ladder.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
Green Day whatever they got a funky beat and I can dance to it!! I cant stand the political ramrod though. Same with U2, at least from the beginning they were politically motivated but as of late (since Rattle and Hum) they just ram it down your throat. I think Bono just forgot about making good music and started writing his acceptance speach for the Noble Prize.

Whatever happened to FUGAZI now there is a punk band for ya.

I think Alice in Chains was more influential then Nirvana too.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
beestiboy said:
I think Alice in Chains was more influential then Nirvana too.
There might not be much difference 15 years later, but I think Nirvana carried the "integrity" flag better, and are considered more important today.

Put it this way, is there some fancy multi-cd box set of Alice in Chains?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
Green Day = SUCK!!

Dare I even post in a forum about green day.

Pantera was teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111

Dimebag was teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111 RIP DIME!!

Dime, Vinny, Rex and Phil is teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111


Slayer after 20 years is still teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111

One word. LOMBARDO!! :evil:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I liked the first three albums, but when they started doing high school prom songs, I quit listening.

When a band makes music for the sake of music, I give them credit. But when the music or the band changes for the sake of sales or air play, that is selling out no matter how you slice it.

If a band gets air play because they are a good band, that is different than changing your personal style to conform to broad public acceptence.

My $.02


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
bpatterson6 said:
Green Day = SUCK!!

Dare I even post in a forum about green day.

Pantera was teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111

Dimebag was teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111 RIP DIME!!

Dime, Vinny, Rex and Phil is teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111


Slayer after 20 years is still teh r0x0rz11!!!111110N3!1111

One word. LOMBARDO!! :evil:
Ok, now I have to weigh in here.

Green Day has not sold out. Selling out to me means changing fundamentally and pandering to your audience or some label exec to go after the $$. It means straying from some path to go after more money or power instead of staying true to your roots.

They play pop-punk. They always have, and they always will. It's that simple. I've known them since they were playing dives in front of 30 people, and I hung out with them after they played in front of 40,000 people. They are the same guys, playing the same damn melodic music. Totally cool, totally down to earth, and totally down for EVERY one of the people that listen to them and support them. About as un-rock star as they can be considering the pedestal that is shoved under them. They are exceedingly rich from playing the music they like to play. Anyone who hates them for that is a jealous shmuck.

I can say the same good things about all the members of Pantera, having toured with them as much as we did. In fact I would put them on the same level of integrity. Total bros. RIP Dime, I'll never know a nicer guitar player.

Slayer, well I met them but I can't say I know them. They didn't kill me, which I thought was nice of them. Lombardo owns all of you BTW.

Rock on.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
H8R said:
Ok, now I have to weigh in here.

Green Day has not sold out. Selling out to me means changing fundamentally and pandering to your audience or some label exec to go after the $$. It means straying from some path to go after more money or power instead of staying true to your roots.

They play pop-punk. They always have, and they always will. <snip>
Your telling me that "Time of your life" is "anything" punk? Pop-punk, I guess you could call most of the stuff they play that, but no self respecting band would write or play something like that turd unless it was for $$$.

Nothing against them as people, but you can't tell me they haven't altered the style of thier music for the sake of dollars. They even said in an interview that they had "changed lyrics to avoid a parental warning label so they can be carried in places like Wal-Mart." Please...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
Legacy or not (its a pretty big word), they will always have songs that stick and will reflect an era. In 10-15 years from now when theres a period piece set in the 90-00's, Green Day will be very recongnisable on the soundtrack.

I really wish people would stop using the term 'selling out'...it really is meaningless when all a band wants to do is play music, not start a political revolution (you know, how the term came to use). Bands dont owe their 'original' fans the same damn album year after year, and if not they've been taken over by the evil record companies. I find bands get accused of selling out once they hit their 30's, have families, and become successful enough to stop recording on that borrowed 8 track.

One thing i like alot about them is they have a musical progression. If you follow the albums there is no sudden musical jump (although Warning did seem like that at first). I dont want them to release another "Dookie" (uhh, pun intended only after the fact), just as i don't want to turn 16 again. Face it, anyone can bang out 4 chord progressions, but they were successfull because they are good SONGWRITERS. This is what alot of the more narrow flavoured bands dont understand: you can't coast on a concept, sound or the co-option of a lifestyle forever. There arent alot of bands that can stay relevant, progress but still keep their identity after 15 years; most just eventually find other day jobs.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
jimmydean said:
Your telling me that "Time of your life" is "anything" punk? Pop-punk, I guess you could call most of the stuff they play that, but no self respecting band would write or play something like that turd unless it was for $$$.

Nothing against them as people, but you can't tell me they haven't altered the style of thier music for the sake of dollars. They even said in an interview that they had "changed lyrics to avoid a parental warning label so they can be carried in places like Wal-Mart." Please...
thats funny, it's a very popular song to learn the accoustic to. I guess some things just arent 'hardcore' enough :rolleyes: :dead:

as for the Walmart thing, it's not really the bands fault and is very common in the industry. The problem is the band signs a contract to a label and the label signs a distrubution deal to a major retailer. The power isnt in the bands hands so if the particulars in contracts arent filled (ie. the content control that the retailer demands vs. the product the band is required to deliver), lawsuits can fly. So next thing you know, there are different versions to the same album (you might notice the radio usually plays light versions of releases).

But yeah i know music isnt supposed to be grounded in reality, the bosses are really pimpled-faced teens with fickle trend followings and a need to organise lists of 'cool' and 'uncool' things, rather than stockholders and people with bottom lines. I sure hope no ones 'sold-out' at their job here......


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
jimmydean said:
Your telling me that "Time of your life" is "anything" punk? Pop-punk, I guess you could call most of the stuff they play that, but no self respecting band would write or play something like that turd unless it was for $$$.
That song is lyrically like any one of their songs. Take out the drums and play acoustically and that's what you get.

Is it a punk song? Does anyone really know what the f8ck makes a punk song "punk"?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
H8R said:
Ok, now I have to weigh in here.

Green Day has not sold out. Selling out to me means changing fundamentally and pandering to your audience or some label exec to go after the $$. It means straying from some path to go after more money or power instead of staying true to your roots.

They play pop-punk. They always have, and they always will. It's that simple. I've known them since they were playing dives in front of 30 people, and I hung out with them after they played in front of 40,000 people. They are the same guys, playing the same damn melodic music. Totally cool, totally down to earth, and totally down for EVERY one of the people that listen to them and support them. About as un-rock star as they can be considering the pedestal that is shoved under them. They are exceedingly rich from playing the music they like to play. Anyone who hates them for that is a jealous shmuck.
Maybe I am faulting the wrong people. I don't have the members of Green Day. I am a saavy enough media watcher to know when I don't hear about your personal problems or who you are dating or the members of your family, big famous stars are doing something right.

On the other hand, I thought Guns & Roses were much more important, and those guys are douchebags!

I do fault the music industry which has annointed them. I was blindsided when Dookie came out. Maybe if I had seen them prior to that, I would have a softer spot for them.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
zedro said:
thats funny, it's a very popular song to learn the accoustic to. I guess some things just arent 'hardcore' enough :rolleyes: :dead:

as for the Walmart thing, it's not really the bands fault and is very common in the industry. The problem is the band signs a contract to a label and the label signs a distrubution deal to a major retailer. The power isnt in the bands hands so if the particulars in contracts arent filled (ie. the content control that the retailer demands vs. the product the band is required to deliver), lawsuits can fly. So next thing you know, there are different versions to the same album (you might notice the radio usually plays light versions of releases).

But yeah i know music isnt supposed to be grounded in reality, the bosses are really pimpled-faced teens with fickle trend followings and a need to organise lists of 'cool' and 'uncool' things, rather than stockholders and people with bottom lines. I sure hope no ones 'sold-out' at their job here......
I should point the behind-the-scenes of "In Utero". I believe Nirvana wanted to be no more successful that The Melvins, but when they signed on to Geffen, they made a very radio friendly album thanks to Butch Vig (who also started Garbage).

Kurt Cobain then chose Steve Albini to produce In Utero. Albini, who is a huge d**k by any standards, created a noise masterpiece. However, 3 of the songs were later remixed, and not suprisingly, they became the singles from the album, "Heart-Shaped Box", "All Apologies", and "Pennyroyal Tea".

It is a good question about music and fame. Green Day handles their fame well, and Kurt Cobain did not.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
kinghami3 said:
One of the reasons I like the Dropkick Murpheys is that they seem to capture that beligerent intensity of Irish and Celtic music.
I dig on the Celtic music, that music is inspirational. I've never been a big DM fan, but I do like listening to them, they make me want to get up and dance a jig or just go nuts.

Greenday is great. They've been around forever, put out some good and some bad, but plenty of good. I've got great memories of ripping down the freeway screaming the lyrics of "Dookie" out the window. They are fun. I'm no rebellious teen or punk wannabe, I just like fun music.

I have never been accused of having good taste in music. In fact most people think the music I like sucks. I have no problem with this, I dig it, that is enough.

The Ito


Jun 10, 2002
ito, if you can, you should check out a Flogging Molly show. their albums are awful, in my opinion, but their shows are badass. talk about getting inspired to go nuts....
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
Holy crap. . . flogging molly. That's the only time in my entire life that I've felt threatened by a person doing a jig. The pits are insane. I guess the albums are more of an aquired taste. After two shows, they sound a lot better. It's still hard to make it all the way through a record, though.

I hate it when people use the words "sell out" blindly. Case in point: Against Me! Bands mature. They've gone from Anarchist to pretty damned liberal. That doesn't make their back record void, and that shouldn't make the old fans feel alienated. They found a different look at the world and took it for what they thought it was. If you're listening to music just for politics, then you just don't get music.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
the Inbred said:
ito, if you can, you should check out a Flogging Molly show. their albums are awful, in my opinion, but their shows are badass. talk about getting inspired to go nuts....
Their accordion player has a nice motorbike



Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
sanjuro said:
Kurt Cobain then chose Steve Albini to produce In Utero. Albini, who is a huge d**k by any standards, created a noise masterpiece.
This thread keeps getting better and better.

Steve is one of the kindest and surely one of the most intelligent people I know.

Edit: So...why do you say he's a dick?


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
the Inbred said:
that album came out like 10yrs ago. last i've heard of their music, it sounds nothing like ...And Out Come the Wolves. in my opinion, the stuff they've been putting out has been rather weak.

as for Green Day...i dig. after Dookie i pretty much lost interest. nothing really struck a chord with me. i listened to American Idiot when MTV was previewing it and liked it. not as 'fun' to listen to as stuff like 1039 or Shenanigans, but it's good. i guess the subject matter has changed a little, as well.

i still hold OpIvy atop my punk ladder.

Op Ivy isn't punk.....Its ska. punk is such a gay term anyway.

You wanna hear the ultimate Matt freeman bass solos you need to listen to young Al Capone and Axiom. Pure gold


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
H8R said:
That song is lyrically like any one of their songs. Take out the drums and play acoustically and that's what you get.

Is it a punk song? Does anyone really know what the f8ck makes a punk song "punk"?
i thought it was going against the grain and doing what the hell you want. So really, that song is too punk for punk....

a good song is one you can strip down into an accoustic and make it work. Hell most songs start this way anyways. Exept Hardcore. Hardcore blows :blah:

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
The only reason anything is labelled "Pop-(anything)" is because it's POPULAR....whether you (et. al.) are included in that group or not is up to you (see my previous post...).....Yeah, punk got popular...so did Kelly Clarkson *shiver*....Me, I still like AC/DC (all the albums...), Apollo 440, and System of a Down....Not to mention Flogging Molly and Franz Ferdinand...and if I'm having a bad day, I'll listen to Ministry, Slipknot, or Mudvayne....

Obviously I'm using more well known artists, dare I say, more popular groups.....but that doesn't mean that all those bands have sold out...

Meh...The next up-and-coming pop genre is going to be Pop-Tarts...where Joan Jett comes back for a reunion tour with Bonnie Raitt.....

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I always have enjoyed Suicidal Tendencies...

You just can't get anymore hardcore than:

I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead
I watched her as she bled
Well she had-Chewed-off toes on her chopped-off feet
Say what?-I took a picture 'cause I thought it was neat
That's cold-But the thing I like seeing the best
What's that-Was the rodents using her hair as a nest
Damn-I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead
I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
Green day: Another band without a shred of musical talent strumming the same 3 chords to the whinny voice of a closet fag who cant sing, only to be made out to be gods by the tools of corporate radio who care more about selling you penis enhancing pills than providing you with quality music. Never got a dollar of mine, never will. Infact I think that band sucks so much you couldnt pay me to steal their music.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
The Amish said:
Green day: Another band without a shred of musical talent strumming the same 3 chords to the whinny voice of a closet fag who cant sing, only to be made out to be gods by the tools of corporate radio who care more about selling you penis enhancing pills than providing you with quality music. Never got a dollar of mine, never will. Infact I think that band sucks so much you couldnt pay me to steal their music.
You spelled cult wrong...:blah: