
Green Mtn group ride, or "caption this pic"


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

the pic is of Vno, taken during a group ride today led by Skookum. many monkies were in attendance:

the trailhead:

see the gallery for more.

as for how i did, i bonked. hard. riding on wed night, friday night, and then saturday will do that, especially right after two weeks of finals-period inactivity. oh well. :D


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
TreeSaw said:
Nice pics! You guys have no snow and sun :(
I sure hope the sun comes out in the next 45 minutes...otherwise my 10am ride in the snow is gonna be cold!!!!
Have fun...I"m stuck at work. :mumble:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Toshi said:
as for how i did, i bonked. hard. riding on wed night, friday night, and then saturday will do that, especially right after two weeks of finals-period inactivity. oh well. :D
Yah but you finished the ride in it's entirety, like a champ. :thumb:
a nice pair of rides we had with the night ride at Sawyer as well. i was definately feeling the harsh effects of fighting gravity riding my backup XC bike (40plus lb. Bullit) and the fatigue from our enjoyable night ride the night before.

Awesome pics Toshi, definately some unique memorable moments. :)

A story in the woods: Really i think this picture of the mushroom drawing is really cool. Somebody decided to draw nature on nature and it really exemplifies the experience of just getting out and having a great time in the outdoors. Something everyone here can appreciate.



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
The gracious Pacific Northwest Dandruff Eater Bird demonstrating it's veracious appetite as he feasts from Vno's enlarged skull. :evil: :monkey:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Oh yah! and we could see Mt. St. Helens in the distance from the vista, with a plume of smoke arising from her, but unfortunately Toshi didn't have the right lens to take a shot of it. :(
But trust me it was cool to look at! :)

I Are Baboon said:
Cool. :)

Where's Serial Midget?
He's got a complex lately since he's selling shoes, he thinks he's too cool to hang out with us now. :(


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Wow Toshi! Great pics :) The whole day was outstanding, I can't wait to do it again...though bummer about all those delicious chantrelles that escaped my pouch :( Just gonna have to go hunting for more today.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Wish i coulda joined ya...looked like alot of fun.. But ive been procrastinating on X-mass stuff so, today i get to go to the mall. Yesterday was spent finishing a video of my sons first year (its one of our presents to family).

Jr B. That place has tons of those shrooms! Guess the rakers havent found them and made them extinct yet (unlike like capital forest). Next time i make it to GM im bringing a knife and a baggie...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
What do you mean by rakers? How on earth do you make chantrelles disappear from whereever they want to grow?

We went looking yesterday locally, but based on the state of decay of the few we found, we were about a week late for the picking. If I get to go back in the next week or two, I'm also bringing a big cotton bag.

What's the knife for?


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Jr_Bullit said:
What do you mean by rakers? How on earth do you make chantrelles disappear from whereever they want to grow?

We went looking yesterday locally, but based on the state of decay of the few we found, we were about a week late for the picking. If I get to go back in the next week or two, I'm also bringing a big cotton bag.

What's the knife for?
You should always cut the stalk of the shroom and leave a little bit in the ground. If you just pick it from the ground, over time the patch wont regenerate. Some harvesters do this with a RAKE.....so very quickly the natural spores and bits of stalk are also taken away and sold at the local market for 10-15 bucks a pound..... I know Cap forest used to have huge patches of these mushrooms, but there really hard to find now out there.

It is getting late, but with such a mild year so far i wouldnt be supprised to find some good ones.

I once cut a bunch of shrooms with one of my keys for my truck, now in my backpack i carry a razor blade if i find some good ones......


Mar 17, 2002
Everett, Wa
Tully said:
Sounds like a fun day trip.
Pretty much, especialy if your doin the Skooki Loop.....Skooki Loops.......Loopi Skooks........ah anyway Skookum is the Master Trail Guide and that place rocks. The climbing burns and every thing that isn't going up just flat out rips.....roots, rocks, flowing (small) step downs and MOTO BERMS. :thumb: :thumb: Go there, Go there now, Go there often. :evil: Oh, heads up for hikers and horses and the little birds at the top are cool.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
here's a possible avatar for Vno once he checks in on this thread :D


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Good times! Green Mtn was one of the few non-snowed-in trails when I visited last year...skooks gave me the royal tour as well. Great little trail...wish I coulda been there for the ride.

Turns out a guy I work with here in SoCal met his wife on Green Mtn. Drinking, I think, not riding...



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Atomic Dog said:
Mmm...Skook Loops. Part of a balanced nutritional breakfast! :drool:
Ahaha! sweet i'll cut you in 2% of the profits, or just give you a cartoon of 2% milk, either one....... :dancing:

MikeD said:
Good times! Green Mtn was one of the few non-snowed-in trails when I visited last year...skooks gave me the royal tour as well. Great little trail...wish I coulda been there for the ride.
What's funny is that i haven't shown them the trail i showed you, but then again you didn't get to ride the 2 trails i showed them..... :dancing:
Riding all three would be an epic......